Neurology and Brains: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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Selected content related to Neurology and Brains
Neurology and brains: The best textbooks summarized

Neurology and brains: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Neurology and Brains

  • For 5+ booksummaries for Neurology and brains, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Brain and behavior by Kalat and Cacioppo a.o.
  • ...

What is neurology?

Neurology is a branch of medicine dedicated to the nervous system, encompassing its structure, function, and disorders. It delves into the intricate workings of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, aiming to understand, diagnose, and treat neurological conditions. What are the main feature...

What is brains?

Brains is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the comprehensive exploration of the brain. It integrates various disciplines like neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and philosophy to understand the brain's structure, function, development, and impact on behavior. What are the main featur...


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Neurology and Brains
Neurologie - Geneeskunde - Bundel

Bevat collegeaantekeningen, oefenmateriaal e.d. bij het blokken van verschillende universiteiten van de afgelopen studiejaren. Gebaseerd op vergelijkbare onderwerpen

Spotlight summaries related to Neurology and Brains
Casusvragen Neurologie

Set van 65 casusvragen voor het thema Neurologie onder andere bruikbaar als voorbereiding op de Universitaire Voortgangs Toetsen

  • Vraag 1
  • Vraag 2
  • Vraag 3
  • Vraag 4
  • Vraag 5
  • Vraag 6
  • Vraag 7
  • Vraag 8
  • Vraag 9
  • Vra...

What is brains?

Brains is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the comprehensive exploration of the brain. It integrates various disciplines like neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and philosophy to understand the brain's structure, function, development, and impact on behavior. What are the main featur...

Samenvatting Neuroscience (Purves)

Samenvatting bij Neuroscience van Purves geschreven in 2014. Dit boek zou je kunnen zien als de verdiepende versie van Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience

  • 1. Bestuderen van het zenuwstelsel
  • 2. Zenuwcellen en elektrische signalen
  • 3. Voltage-afhankelijke membraanperme...

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