Studievereniging Psychologie: VIP: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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  • VIP is one of the partners of JoHo. Together with JoHo
  • VIP aims to provide the best possible summaries in the most accessible and affordable way for Psychology students in Groningen.
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Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor and Masters RUG - Summaries and study services
Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UG Groningen - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UG Groningen - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info for blocks 1A - 2B

Study material and exam info


Introduction to Psychology

  • Study material: Psychological science by Gazzaniga, 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of two multiple choice exams, two online open questions and weekly online exercises on SlimStampen
  • Exam dates: 3 October 2023 (partial exam) + 6 November 2023 (partial exam) + 25 January 2024 (resit)

Statistics 1A

  • Study material:
    • Mandatory: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe & Craig, 10th edition
    • Recommended: SPSS for psychologists by Harrison et al., 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam and an assignment
  • Exam dates: 3 November 2023 + 2 February 2024 (resit)

A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods

  • Study material: Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information by Morling, 4th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on the multiple choice exam
  • Exam dates: 30 October 2023 + 31 January 2024 (resit)


History of Psychology

  • Study material: Pioneers of Pyschology by Fancher & Rutherford, 5th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on a digital exam consisting of open and multiple choice questions
  • Exam dates: 7 December 2023 (partial exam) + 18 January 2024 (partial exam) + 9 April 2024 (resit)

Statistics IB

  • Study material:
    • Mandatory: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe & Craig, 10th edition
    • Recommended: SPSS for psychologists by Harrison et al., 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a digital multiple choice exam and a practical exam
  • Exam dates: 15 January + 8 April (resit)


Dialogue and group skills

  • Study material: Intentional interviewing and interviewing for solutions by Ivey a.o., 2nd edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on active participation and assignments

Developmental psychology

  • Study material: Life-Span Human Development by Sigelman & Rider, 10th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on a multiple choice exam
  • Exam dates: 27 March + 20 June (resit)

Social and cross-cultural psychology

  • Study material: Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan, 9th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on a multiple choice exam
  • Exam dates: 4 April + 25 June (resit)



  • Study material: Biological Psychology more
Vakwijzer bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 RUG Groningen: 2023-2024

Vakwijzer bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 RUG Groningen: 2023-2024

Overzicht verplichte studiestof en tentameninfo Blok 1A t/m 2B


Overzicht van de Psychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Psychological science van Gazzaniga, 7e druk
  • Over het tentamen: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van twee multiple choice deeltoetsen, twee online open vragen en wekelijkse online oefeningen via SlimStampen
  • Tentamendata: 3 oktober 2023 (deeltoets) + 6 november 2023 (deeltoets) + 25 januari 2024 (hertentamen)

Statistiek 1A

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe & Craig, 10e druk
  • Aanbevolen stof (niet verplicht): SPSS for psychologists van Kemp et al., 7e druk
  • Over het tentamen: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van het multiple choice tentamen en opdrachten
  • Tentamendata: 3 november 2023 + 2 februari 2024 (hertentamen)

Theoretische Introductie in Onderzoeksmethoden

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information van Morling, 4e druk
  • Over het tentamen: Het eindcijfer wordt gebaseerd op het multiple choice tentamen
  • Tentamendata: 30 oktober 2023 + 31 januari 2024 (hertentamen)


Geschiedenis van de Psychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Pioneers of Psychology van Fancher & Rutherford, 5e druk
  • Over het tentamen: het tentamen zal bestaan uit 50 meerkeuzevragen en enkele open vragen
  • Tentamendata: 18 januari + 4 april (hertentamen)

Statistiek 1B

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore e.a., 10e druk
  • Aanbevolen stof (niet verplicht): SPSS for psychologists van Harrison et al., 7e druk
  • Over het tentamen: practica en een digitaal multiple choice tentamen
  • Tentamendata: 15 januari + 8 april (hertentamen)


Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Psychologische gespreksvoering. Een basis voor hulpverlening van Lang & Van der Molen, 18e druk
  • Tentameninfo: Vaardigheden worden getoetst aan de hand van opdrachten en  een verslag


  • Voorgeschreven stof: Experience Human Development van Papalia & Martorell, 14e druk
  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer wordt bepaald aan de hand van een meerkeuze tentamen
  • Tentamendata: 27 maart + 20 juni (herkansing)

Sociale en cross-culturele psychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Social Psychology van Hogg & Vaughn, 9e druk
  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer wordt bepaald aan de hand van een meerkeuze tentamen
  • Tentamendata: 5 april + 25 juni (herkansing)



  • Voorgeschreven stof: Biological Psychology van Kalat, 14e druk
  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer wordt bepaald aan de hand van twee deeltoetsen
  • Tentamendata: 8 mei (deeltoets 1) + 12 juni (deeltoets 2) + 3 juli (herkansing)

Persoonlijkheid en individuele verschillen

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Personality Psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature van Larsen e.a., 3e druk more
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Why should you take out specialized travel insurance for a long trip abroad?

Why should you take out specialized travel insurance for a long trip abroad?

  • Regular travel or health insurances often only cover trips for a maximum number of days (for example 60, 90 or 180 days). This limits your flexibility!
  • Your health insurance from back home may not offer any coverage abroad or only in specific hospitals.
  • During a long trip you might undertake special activities like paid work or volunteering. Regular travel insurances usually don’t cover these kind of activities. The same goes for adventurous sports like skydiving, scuba diving and bungee jumping.

Volunteer or intern abroad insurances

  • Working as a volunteer or intern offers a great learning experience. Meet new people and make a difference! You will develop your knowledge and skills, as well as that of others. You will gain international skills, contribute to a better world and gain useful experience for on your resume.
  • However, just like at home there is always a chance that something goes wrong during your time abroad. Such as sickness, accidents, stolen luggage and of course things that can go wrong back home that you may ned to return for. 
  • If you have the right travel insurance it will help you financially and offer help when you need it.  On this page you can read about how you can make sure you’re properly insured before, during and after your work as a volunteer.

Why insure specifically as a volunteer or intern abroad?

  • Volunteer projects, foundations , NGOs & local companies typically don’t have suitable insurance. Even if they do, it might only be valid during your time at work and not during your daytrips.
  • Regular travel insurances often don’t cover volunteering abroad or your work as an intern
  • Volunteerwork & internships often involves doing work for which you are not trained or have little experience doing. This might result in a higher chance for accidents.

Why insure medical expenses abroad with an emigration or expat insurance?

  • Being well insured while living or working abroad is important. Sometimes the new country of residence has a good national health care system, but this is certainly not always the case. As an alternative to the national health insurance, an international (expat) insurance is a frequently used replacement, with a number of advantages: international coverage, reimbursements and conditions, often according to high standards, worldwide coverage and flexibility. A number of good and affordable options are listed below.

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