Insolvency law and bankruptcy law


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Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor insolventierecht en faillissementsrecht samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor insolventierecht en faillissementsrecht samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Insolventierecht en Faillissementsrecht


  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Monografieën Privaatrecht: Faillissement, surseance van betaling en schuldsanering van Buchem-Spapens en Pouw - 10e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Insolventie van Huizink - 8e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Insolventierecht van Polak e.a. - 13e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Insolventierecht van Vriesendorp - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Verhaal, uitwinning en rangorde - Hoofdlijnen materieel beslag- en faillissementsrecht van Van Boom - 2e druk

Over Insolventierecht en Faillissementsrecht

  • Insolventierecht omvat alle juridische regels die van toepassing zijn wanneer een schuldenaar niet langer in staat is om zijn schulden te voldoen. Faillissementsrecht is een specifiek onderdeel van het insolventierecht en focust op de formele procedure voor het afwikkelen van de boedel van een failliete onderneming of persoon.
Samenvattingen: de beste wetenschappelijke artikelen voor insolventierecht en ondernemingsrecht samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste wetenschappelijke artikelen voor insolventierecht en ondernemingsrecht samengevat

Insolventierecht en ondernemingsrecht: De beste wetenschappelijke artikelen samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij artikelen voor insolventierecht en ondernemingsrecht

  • Voor 10+ samenvattingen bij artikelen voor insolventierecht en ondernemingsrecht, zie de supporting content van deze studiegids


  • Dwangakkoord: enige beschouwingen rondom de toepassing van artikel 287a Fw
  • Brief van minister Opstelten
  • Vereenvoudigde afwikkeling van faillissementen
  • Over wederkerige overeenkomsten en boedelschulden
  • Annotatie, Van der Werff q.q./BLG
  • Actieve inning van stil verpande vorderingen door de curator
  • Rechtsuitoefening in de zin van artikel 58 lid 1 Fw
  • Het bodemrecht van de fiscus
  • Hoe efficiënt is de Nederlandse faillissementswetgeving?
  • Inleiding Personenvennootschappen
  • Van pre-pack naar doorstart – een spanningsveld tussen bestuurder en aandeelhouder
  • Het wetsvoorstel Wet Continuiteit Ondernemingen I: een nader onderbouwde regeling

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Activities abroad: home bundle

Main content and contributions for activities abroad

,,,accommodations, adventure activities, courses, internships, jobs and volunteer projects help another, travel with care, work together , learn

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Activities abroad: home page

Activities abroad: home page

From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Work Abroad, Work Experience Abroad & Intern Abroad


      Image SUMMARIES

      Check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Insolvency law and bankruptcy law'

      Aerts q.q./ABN AMRO - Arrest

      Aerts q.q./ABN AMRO (HR 26-06-1998, NJ 1998, 745) Wanneer het voorrecht van de fiscus rust op stil verpande zaken en de fiscus op grond van art. 21 Invorderingswet dit pandrecht dus niet hoeft te eerbiedigen, mag hij deze zaken niet uitwinnen, wanneer hij op de overige goederen van de schuldenaar k...

      Simoca/Van den End q.q. - Arrest

      Simoca/Van den End q.q (HR 18-09-2009, NJ 2009, 438) Casus De curator heeft in het faillissement van de Simoca Groep een vordering ingesteld op grond van art. 2:248 BW. Het vorderde o.a. de bestuurder te veroordelen tot betaling van het bedrag van de schulden van de boedel. De voor het tekort aansp...

      Rabobank/Reuser - Arrest

      Rabobank/Reuser (HR 03-06-2016, ECLI:NL:HR:2016:1046, NJ 2016/290) Casus Een kwekerij had een teeltsysteem aangeschaft voor €600.000. De verkoop van dit teeltsysteem vond plaats onder eigendomsvoorbehoud; hetgeen inhoudt dat de leverancier eigenaar blijft totdat de gehele koopsom betaald is. D...


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      Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle

      Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about the study assistance and summaries help another, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experience

      Summaries: home page

      Summaries: home page


      Home page for the use of summaries on WorldSupporter

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information about using and finding summaries of study books, scientific articles, academic concepts and practice exams on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public

      Where to go next?

      What to find below?

      • Summaries per study and study field
      • Summaries per type and form
        • How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?
        • How and why would you use summaries?
        • Finding summaries practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter
        • Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance
      • Main theme pages for learn and study
      • FAQ: questions and answers about summaries
      Summaries: per type and form

      Summaries: per type and form

      Home page for summaries by type and form

      • Summary sort: Study books, Scientific articles, Academic Concepts
      • Areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: This study guide contains exclusive and publicly available study materials
      Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

      Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

      Summaries for business organization and economics

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      Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

      Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

      Summaries for communication, information and marketing

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      Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations

      Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations


      Summaries for international relations, international organizations and international politics

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      Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

      Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

      Summaries for IT, Logistics and Technology

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      • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
      Summaries: home page for law and administration

      Summaries: home page for law and administration

      Summaries for law and administration

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      Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

      Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

      Summaries for leisure, sports and tourism

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: summaries and study notes on WorldSupporter
      • Study area: leisure, sports, coaching, tourism
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
      Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

      Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

      Notes, summaries, study assistance and exams for medicine and health care

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      Summaries: home page for pedagogy and educational science
      Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences

      Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences


      Summaries for psychology and behavioral sciences

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      Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

      Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

      Summaries for society, culture and arts

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science

      Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science


      Summaries for research, science and statistics

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for research, statistics and science on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Research methods and Research design, Statistics and Data analysis Methods, Theory of Science and Philosophy of science per study field (e.g. business, economics, psychology, pedagogy and social sciences)
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

      Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

      Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Organizations & Services: home bundle

      Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about organizations and their products and services help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with

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      Organizations: home page




      Summaries, internships, tips and tools for study and work in law and public administration Definitions, Jurisprudence, Stories, Subjects, Study assistance,

      What is insolvency law?

      Insolvency law delves into the legal framework surrounding situations where businesses or individuals are unable to pay their debts (insolvent). This complex legal landscape aims to:

      • Resolve Financial Distress: Provide a structured approach to handling situations when debtors can't meet the...


      Summaries, internships, tips and tools for study and work in law and public administration Definitions, Jurisprudence, Stories, Subjects, Study assistance,

      Mobell/Interplan - Arrest

      Mobell/Interplan (HR 19-12-2003, NJ 2004, 293) Casus Op 25 juni 1997 werd Mobell BV failliet verklaard. In haar voorraad lagen zaken van Interplan, die Interplan onder eigendomsvoorbehoud had geleverd. De facturen waren nog niet voldaan. Op dezelfde datum is een afkoelingsperiode van een maand inge...

      Koot/Tideman qq - Arrest

      Koot Beheer/Tideman q.q. (HR 19-04-2013, NJ 2013, 291) Casus I.c. gaat het om de partijen Koot Beheer en curator mr. Tideman. Koot Beheer verhuurde een bedrijfsruimte aan Brand & Van Wijk Logistiek, die op 26 oktober 2010 door de rechtbank Den Haag failliet is verklaard. De curator gaat over to...

      De Lage Landen/Van Logtestijn q.q. - Arrest

      De Lage Landen/Van Logtestijn q.q. (HR 16-10-2015, ECLI:NL:HR:2015:3023, JOR 2016/20) Onderwerp Prejudiciële vraag aan de Hoge Raad met betrekking tot het overwaarde-arrangement, ook wel genoemd wederzijdse zekerhedenregeling. Relevante wetsartikelen Artikel 438e Rv, art. 132 lid 2 Fw. Casus D...


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