Online Volunteering opportunities around the globe
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reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...
De Vlaamse organisatie Bos+ zet die zich specifiek in voor bosbehoud, beter bos en meer bos in Vlaanderen en de wereld. Naast een sterke aanwezigheid in het Vlaamse, heeft deze organisatie via internationale partnerschappen al hele mooie projecten opgezet in Tanzania, Ethiopie, Oeganda, Ecuador, Per...
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reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...
De Vlaamse organisatie Bos+ zet die zich specifiek in voor bosbehoud, beter bos en meer bos in Vlaanderen en de wereld. Naast een sterke aanwezigheid in het Vlaamse, heeft deze organisatie via internationale partnerschappen al hele mooie projecten opgezet in Tanzania, Ethiopie, Oeganda, Ecuador, Per...
Travel, living and working in Curaçao Do an internship, do voluntary work, have a holiday or make up your career in Curaçao
Travel, living and working in Guatemala Guatemala, land of Maya people, mysterious traditions and amazing landscapes. Tikal, the Mayan center, in the jungle full of howler monkeys, together with the very colorful Guatemalan population, is the main attraction. Antigua is the place where many Spanish ...
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