Backpacking and travel abroad


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Pick your destination  - Check your travel documents - Insure your activities - Pack your stuff - Fair backpacking - Sustainable travel

What is backpacking, travel or a vacation?

  • Travel means your movement from one location to another location. This movement can be made for different reasons.
  • A journey means traveling from one place to another, especially when involving a considerable distance
  • A long trip abroad means a trip starting at about three months, with some travelers traveling for six months, a year or even several years.
  • A travel around the world trip is a journey with multiple destinations on multiple continents. You travel alone, or with your travel partners, from country to country and continent to continent. A classic world trip calls at every continent or passes through at least every meridian.
  • Backpacking generally means traveling low-cost, independent, using local transport and preferably immersing yourself in the local culture and carrying your necessary possessions in a backpac, or al least not in a suitcase.
  • A vacation is a trip where an individual or a group spends a leisure stay elsewhere for a limited period of time

What are the pages involved regarding travel and backpacking?

What countries, regions and cities are related to travel and backpacking?

What are the main activities related to travel and backpacking?

What are the main organizations and sectors related to a travel and backpacking?

What are main study fields related to travel and backpacking?

    What internships are related to travel and backpacking?

    • See for internships and getting word experience abroad the main page about Internships and work experience
    • Check below for blogs, organizations, experiences and tips

    What volunteering jobs are related to travel and backpacking?

    • See for volunteering, project support and volunteer projects the main page about  Volunteering and projects
    • Check below for blogs, contributions and tips

    Which work abroad is related to travel and backpacking?

    • Check for jobs abroad, summer jobs or work and travel the main page about jobs, travel and work abroad
    • Check this page for blogs, contributions and tips

    Which competences and values are related to travel and backpacking?

    Which Worldsupporter goals related to travel and backpacking?

    What are the main topics in Dutch?


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    Backpacking and travel abroad: questions and answers about destinations and objectives

    Backpacking and travel abroad: questions and answers about destinations and objectives

    Main questions and answers about destinations and objectives

    What is travel?
    What is the world?
    What is a travel around the world trip, and what are the best routes?
    Top 100: what are the best travel destinations in the world, the best trips and best travel times?
    What are the best places to visit in the World?
    What is tourism?
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    Banaue Rice Terraces

    Let a local guide show you the rice terraces that are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". A van will take you to several viewpoints enabling you to enjoy the green and stunning landscapes. You will be informed about the Ifugao culture that revolves around rice. Get...

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    What is tourism?

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    • The act: Traveling for leisure, relaxation, or business to a place outside your usual environment. This includes activities you do at the destination.
    • The industry: The businesses and services that cater to tourists, like hotels, airlines, tou...

    What is ecotourism?

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    What is sustainable tourism?

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