Psychology Bachelor - Developmental Specialization

What can I find on this page?
On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into so-called bundles, which contain all the separate literature (book chapters & articles) to make for an easy overview. As all the study materials have been created by an actual student (me!) who has followed the same courses you are following right now, you know the material is up-to-date and focused on you, as a student.

The following courses are included:

  • Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology
  • Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology
  • Childhood: Developmental Psychology
  • Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues
  • Clinical Developmental & Health Psychology
  • Evidence-based Research Practice
  • Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, and Practice
  • Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology

Why should I use this page?
You should use this page because it contains quality summaries for all the courses of the developmental specialization of the Bachelor's Progamme. I have used the summaries to study for my own exams and have passed all exams with at least an 8 (GPA 8.44). Therefore, you know the quality is good! Besides that, you can ask any question you might have about the study materials and I will try to answer them as soon as possible! Last, but certainly not least, the summaries are student-priced; only 5 euros to gain access for a whole year!

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If you have any remaining questions after reading this (or want to comment on something), you are also always welcome to send me an e-mail. This can also be about study-related matters, providing you are a JoHo member. My e-mail is

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If you have any questions on how to access the summaries, you can check the FAQ: or you can contact JoHo:!

Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Evidence-based Clinical Practice

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Clinical Developmental & Health Psychology

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, and Practice

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.

Childhood: Developmental Psychology & Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology

Here you can find all the study materials needed for this course. In the 'lecture summary', you will find that the articles are integrated with the lecture materials.


Check summaries and supporting content in teasers:
Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the information needed for the for the course "Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains lecture information, information from the relevant books and all the articles. The following is included:

  • “Eagly & Wood (2013). The nature-nurture debates: 25 years of challenges in understanding the psychology of gender.” – Article summary 
  • “Hyde & Delamater (2017). Gender roles and stereotypes.” – Article summary 
  • “Petersen & Hyde (2010). A meta-analytic review of
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Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Interim exam 1 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Interim exam 1 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the information needed for the first interim exam for the course "Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains lecture information, information from the relevant books and all the articles. The following is included:

  • “Eagly & Wood (2013). The nature-nurture debates: 25 years of challenges in understanding the psychology of gender.” – Article summary 
  • “Hyde & Delamater (2017). Gender roles and stereotypes
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Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Interim exam 2 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Interim exam 2 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the information needed for the second interim exam for the course "Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains lecture information, information from the relevant books and all the articles. The following is included:

  • “Brewin et al. (2009). Reformulating PTSD for DSM-V: Life after criterion A.” – Article summary
  • “Cacioppo et al. (2015). Loneliness: Clinical import and interventions.” – Article summary 
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Evidence-based Clinical Practice – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Evidence-based Clinical Practice – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle gives a full overview of the course "Evidence-based Clinical Practice" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains both the articles and the lectures. The following is included:

  • “Dennis et al. (2009). Why IQ is not a covariate in cognitive studies of neurodevelopmental disorders.” – Article summary
  • “Kazdin (2008). New opportunities to bridge clinical research and practice, enhance the knowledge base, and improve patient care.” - Article summary
  • “Kraemer et al. (2003). Measures of clinical significance.” - Article summary
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Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents by Weisz and Kazdin (third edition) – Book summary

Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents by Weisz and Kazdin (third edition) – Book summary

This bundle contains a book summary of the book Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents by Weisz and Kazdin (third edition). It contains the following chapters:

- 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 29

Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)
Clinical Developmental & Health Psychology – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Clinical Developmental & Health Psychology – Full course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the information needed for the for the course "Clinical Developmental & Health Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains lecture information, information from the relevant books and all the articles. The following is included:

  • “Del Giudice (2016). The evolutionary future of psychopathology.” – Article summary 
  • “Geeraerts et al. (2018). Individual differences in visual attention and self-regulation: A multimethod longitudinal study from infancy to toddlerhood.” – Article summary 
  • “Hunnius (
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Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the articles needed for the course "Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following articles:

  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 1 
  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 2 
  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 3 
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Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology - Example Essay

Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology - Example Essay

Which treatments are effective for ADHD?

Elementary school teachers in the Netherlands are increasingly experiencing burnout symptoms (DUO Onderwijsonderzoek, 2016). This makes it likely that the quality of education will suffer, with teachers mainly pointing out that having too many students in a classroom in need of additional assistance due to some form of psychopathology is increasing the workload (DUO Onderwijsonderzoek, 2016). One fairly common issue – at three to seven percent of the children in a classroom – is the presence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a neurodevelopmental disorder in which a child mainly presents with problems controlling impulses, remaining concentrated on the task at hand, and hyperactivity (Wilmhurst, 2015; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Next to making the already challenging task of an elementary teacher more straining, the disorder is associated with a range of negative outcomes, such

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Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, and Practice – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, and Practice – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the articles that have been discussed and were part of the mandatory literature for the course: "Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, and Practice" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following articles:

  • “Prins, Ollendick, Maric, & MacKinnon (2015). Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes.” – Article summary 
  • “Weersing, Schwartz, & Bolano (2015). Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes.” – Article summary
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)
Childhood: Developmental Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Childhood: Developmental Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains a summary of all the articles that are needed for the course "Childhood: Developmental Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It includes the following articles:

  • Bjorklund & Causey (2017). Biological bases of development” – Article summary 
  • “Kuppens & Ceulemans (2019). Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept”. – Article summary 
  • “Taraban & Shaw (2018). Parenting in context:
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Childhood: Developmental Psychology - Example Essay

Childhood: Developmental Psychology - Example Essay

Does age of migration matter for how well a child can learn a second language?

In the past 50 years, the number of migrants worldwide has been steadily increasing (United Nations, 2019a, pp. 21) with 82 million in Europe alone in 2019 (United Nations, 2019b). It is crucial to note that about a sixth of those are younger than 20 years old (United Nations, 2019a) as age appears to problematically impact the consequences of migration. To illustrate, migrant youth is more likely to get into contact with the law (van der Gaag, 2019), suffer from substance abuse (Mechlor-Ayala, 2019) and be victimized by their peers (Heine, 2008) which negatively influence health outcomes, such as loneliness (Matthews et al., 2020). This does not mean that people who migrate are doomed to experience adverse effects for the rest of their life. Successful integration

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“Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology – Course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)"

“Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology – Course summary (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)"

This bundle contains everything you need to know for the course "Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains all the lectures and the following chapters of the books:

Clinical assessment of child and adolescent personality and behaviour by Frick, Barry, & Kamphaus (fourth edition): 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 15, 16
Psychological communication: Theories, roles and skills for counsellors by van der Molen, Lang, Trower, & Look (second edition) – 2, 5, 6, 7






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Summary materials

Jesper, thanks a lot for the clear summary of the study material for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's program at the University of Amsterdam. It will certainly help students find their needed summary!


What a great collection of all materials! Really useful for anyone with this subject 

Thanks for the Summaries :D

Hey thanks a lot for all the summaries they are super helpful :D. Just one question are the parts of the chapter in the book also included in the Lectures summaries of CDP and CDSP? Thanks for your help :) 

Reply to Sebi

Hi Sebi, thanks for your kind words! To answer your question, the lecture summaries are an integrated summary of both the lecture and the literature you needed to read (so either the book, articles or both!). The main focus is on the lecture information, but everything is included!

Reply to Sebi

Hi Sebi, thanks for your kind words! To answer your question, the lecture summaries are an integrated summary of both the lecture and the literature you needed to read (so either the book, articles or both!). The main focus is on the lecture information, but everything is included!

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