Work abroad: home bundle
Work Abroad, Digital Nomads & Working Nomads
main pages and selected contributions
Work abroad and working holidays - Theme
Remote working abroad and digital nomads - Theme
Paid work abroad: what is it, why should you do it and where is the best place to go?
Paid work abroad: what is it, why should you do it and where is the best place to go?
What is paid work abroad?
- Paid work abroad means that you have a temporary or permanent job with a foreign employer or that you have been sent abroad by a Dutch employer.
- For your work you generally receive compensation in the form of salary, expense allowance or, for example, board and lodging. In addition, the better jobs may also reimburse you for your travel to and/or from work.
Why should you go to work abroad for pay?
- To gain experience: by working abroad, your work experience increases within your own field but generally beyond. You experience much more during your stay abroad when you go to work than if you were already traveling around.
- To strengthen your empathy: by working in another culture, you often strengthen your own ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. The differences in culture, ways of working and ways of communicating make you accept or take other pieces as they are more quickly. Your own perspective quickly becomes wider, broader and, in particular, more flexible.
- To increase your stress resistance: you regularly work under reasonable or great pressure; working in a different culture can be a drain on your stress resistance. Especially due to pressures that may arise because you have to communicate in a different language, perform new work or receive limited coaching. Yet for almost everyone, these experiences contribute to greatly increasing your stress resilience precisely because of them.
- To discover and accept your own qualities: further away from your familiar surroundings you discover more quickly what you can actually do and what you really want. It is precisely by going to work that you encounter yourself more often, get to know
What do you need if you want to work abroad?
- Flexibility: you already need some form of flexibility, the rest you will gain during your stay abroad.
- Communication skills: depending on the type of work, you will need a reasonable to good command of the local language.
- Independence and/or self-confidence: you already need some form of independence, and your self-confidence will grow through it.
- Being environmentally aware: an important element for your stay abroad.
- Collaborative ability: also abroad, it is important that you learn, or can, work together when working with others.
To what extent are you insured for risks when doing paid work abroad?
- There may be several reasons why you need separate insurance when doing paid work abroad:
- During work, internship or volunteer work abroad in many cases, you will then need special insurance to remain insured for illness and accidents.
- Local employers usually offer no, or limited, additional insurance.
- The risk of accidents is present because you are doing work with which you have little experience, for example.
- Some specialized insurances offer opportunities to do (temporary) paid work abroad. See the pages on insuring paid work abroad and the pages on your medical expenses abroad.
- Read more: travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
- Read more: betaald werken in het buitenland verzekeren (NL)
What are the most popular countries to do paid work abroad?
- All countries
- Australia: working holiday, agricultural work, health care
- Austria : tourism, winter sports
- Canada: working holiday, agricultural work
- Curacao: hospitality, communication
- France: tourism, agricultural work (fruit picking), au pair
- Greece: hospitality, tourism
- Italy: tourism, winter sports , teaching (English), au pair
- New Zealand: working holiday, health care
- Portugal: tourism, helpdesks
- South Africa: tourism, helpdesks
- Spain: hospitality, tourism, teaching (English)
- Switzerland: tourism, winter sports
- Thailand: teaching
- United States: working holiday, au pair
What are the 7 questions you can ask before working abroad?
What are the 7 questions you can ask before working abroad?
What are the 7 questions you can ask before working abroad?
- 1. What are your skills and what skills do you still want to acquire when you work abroad?
- 2. What type of work suits you?
- 3. What type of organization do you want to work for when you go abroad?
- 4. Do you want to work in a local organization or for an international company?
- 5. How are your health and emotional needs when you are abroad?
- 6. Which circumstances abroad suit you best?
- 7- Can you handle a culture shock or would you rather stay in your comfort zone?
- Your own motivation influences your search, the choices you make and the eventual job you find. It is good for yourself and the people around you to have an open attitude and to be ready for the local population. Even if you want to improve the world, you must remember that you cannot solve all problems in the short term. In addition, good preparation is essential when you work abroad. The questions below will help you list your wishes and requirements or options. This way you can ensure that the work meets your wishes or that your expectations match the possibilities.
1. What are your skills and what skills do you still want to acquire when you work abroad?
- Consider, for example, skills learned during your education, work experience, volunteer work and in your interests. But also think about what you want to learn during your work experience. Are there specific skills that you would like to develop?
2. What type of work suits you?
- Consider, for example, differences between practical and executive or more analytical and policy-oriented. You can also consider work where external customer contact is central, or where you work more for the internal organization. You can also consider preferences in the field of working independently, working in a team or leadership.
3. What type of organization do you want to work for when you go abroad?
- Do you want to work at a commercial company, a non-profit organization or a government institution? Which sector(s) appeal to you most? There are often major differences in working atmosphere, priorities and policies. Feel free to ask friends, fellow students and family about their work experience to get an idea of the types of organizations and the differences per sector.
4. Do you want to work in a local organization or for an international company?
- Living and working in one place for a long time is different from traveling from one place to another to do your business. You may wonder whether you are someone who can easily relate to very diverse cultures can cope or whether you prefer to adapt to one culture and environment and immerse yourself in it.
5. How are your health and emotional needs when you are abroad?
- Some people love the warmth of the tropics, others prefer the Scandinavian winters. Does the location you have in mind suit your desired temperature? What about your social contacts? Are you going to your new place with someone or are you going out alone? What is important to you to feel happy and can you find that at the location you have in mind? Are there enough challenges within, but also outside of work, and with the people and opportunities around you?
6. Which circumstances abroad suit you best?
- Are you looking for a workplace in a metropolis such as New York, New Delhi or Mexico City? Or are you looking for a workplace in the middle of nature (such as at an ecolodge). Something in between is of course also possible, for example in a provincial town. In many places in the world, they are often as large in terms of inhabitants as The Hague or Rotterdam, and offer many amenities, without necessarily being a city of millions. What kind of accommodation are you looking for and do you need anything in terms of transport (a local car / access to public transport)
7- Can you handle a culture shock or would you rather stay in your comfort zone?
- Are you looking for a completely different environment (such as a slum in Manila or living among the bears in Alaska)? Or would you rather look for a place where you can rent an apartment with running water, electricity and access to public transport?
Work abroad: selected contributions of WorldSupporters
Werken in het buitenland: basiscontent en bijdragenbundels
Werken in het buitenland: basiscontent en bijdragenbundels
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Themes: home bundles per activity abroad
Themes: home bundles per activity abroad
Bundels bundles per activity abroad
- 744 reads