Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions

The key personal emotions and values that play a role as an indicator to change your life

or act as a signal that you are on the right track

    Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

    Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

    WorldSupporter theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

    Gain and improve academic skills - Theme
    Skills: home page
    Discussions and Debates - Theme
    Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
    Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
    Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
    Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
    The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
    Happiness: contributions of WorldSupporters about a happy and meaningful life
    The Positivity Bundle: content and contributions about optimism ..and a half full glass
    The Stress Bundle: summaries, suggestions and tips on stress and stress reduction
    Skills: suggestions, summaries and tips of Worldsupporters on values and skills improvement
    Gain and improve academic skills - Theme


    Vaardigheden: samenvattingen, suggesties en tips van WorldSupporters


    Academische Vaardigheden: schrijfvaardigheden - Bundel
    Samenvatting bij Communication skills for medicine - Lloyd & Bor - 3e druk
    Via welke online platforms kun je je skills en kennis verder uitbreiden?
    Crossroads: this content is used in bundle
    Crossroads: activities, countries, competences, study fields and goals
    Crossroads: related content in the field of
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