Public administration and public policy

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What is public administration?

  • Public administration is the field concerned with how governments translate policies into action, manage resources, and deliver services. It involves running government agencies efficiently and ensuring they serve the public good.

What is public policy studies?

  • Public policy studies examines the process of creating and implementing government policies. It analyzes the factors that influence policy decisions, their impact on society, and how they are evaluated and reformed.



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What is public policy studies?

Public Policy Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the entire policy cycle, from the creation and analysis of policies to their implementation and evaluation.

What are the main features of public policy studies?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Public policy studies draws from various disciplines like political science, economics, sociology, law, and public administration to provide a comprehensive understanding of the policy process.
  • Focus on Problem-Solving: It equips students with analytical skills to identify social problems, design effective policies, and evaluate their impact.
  • Policy Cycle Focus: The field emphasizes each stage of the policy cycle, from agenda-setting and policy formulation to implementation and evaluation.

What are important sub-areas in public policy studies?

  • Policy Analysis: Analyzes policy alternatives, their potential consequences, and trade-offs.
  • Health Policy: Examines policy issues related to healthcare access, quality, and affordability.
  • Education Policy: Studies policies affecting education systems, from K-12 to higher education.
  • Environmental Policy: Explores policies
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What is administration?

Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholders.

What are the main features of administration?

  • Planning and Organization: Developing strategies, setting goals, and structuring activities for optimal performance.
  • Leadership and Motivation: Inspiring and guiding individuals and teams to achieve shared objectives.
  • Decision-Making: Analyzing information, weighing options, and making sound choices under pressure.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication with diverse stakeholders and fostering teamwork.
  • Resource Management: Utilizing resources like personnel, finances, and technology efficiently to achieve goals.

What are the most important sub-areas of administration?

  • Public Administration: Focuses on the management of government agencies and public service organizations.
  • Business Administration: Covers the management of businesses across various industries.
  • Healthcare Administration: Deals with the management of
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Rapportsamenvatting bij Algemeen en specifiek werkzame factoren in de jeugdzorg. Stand van de discussie van Van Yperen e.a. - 2010 - Exclusive


Dit rapport bespreekt de stand van zaken rond algemeen en specifiek werkzame factoren in de jeugdzorg. De auteurs, Van Yperen, Van der Steege, Addink & Boendermaker (2010), belichten de verschillende factoren die een rol spelen bij het succes van jeugdhulptrajecten.

Algemeen werkzame factoren

Deze factoren dragen bij aan effectief werken ongeacht de problemen van de cliënt of de methodiek die wordt toegepast. Enkele belangrijke algemeen werkzame factoren zijn:

  • Kwaliteit van de hulpverlenersrelatie: Een goede band tussen cliënt en hulpverlener is cruciaal voor het succes van de interventie.
  • Motivatie van de cliënt: De bereidheid van de cliënt om te veranderen
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Article summary with More than Data Collectors: A Systematic Review of the Environmental Outcomes of Youth Inquiry Approaches in the United States by Kennedy a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive


Kennedy et al. (2019) critique traditional youth engagement models in environmental issues, arguing they often limit young people to passive data collection roles. They propose "youth inquiry approaches" as an alternative, empowering youth to investigate environmental concerns and advocate for change.


The article employs a systematic review approach, analyzing 35 peer-reviewed studies published between 1990 and 2017 that investigated the environmental outcomes of youth inquiry approaches in the United States.


  • Limitations of traditional models: Traditional approaches often focus on data collection or education without empowering youth to
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Report summary with How to measure the scope, quality and outcomes of children's participation by Save the Children - 2014 - Exclusive


Save the Children's (2014) report highlights the importance of measuring children's participation but acknowledges the lack of established frameworks. It proposes a multi-dimensional approach to assess the scope, quality, and outcomes of children's involvement in decision-making processes.


The report employs a mixed-methods approach, combining:

  • Desktop review: Analyzing existing literature and frameworks on participation measurement.
  • Case studies: Examining diverse participation initiatives in different countries and contexts.
  • Expert consultations: Gathering insights from practitioners and researchers working on child participation.


  • Scope: Measuring the extent and types of participation
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Article summary with Children’s Participation from Tokenism to Citizenship by Hart - 1992 - Exclusive


Hart begins by highlighting the growing recognition of children's rights, particularly their right to participate in decisions affecting their lives. He emphasizes the inadequacy of tokenistic participation, where children are merely consulted or informed without genuine power or influence. This, he argues, undermines their agency and reinforces power imbalances between adults and children.

Critique of Tokenism

Hart dissects various forms of tokenism, including:

  • Pseudo-participation: Children are invited to participate in predetermined processes with limited impact on the outcome.
  • Adult-controlled participation: Adults control the agenda, framing, and interpretation of children's
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Article summary with Hip-hop citizens: Arts-based, culturally sustaining civic engagement pedagogy by Kuttner - 2016 - Exclusive


Kuttner (2016) challenges the narrow view of civic engagement and its limited effectiveness for marginalized youth. He proposes "youth cultural organizing," utilizing arts and hip-hop culture as assets to foster meaningful civic engagement through culturally sustaining pedagogy.


This article employs a case study approach, focusing on Project HIP-HOP, an organization utilizing hip-hop arts to engage youth in community organizing and civic action. Through ethnographic observation, interviews, and document analysis, Kuttner explores the program's design, implementation, and impact on participants' civic engagement.


  • Limited traditional models: Traditional citizenship education
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Article summary with New terrain in youth development: The promise of a social justice approach by Ginwright and Cammrota - 2002 - Exclusive


Ginwright and Cammarota (2002) critique traditional approaches to youth development, arguing they often fail to address the systemic issues impacting marginalized youth. They introduce a social justice approach that emphasizes critical consciousness, agency, and collective action as pathways to youth empowerment.


This article adopts a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and youth development literature. It does not present original empirical data but uses existing research and case studies to support its arguments and propose a new framework.

Key Arguments

Critique of

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Article summary with From Brazil with love: youth participation practice in Scotland by Sheridan - 2018 - Exclusive


Sheridan (2018) explores the potential of Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy for youth participation practices in Scotland. Drawing on experiences from a youth-led project inspired by Freirean principles, she argues for moving beyond tokenistic engagement and fostering transformative participation for young people.


  • This chapter employs a qualitative and reflective approach, combining analysis of existing literature on Freirean pedagogy and youth participation with insights from a case study of the "Youth and Co" project in Scotland.
  • The project involved young people co-designing and leading workshops on social justice issues, drawing inspiration from Freirean dialogue and critical reflection.
  • Sheridan reflects on her own
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Article summary with Youth participation: Adultism, human rights and professional youth work by Corney a.o. - 2022 - Exclusive


Corney et al. (2022) explore the concept of youth participation within the context of adultism, human rights, and professional youth work. They challenge traditional power dynamics that exclude young people from meaningful decision-making, arguing for approaches that respect their rights and agency.


The article primarily employs a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on existing literature and frameworks related to adultism, youth participation, and human rights. It does not present original empirical data but utilizes diverse sources to support its arguments and engage critical reflection.

Key Arguments

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    Article summary with Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination by Larsen & Stasio - 2019 - Exclusive

    Introduction Larsen and Stasio (2019) investigate hiring discrimination against Pakistani immigrants in the UK and Norway. They employ a harmonized correspondence test to compare discrimination levels across these two countries with contrasting labor market policies and immigration histories. Their ...


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    Spotlight: selection

    Selected spotlight content related to Public administration and public policy
    What is administration?

    Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholder...

    What is public policy studies?

    Public Policy Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the entire policy cycle, from the creation and analysis of policies to their implementation and evaluation. What are the main features of public policy studies?

    • Interdisciplinary Approach: Public policy studies draws fro...

    Spotlight: favorites

    Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Public administration and public policy
    Spotlight summaries related to Public administration and public policy
    Samenvatting Schrijven van beleidsnotities (Berkenbosch)

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    • Hoofdstuk 2: De centrale vraag in de inleiding
    • Hoofdstuk 3: Eisen aan tekstschema’s

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