Microeconomics: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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Selected content related to Microeconomics
What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics delves into the decision-making of individual actors within an economy, focusing on how consumers, firms, and markets interact. It analyzes how these microeconomic units allocate scarce resources and ultimately influence the behavior of the broader economy. Here's a closer look at thi...


Spotlight summaries related to Microeconomics
Summary Principles of Microeconomics (intermediate)

Summary Principles of Microeconomics written in 2013-2014.

  • Chapter A: Principles of Economists
  • Chapter B: Learn about markets, specialisation and economic efficiency
  • Chapter C: Supply, demand and elasticity of markets
  • Chapter D: The Demand side of the market...

Summary Principles Microeconomics (Final)

Second part of the Summary Principles of Microeconomics written in 2013-2014.

  • Chapter H: Imperfect competition and market power and its consequences
  • Chapter I: thinking strategically (1): Interdependence, decision making and the theory of games
  • Chapter J: Thinking st...

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