
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Experience countries, cultures and tours abroad

Travel, living and working in Laos - Theme

Moving and living in Laos for work, internships, volunteering, study, travel or backpacking

Laos is the epitome of tranquility, beautiful nature, friendly people and many monks in orange and yellow robes. Although the country is increasingly being discovered by tourists and travelers alike, it has retained its authentic character for now. You imagine yourself back in time in Laos and you are quickly absorbed in the relaxed atmosphere exuded by the small villages and temples. Highly...Read more

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Tsomo's karma is a special book. It is translated from english to dutch. It is the first book of a woman named Kunzang Choden from Bhutan, who has written a book in english. With her work she has taken a special role to give stories of Bhutan a broader audience, otherwise the stories ...

Smokey Tours in Manila

Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness.  All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leade...

Book The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency

The Number one Ladies' Detective Agency written by the Scottish author Alexander McCall Smith is one of my favorites bookseries. It is an easy read and funny. The nice thing is that it is as if you are also in Botswana. The book has been translated in multiple languages, including Dutch. Alexan...


Sustaining Tourism is a new word for me, and it caught my attention. Hopefully yours as well. From the TourismTiger website. Sustaining Tourism compares responsible tourism to sustainable tourism, yet asserts that since “the word sustainability is often overused and not understood, respon...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Experience countries, cultures and tours abroad
The beginning of Smokey Tours

A feature of Smokey Tours on TV5 (local Filipino channel), giving an impression of our signature tour through the slums in Tondo, Manila: Smokey Mountain. This is how it all started. And years after, Smokey Tours has given an insight in the life of the slums to many people and changed the lifes of m...

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