Samenvattingen: de beste jurisprudentie en arresten voor internationaal publiekrecht en volkenrecht samengevat

Internationaal publiekrecht en volkenrecht: De beste arresten en jurisprudentie samengevat


Check summaries and supporting content in teasers:
Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in respect of Kosovo - Arrest
Aegean Sea Continental Shelf - Arrest
Al-skeini and others v United Kingdom - Arrest
Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda)- Arrest
Arrest Warrant Case (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium) - Arrest
Application of the Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Serbia and Montenegro) - Arrest
Case concerning Oil Platforms - Arrest
Case concerning pulp mills on the river Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) - Arrest
Cosovo (Advisory Opinion) - Arrest
Corfu Channel (1949) - Arrest
Decembermoorden (Bouterse) - Arrest
Danikovic e.a./de Staat der Nederlanden - Arrest
East Timor (Portugal/Australia) - Arrest
Frontier Dispute - Arrest
Gerechtshof Amsterdam, N.V Koninklijke Paketvaartmij tegen de Repoeblik Maloekoe Selatan - Arrest
Handyside v. The UK - Arrest
Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany vs. Italy) - Arrest
Juristen voor vrede - Arrest
Legality of the Use or Threat of Nuclear Weapons (WHO case) - Arrest
Koninkrijk Marokko tegen X - Arrest
LaGrand (2001) - Arrest
Llanos Oil/Colombia - Arrest
Measures affecting Asbestos - Arrest
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua - Arrest
Mothers of Srebrenica tegen de Staat der Nederlanden - Arrest
Nuhanovic / Nederland - Arrest
Nuhanovic / Nederland (Conclusie AG Vlas) - Arrest
Oltmans tegen Republiek Suriname - Arrest
Öneryildiz vs. Turkije - Arrest
Oost-Timor/'Fretilin'/Nederland - Arrest
Qatar/Bahrain - Arrest
Questions relationg to the obligation to prosecute or extradite (belgium v Senegal) - Arrest
Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion - Arrest
Report on the admission of Palestine to the United Nations and GA Resolution 67/19 on the Status of Palestine - Arrest
Re Secession of Quebec - Arrest
Sanctieregeling Iran - Arrest
Shrimp and Shrimp products - Arrest
Spoorwegstaking - Arrest
Status of Palestine in the United Nations - Arrest
Stichting Urgenda tegen de Staat der Nederlanden en Kamerbrief - Arrest
Tehran Hostages (Verenigde Staten v. Iran) - Arrest
The Case of the S.S. 'Lotus' - Arrest
The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros project (Hungary vs. Slovakia) - Arrest
The Nature of States Parties Obligations - Arrest
The North Sea Continental shelf cases - Arrest
Vejdeland t. Zweden - Arrest
X tegen Europese Octrooi Organisatie - Arrest


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Arresten en jurisprudentie: uittreksels en studiehulp - Thema
Recht en bestuur - Thema
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Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor internationaal publiekrecht samengevat
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