Be and feel connected


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Be and feel connected


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Chinese Moon Cake Festival
  • What are typical Asian remarkable holidays and holiday habits?
  • When is the Chinese Mooncake festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival? 
  • What is celebrated on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • What to eat on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • How to prepare for ...

I read an article in my regional newspaper about young adults who consciously choose to take a gap year. “The coolest thing I have ever done”, “I really stepped out of my comfort zone”, “Good to do something where you get to know yourself better.” A gap year has a...


Iedereen die wat gereisd heeft, zeker buiten Europa, weet: de zorg en sociale voorzieningen in Nederland zijn niet slecht. Verre van zelfs. Maar: er is wel al langere tijd sprake van verschraling. En lang niet alle subgroepen worden goed 'bediend'. Ik lees een bericht in mijn dagblad over het vercom...


Who are the happiest people in the world? When I was living in the Philippines, to me the filipinos were the happiest. And I have traveled a lot. The filipinos themselves, also said to me, multiple times, different people, they were the happiest. Time for me to dive more into the topic Happiness.&nb...


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Chinese Moon Cake Festival
  • What are typical Asian remarkable holidays and holiday habits?
  • When is the Chinese Mooncake festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival? 
  • What is celebrated on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • What to eat on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • How to prepare for ...
Favorite stories and suggestions related to Be and feel connected
Chinese Moon Cake Festival
  • What are typical Asian remarkable holidays and holiday habits?
  • When is the Chinese Mooncake festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival? 
  • What is celebrated on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • What to eat on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • How to prepare for ...

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