Exams: suggestions and summaries on study skills and writing thesis
Suggestions, summaries and tips on study skills, getting study results and preparing for exams
Training studying skills
Education Category: General
Ages: 4-8, 8-12, 12-16
In Tanzania wordt aan ons gevraagd of we een training willen voorbereiden over 'Studying Skills'. Hierbij moesten we denken aan een basistraining voor kinderen van verschillende leeftijden. Dingen die voor ons in de westerse wereld heel normaal zijn, dingen die wij automatisch doen en van jongs af aan meekrijgt, is hier totaal niet normaal en moeten de kinderen nog allemaal leren. Dit was het uitgangspunt van de hele training.
Met dat uitgangspunt zijn we begonnen met het maken van de training. We hebben besloten om de training uit verschillende onderwerpen te laten bestaan, zo komen listening skills, how to take notes, time budgeting, how to make a schedule, studying area, how to scan a text, stress management, motivation and concentration aan bod. Deze onderwerpen hebben we allemaal kort behandeld tijdens de trainingen: we noemen alleen de basis dingen.
We eindigden elke training met een spel om de kinderen te leren hoe ze vocabulaire moeten leren. Op het bord maakten we een schema met aan de linkerkant van de lijn woorden in het Swahili en aan de andere kant van de lijn (nog) niks. Een voor een gingen we de woorden langs en de kinderen moesten ze vertalen naar het Engels. Zo leren ze tegelijkertijd ook nog is een beetje Engels en bovendien hebben ze er plezier van!
De training is geschreven in het Engels en wij hebben hem ook in deze taal gegeven, we hadden elke keer een vertaler (lees: iemand van het weeshuis) bij ons die het aan de kinderen uitlegde in Swahili.
Het is belangrijk om de kinderen over dit onderwerp iets te leren, omdat ze zo hun tijd efficient kunnen invullen. Vaak moeten de kinderen na school ver naar huis lopen en allerlei klusjes doen: tijd voor huiswerk is vaak lastig in te plannen. Door ze te leren hoe ze hun tijd het best in kunnen vullen en hoe ze het makkelijkst kunnen leren, kunnen ze toch naar hun school met een goed resultaat afronden.
De training hebben wij al gemaakt, dus het enige wat je nog nodig hebt om de training te geven is stift, grote vellen papier en eventueel plakband om het op te hangen. Deze dingen zijn ook niet noodzakelijk, maar wel handig zodat de kinderen kunnen lezen wat je ze verteld. De kinderen waren erg enthousiast en soms stonden de kinderen buiten nog mee te luisteren omdat ze het ook interessant vonden. Het had dus zeker zin wat we deden!
Het zijn maar kleine dingen, maar juist deze dingen maken het verschil!
Veel succes met het geven van de trainingen :)
How to teach studying skills?
Studying SkillsListening skills
- Be quiet
- Pay attention to the lessons instead of your friends or the environment
- Take notes while listening
- Ask questions
- Be interactive with the lessons --> participate instead of just listening
- Respect your teacher
How to take notes
- Do not write everything down, only the important key words
- When you're making notes, ask questions for more information about the subject
- If you don't understand something just ask for explanation
- If you didn't hear something correctly just ask the teacher to repeat it
- Make sure you write down the notes the teacher gives you
- Begin the page with a title -->for example if the subject is English and the lessons are going to be about grammar, the title will be something like: English Grammar
- If possible write the notes down in a notebook/exercise book instead of using loose papers
Time budgeting
- Make a schedule
- Separate your spare time and your time for doing your homework
- Make sure you take enough breaks for example: take a break of ten minutes after one hour of working. When you take some rest you can learn more.
How to make a schedule?
- Time schedule
- 08.00 am - 02.00 pm: Schoolday
- 02.00 pm - 03.00 pm: Spare time
- 03.00 pm - 04.30 pm: Homework time
- 04.30 pm - 04.45 Short break
- Week schedule
- Monday: Mathematics: Chapter 1
- Thuesday: English: Words 1+2
- Wednesday: History: Paragraph 1
- Task schedule
o Reading skills English
o Chapter 1 History
V Paragraph 1 Mathematics
o Chapter 1 Science
Studying area
- Find a place where it is quiet, because when it is quiet you can concentrate better
- Also make sure that you feel comfortable at the place you´re studying
- Make sure there aren´t any distractions
- Take everything you need with you
- If you like to work together, work in groups of 2 or 3 so you can study together and help each other (it shouldn't be too cosy)
How to study vocabulary?
- Make a list of the vocabulary you need to study
- Write an explanation of the word behind every word
- Copy all of the words on another paper
- Take the list of vocabulary and mark the words you already know
- Take another blank paper and cover all the words with it.
- Show 4/5 (more or less, depends on how much you can take) words, read them, repeat them for yourself, cover them up repeat them again for yourself.
- Show the next couple of words and repeat step 5.
If you have done these steps you will probably know the words, so you can test yourself.
- Make a list of words in Swahili and put the English words behind it from the top of your head.
- The ones you didn't know or did wrong, write them down for 10 times.
Another way:
1. Make small cards with on one side the word in Swahili and on the other side the translation in English.
2. Look at one side and guess the translation. If you guessed right you put on the 'right' pile and if you guessed wrong you put it on the 'wrong' pile.
*How do you guys study your vocabulary?
- Think about the mark you're going to get
- Think about the reason why you're studying (Why ARE you studying?)
Stress management
- Good planning
- Think this: Doing your best is the best you can do
- If you are stressed, talk with someone you feel comfortable with.
- Take enough brakes. It's good to put your mind on something else if your too stressed by doing something you like.
Thesis help
- All first year students following the bachelor Psychology at the University of Amsterdam have to write their propaedeutic thesis at the end of the academic year. This can be a daunting challenge! To aid you in this cumbersome process, this page has been made with tips and tricks to finish the year in style. Additionally, an example thesis (which has been graded with an 8.5) has been added to the page as well.
Plan and organize: While this may seem self-explanatory, planning and organizing is the key part towards not only completing the thesis, but also getting a good grade. Make sure you break down your objectives into smaller tasks and try to set deadlines for yourself. For example, set the goal to 'write a research description in the next two hours' rather than use the goal 'work on my introduction'.
Set realistic goals: Try and break down your writing into smaller goals, such as completing a certain number of pages or sections each day. Setting achievable targets will help you stay motivated and make steady progress. It can be beneficial to try and make your goals SMART) or DART.
Establish a routine: Develop a writing routine that works best for you. Dedicate specific blocks of time each day for writing, and create a quiet and focused environment to minimize distractions.
Use the red thread strategy: Make sure you establish what you want to convey in a paragraph before writing it, the so-called red thread. Model your text after this, rather than fitting this in after writing your paragraph. This can help you not add irrelevant information and stay on topic.
Research effectively: Ever found a good article and wish there were more? Check out the sources that this article cites and use this to your benefit. No need to find new sources every time as you can build on the literature research others have already done!
Write in drafts: Don't strive for perfection in your first draft. Start by getting your ideas down on paper, and then revise and refine them in subsequent drafts. This approach helps to alleviate the pressure and allows for more effective editing. For example, if you don't know how to formulate a sentence exactly, just write it down and revisit it later.
Use peer feedback: Discuss your work and struggles with other students. This helps you improve your own work, but it also shows you that others are experiencing the same struggles as you might be facing.
Take breaks: Writing a thesis can be a lot - and you can definitely not write it if you are burned out. Make sure to take enough breaks and refresh your mind, for example by going on a walk or calling your friends.
Establish a clear outline: Determine the structure of your text before you start writing it to ensure that all content will be relevant.
Evaluate your implicit argumentation: Always ask yourself the question 'why?'. After studying a specific topic for a while, things may seem abundantly clear or even common sense to you. This is mainly because you have been reading about it a lot. For the reader of your thesis, this knowledge may not be as common sense, so always check your writing for implicit argumentations. Do you always answer the question 'why'?
Belief in yourself: A thesis is daunting and this may be the most challenging part of a thesis, believing in yourself. You might think that a lot of people are doing better but it is not productive to compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own topic and, most importantly, everyone has their own route and strategy. Keep your own pace and belief in yourself. You can do it!
Use AI: Although using AI can be frowned upon as people often use it to plagiarize, it can also aid you in your writing process. Don't know the exact word for something? Try and use AI to find the word for you. It is perfectly fine to ask AI to help you with your grammar but don't let AI write your thesis. Make sure it remains your own text and just use it to get rid of any language mistakes.
Use examples: Writing a thesis can be pretty challenging, especially when it is the first time doing so. Nothing wrong in taking inspiration from others. This does not mean that you should copy other people's style or, even worse, their content, but you can take a look to look at the way they argue and to assess their structure. This can go a long way in writing a good thesis!
Use the grading structure to review your thesis: While everyone has their own writing style and their own strengths and weaknesses, the grading structure that teachers use tends to be the same for everyone. Make sure to check it out before handing in your thesis to see if there is something you can still improve upon!
Make use of Grammarly: This is a tool that can help you quickly spot any spelling or grammar mistakes. Make sure to check whether you agree with the suggestions of Grammarly), though, as a computer cannot always take context into account!
Stats for students: Simple steps for passing your statistics courses
How to triumph over the theory of statistics (without understanding everything)?
- The first years that you follow statistics, it is often a case of taking knowledge for granted and simply trying to pass the courses. Don't worry if you don't understand everything right away: in later years it will fall into place, and you will see the importance of the theory you had to know before.
- The book you need to study may be difficult to understand at first. Be patient: later in your studies, the effort you put in now will pay off.
- Be a Gestalt Scientist! In other words, recognize that the whole of statistics is greater than the sum of its parts. It is very easy to get hung up on nit-picking details and fail to see the forest because of the trees
- Tip: Precise use of language is important in research. Try to reproduce the theory verbatim (i.e. learn by heart) where possible. With that, you don't have to understand it yet, you show that you've been working on it, you can't go wrong by using the wrong word and you practice for later reporting of research.
- Tip: Keep study material, handouts, sheets, and other publications from your teacher for future reference.
How to score points with formulas of statistics (without learning them all)?
- The direct relationship between data and results consists of mathematical formulas. These follow their own logic, are written in their own language, and can therefore be complex to comprehend.
- If you don't understand the math behind statistics, you don't understand statistics. This does not have to be a problem, because statistics is an applied science from which you can also get excellent results without understanding. None of your teachers will understand all the statistical formulas.
- Please note: you will probably have to know and understand a number of formulas, so that you can demonstrate that you know the principle of how statistics work. Which formulas you need to know differs from subject to subject and lecturer to lecturer, but in general these are relatively simple formulas that occur frequently, and your lecturer will likely tell you (often several times) that you should know this formula.
- Tip: if you want to recognize statistical symbols, you can use: Recognizing commonly used statistical symbols
- Tip: have fun with LaTeX! LaTeX code gives us a simple way to write out mathematical formulas and make them look professional. Play with LaTeX. With that, you can include used formulas in your own papers and you learn to understand how a formula is built up – which greatly benefits your understanding and remembering that formula. See also (in Dutch): How to create formulas like a pro on JoHo WorldSupporter?
- Tip: Are you interested in a career in sciences or programming? Then take your formulas seriously and go through them again after your course.
How to practice your statistics (with minimal effort)?
How to select your data?
- Your teacher will regularly use a dataset for lessons during the first years of your studying. It is instructive (and can be a lot of fun) to set up your own research for once with real data that is also used by other researchers.
- Tip: scientific articles often indicate which datasets have been used for the research. There is a good chance that those datasets are valid. Sometimes there are also studies that determine which datasets are more valid for the topic you want to study than others. Make use of datasets other researchers point out.
- Tip: Do you want an interesting research result? You can use the same method and question, but use an alternative dataset, and/or alternative variables, and/or alternative location, and/or alternative time span. This allows you to validate or falsify the results of earlier research.
- Tip: for datasets you can look at Discovering datasets for statistical research
How to operationalize clearly and smartly?
- For the operationalization, it is usually sufficient to indicate the following three things:
- What is the concept you want to study?
- Which variable does that concept represent?
- Which indicators do you select for those variables?
- It is smart to argue that a variable is valid, or why you choose that indicator.
- For example, if you want to know whether someone is currently a father or mother (concept), you can search the variables for how many children the respondent has (variable) and then select on the indicators greater than 0, or is not 0 (indicators). Where possible, use the terms 'concept', 'variable', 'indicator' and 'valid' in your communication. For example, as follows: “The variable [variable name] is a valid measure of the concept [concept name] (if applicable: source). The value [description of the value] is an indicator of [what you want to measure].” (ie.: The variable "Number of children" is a valid measure of the concept of parenthood. A value greater than 0 is an indicator of whether someone is currently a father or mother.)
How to run analyses and draw your conclusions?
- The choice of your analyses depends, among other things, on what your research goal is, which methods are often used in the existing literature, and practical issues and limitations.
- The more you learn, the more independently you can choose research methods that suit your research goal. In the beginning, follow the lecturer – at the end of your studies you will have a toolbox with which you can vary in your research yourself.
- Try to link up as much as possible with research methods that are used in the existing literature, because otherwise you could be comparing apples with oranges. Deviating can sometimes lead to interesting results, but discuss this with your teacher first.
- For as long as you need, keep a step-by-step plan at hand on how you can best run your analysis and achieve results. For every analysis you run, there is a step-by-step explanation of how to perform it; if you do not find it in your study literature, it can often be found quickly on the internet.
- Tip: Practice a lot with statistics, so that you can show results quickly. You cannot learn statistics by just reading about it.
- Tip: The measurement level of the variables you use (ratio, interval, ordinal, nominal) largely determines the research method you can use. Show your audience that you recognize this.
- Tip: conclusions from statistical analyses will never be certain, but at the most likely. There is usually a standard formulation for each research method with which you can express the conclusions from that analysis and at the same time indicate that it is not certain. Use that standard wording when communicating about results from your analysis.
- Tip: see explanation for various analyses: Introduction to statistics
How to Write an Academic Article - A Guide for Advanced Academics
Do you need to write an academic paper? Do you have a lot to tell the world but are you not sure on how to go about doing so structured and well organized? This hero shows how you could structure your text. Enjoy!
40 paragraphs
The article will consist of roughly 40 paragraphs. Five of them will provide the introductory and concluding remarks. Five of them will establish a general, human background. Five of them will state the theory that informs the analysis. Five of them will state the method by which the data was gathered. The analysis (or 'results' section) will make roughly three overarching claims (that support the main thesis) in three five-paragraph sections. The implications of the research will be outlined in five paragraphs. These are ball-park figures, not hard and fast rules, but 'knowing' something for academic purposes means being able to articulate yourself in roughly these proportions.
It is difficult to overstate the importance of a good introduction. If your reader does not have a good sense of your argument by the end of the third paragraph (before reading the 600th word), there is something seriously wrong with your paper. Or, perhaps more tellingly, if you are unable to outline your argument straightforwardly and clearly in three paragraphs, you will be unable to write a good paper. When I talk about what a scholarly article is, I always use the opportunity to sketch 'the ideal introduction'. It consists of exactly three paragraphs and no more than six-hundred words.
The first paragraph tells us about the world we are living in. This should obviously be the world that your paper helps us to better understand. It's the world that needs to be understood in precisely the way you understand it. But in this paragraph we (your readers) don't want this understanding, we just want a recognizable description of the world we share with you. Talk to us like we only need to be reminded that this is where we live. It should be familiar to us and based on widely available sources. While you should avoid the letter of a statement like 'We live in a world of ...' or 'Ours is an age of ...', this is very much the spirit of the first paragraph. It's a time for commonplaces; it provides a shared place for you and your readers. In an important sense, you are here describing the practices that
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