Pedagogy and educational science


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    What is pedagogy?

    • Pedagogy is the study of upbringing, the study is also called parenting.
    • Definition: pedagogy aims to describe, understand and explain how adults raise their own and other children and young people.
    • Origin: Pedagogy is derived from the Greek word paidagoogia, which literally means 'children's guidance'.
    • Subfields: family pedagogy, educational science, orthopedagogy
    • Interdisciplinary relationships: pedagogy is a study that makes extensive use of psychological insights and is closely linked to the study of psychology
    • Practice: the study studies teaching methods, upbringing, development phases, and also the relationship between the child and its environment: family members, school, friends, the built environment, media, etc. The emphasis is mainly on action. Pedagogy refers to the practice of raising children. The upbringing of children who are difficult to raise is also examined.

    What is pedagogical sciences?

    • Pedagogical sciences act as an umbrella term encompassing various disciplines that explore the complexities of education. It goes beyond simply teaching methods, emphasizing the scientific study of how knowledge and skills are effectively imparted and acquired in an educational context.

      What is education?

      • Education, as a field of study, delves into the theories, practices, and policies that shape effective teaching and learning. It encompasses a broad range of disciplines, aiming to understand how knowledge is acquired, disseminated, and used to empower individuals and societies.

      What is educational sciences?

      • Educational sciences, also sometimes referred to as education studies, is a broad field of study that delves into the theories, practices, and policies that shape effective teaching and learning. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects

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      What is the study field and working area of educational sciences?
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      Summaries: The best scientific articles summarized for education and pedagogic science
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      Let's Care is an advocacy organization for underprivileged and/or abused children in the Philippines. They have several ongoing projects dealing with education and health care, among others, and have several volunteer and internship opportunities.  


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      Pedagogiek UL Leiden: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

      Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Pedagogiek in Leiden in 2024/2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

      • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
        • In semester 1: Inleiding in de pedagogiek + Argumentatie: kritisch denken en logisch redeneren + Inleiding in de psychologie ...


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      Pedagogiek UL Leiden: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

      Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Pedagogiek in Leiden in 2024/2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

      • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
        • In semester 1: Inleiding in de pedagogiek + Argumentatie: kritisch denken en logisch redeneren + Inleiding in de psychologie ...


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