Art & Cultural sciences: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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Selected content related to Art & Cultural sciences
What is art?

Art delves beyond mere aesthetics. It's a dynamic academic discipline exploring human creativity across various mediums and throughout history. What are the main features of art?

  • Creative Process: The study of art examines how artists develop ideas, utilize materials, and bring their v...

What are cultural sciences?

Unlike "cultural studies" which often has a more critical and political focus, cultural sciences take a more scientific and interdisciplinary approach. It draws upon various disciplines to investigate the underlying processes, structures, and evolution of cultural systems. What are the main features...


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Art & Cultural sciences
Kahimanawari - A solo exhibition by Marco Ruben T. Malto II

"Art is not always about pretty things. It's about who we are, what happened to us and how our lives are affected",va quote that essencially gives he true meaning of art according to Elizabeth Broun. Just as the "Kahimanawari"  that depicts a Filipino norm "Bahala na" (Bathala na) or ...


LOT Winter School 2020 The LOT Winter School 2020 is organised by LOT (Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap) in collaboration with Tilburg University. The school will take place from 13 to 24 January 2020. The programme contains 18 courses on a wide variety of relevant topics in linguistics, ta...

Spotlight summaries related to Art & Cultural sciences
What is art?

Art delves beyond mere aesthetics. It's a dynamic academic discipline exploring human creativity across various mediums and throughout history. What are the main features of art?

  • Creative Process: The study of art examines how artists develop ideas, utilize materials, and bring their v...

What are cultural sciences?

Unlike "cultural studies" which often has a more critical and political focus, cultural sciences take a more scientific and interdisciplinary approach. It draws upon various disciplines to investigate the underlying processes, structures, and evolution of cultural systems. What are the main features...

The role of music in adolescent development - Miranda - Artikel

Inleiding Muziek kan veel verschillende effecten hebben op mensen in verschillende levensfasen. Vooral jonge mensen besteden veel tijd en geld aan muziek. In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe groot de impact van muziek is op de ontwikkeling van adolescenten. Invloed van muziek Muziek schijnt een sign...

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