Travel to Asia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Asia: table of content



Backpacking in Asia?

  • Asia is the ultimate continent for backpackers and the birthplace of backpacking.
  • Features: the highest mountains, the most beautiful islands, the greatest cultural differences, the most varied cuisine, many traveling nationalities, many safe and inexpensive destinations.

Travel in Asia?

  • A trip through Asia is a journey where you can alternate ancient cultures with paradise like beaches, and combine busy metropolises with tropical jungles.
  • Cities and island spotting: Bombay (Mumbai), Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo.
  • Animal spotting: Gibbons, Coral Fish, Elephants, Orang Utans, Tigers, Yaks.
  • Nature Spotting: Himalayas, jungles of southeast Asia, underwater world of Indian Ocean, sawas.

Studying in Asia?

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found.
  • Study cities: Jakarta, Shanghai, Singapore.
  • Characteristics: education varies in quality from country to country and location to location.

Internships in Asia?

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors of society. The tourism sector has the most supply.
  • Internship cities and islands: Bangkok, Jakarta, HongKong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
  • Characteristics: The work culture in many Asian countries consists of fairly long and fairly hard work.

Volunteer work in Asia?

  • Volunteer projects: especially in the social sectors, wildlife management and animal care.
  • Animal projects: protection of monkeys, elephants, birds, sea turtles and the tropical jungles.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Asia?

  • Jobs: temporary work can be found mainly in the sectors: hospitality, education and tourism.
  • Characteristics: the work culture can vary considerably per country and location.

Working as a digital nomad in Asia?

  • Favorite cities and islands: Bali, Philippines, Katmandu, Kuala Lumpur and the Thai islands.
  • Characteristics: great places where the good life often combines well with the working life.

Living in Asia?

  • Language: English is not spoken everywhere, increasingly in the remoter places.
  • However, in the many areas some knowledge of the local language is necessary.
  • Characteristics: The people in many Asian countries are friendly and at the same time not always easy to understand.
  • The influences of Hinduism or Buddhism are evident in locations. 

Supporting content

Asia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Asia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Content about Asia on WorldSupporter

What is the best time to go to Asia, and what is the worst time?
What are typical Asian habits, food customs and Asian philosophies?
Asia: Updates & Travel
Travel, living and working in Asia - Theme
Supporting content:
Asia: emigration, moving and living abroad per country
Asia: typical Asian habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies from Asia


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When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  

  • Chinees nieuw jaar
  • Wat is de Chinese dierenriem?
  • Chinees nieuw jaar en het jaar van de Houten Slang
  • Chinees Nieuwjaar en het jaar van het Vuur paard
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Chinese New Year

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  • Chinese new year and the year of the Wooden Serpent?
  • Chinese new year and the year of the Fire Horse?
  • Chinese New Year and the year of the Fire Goat?
  • Chinese new year and the ...


Dal Bhat met groenten. Verhit wat olie in de pan en fruit hierin de ui tot het zacht is. Voeg dan de knoflook toe en laat even stoven. Laat dan de gember een minuutje meebakken. Schep de linzen en kurkuma door het mengsel. Giet wat water over de linzen tot ze onder water staan. Dek af en breng aan d...


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Recipes from Asia or with an Asian twist by WorldSupporters - Bundle
Activities abroad: home bundle


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Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!


          January 23, 2019, Julius Babao and his team for Mission Impossible visits Sining kamalig to have an interview with one of our artists and with our very own Ms. Lucylle. The interview focus on what is the artist life before and after she was introduced to arts ...


1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


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Smokey Tours in Manila

Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness.  All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leade...


WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms and was founded in 1971. WWOOF aims to promote, protect and support alternative ways of living. Through this it strives to enable exchanges in organic farming to give an idea of how we can live sustainably. Host farms and projects of connect...


SIW is een Nederlandse vrijwilligersorganisatie die Nederlandse vrijwilligers naar projecten over heel de wereld zendt, en buitenlandse vrijwilligers op diverse projecten in Nederland ontvangt. Heb je een tussenjaar, wil je eens iets anders of wil je misschien ervaring opdoen en wil je voor korte of...

Vrijwillig Wereldwijd

Vrijwillig Wereldwijd is een kleinschalige organisatie die de mooiste lokale projecten in meer dan 10 landen ondersteunt op de continenten: Afrika, Zuid-Amerika, Azië en Europa. Ze zijn er van overtuigd dat vrijwilligerswerk en stags in het buitenland kunnen leiden tot een geweldige win-wi...


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle




Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!

philippines flag

Moving and living in Philippines for work, internships, volunteering, study, travel or backpacking The Philippines consists of 7,107 islands, of which only a part is inhabited. You will find many Bounty beaches and an amazing underwater world where you can snorkel with whale sharks, for example. Vis...


1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Volunteering Vietnam

For 8 weeks I was a volunteer in Can Tho, Vietnam and visited 6 different projects. I teached English to mostly children of age 4-5, 5-7 or 11-14. Futhermore, I also visited an orphanage twice a week to entertain children with several toys we brought. Another project included teaching English to Vie...

  • Chinees nieuw jaar
  • Wat is de Chinese dierenriem?
  • Chinees nieuw jaar en het jaar van de Houten Slang
  • Chinees Nieuwjaar en het jaar van het Vuur paard
  • Chinees Nieuwjaar en het jaar van de Vuur geit
  • Chinees nieuw jaar en het jaar van de Houten Draa...
Supporting Content:
Recipes from Asia or with an Asian twist by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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