Public international law: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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What is public international law?

What is public international law?

Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It emphasizes the rights and obligations of these actors in the international arena.

What are the main more
Selected content related to Public international law
Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
  • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
  • Chapter B International law today
  • Chapter C Sources
  • Chapter D The subjects of international law
  • Chapter E Recognition
  • Chapter F Jurisdiction
  • Chapter G Territory
  • Cha...
Internationaal publiekrecht: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij internationaal publiekrecht Inhoudsopgave Nederlands:

  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Inleiding tot het Nederlandse Internationaal Privaatrecht van Strikwerda en Schaafsma - 12e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Internationaal Publiekrecht als Wereldrecht...

What is public international law?

Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It ...


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Public international law
Spotlight summaries related to Public international law
Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
  • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
  • Chapter B International law today
  • Chapter C Sources
  • Chapter D The subjects of international law
  • Chapter E Recognition
  • Chapter F Jurisdiction
  • Chapter G Territory
  • Cha...
What is public international law?

Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It ...

Handyside v. The UK - Arrest

Handyside v. The UK (EHRM 07-12-1976, NJ 1987, 236) Onderwerp Art. 10 EVRM, vrijheid van meningsuiting Casus Een uitgeverij in Engeland publiceerde een boekje over seksuele voorlichting voor schoolkinderen, genaamd ‘The Little Red Schoolbook’. In het boekje stonden expliciete foto&rsquo...

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