Samenvattingen voor psychologie in Leiden via Labyrint en JoHo


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Studievereniging Alcmaeon

  • De Leidse Psychologievereniging Labyrint is een vereniging voor alle psychologiestudenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Labyrint is de partner van JoHo WorldSupporter voor samenvattingen en studiehulp voor studenten Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Samenvattingen voor psychologie in Leiden


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Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie UL Leiden

Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie UL Leiden

Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Leiden in 2024-2025

Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

  • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1)
    • Semester 1: Inleiding in de Psychologie + Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek + Geschiedenis van de Psychologie + Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie + Toetsende Statistiek
    • Semester 2: Experimenteel en Correlationeel Onderzoek + Ontwikkelings- en onderwijspsychologie + Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie + Bio- en Neuropsychologie + Cognitieve Psychologie + Psychologie en Wetenschap
  • Bachelor 2 (jaar 2):
    • Semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie + Psychometrie + Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte + Bewustzijn + Groepsdynamica + Psychodiagnostiek
    • Semester 2: Interpersoonlijke Beroepsvaardigheden + Perspectief op Carrièreplanning + Multivariate data-analyse + Interpersoonlijke Beroepsvaardigheden
  • Keuzevakken en specialisatievakken (jaar 2 en 3):
    • Verschillende vakken, waaronder: Applied Cognitive Psychology + CCAP + Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness + Psychology of Advertising +  Attention + Culture and Diversity at Work + Cognitive Neuroscience + School psychology + Emotion and Cognition + Sexology + Psychotherapy + The Adolescent Brain
  • Masters (jaar 4):
    • Verschillende Mastertracks, waaronder: Applied Cognitive Psychology; Child and Adolescent Psychology; Clinical Neuropsychology; Clinical Psychology; Economic and Consumer Psychology; Health and Medical Psychology; Occupational Health Psychology; School Psychology

Hoe kom je bij de samenvattingen en tentamentests?

  • Ga naar je studiejaar of blok:
    • Scroll naar de assortimentwijzer van je studiejaar of je studieblok. Selecteer en open de assortimentwijzer door er op te klikken
  • Ga naar je boek of vak:
    • Scroll naar de studiegids van je boek of vak. Selecteer en open de studiegids door er op te klikken
  • Ga naar je samenvatting of tentamentest:
    • Scroll naar de samenvatting of tentamentest. Selecteer en open de samenvatting of tentamentest door er op te klikken
    • Klik op de gelinkte titel om naar de pagina met de volledige samenvatting of tentamentest te gaan
    • Start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden 2024-2025

Blok 1 van jaar 1 (Bachelor 1)

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1 van jaar 1?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken:  Inleiding in de Psychologie + Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek + Geschiedenis van de Psychologie

Vak: Inleiding in de Psychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvattingen + tentamentests bij Psychology van Gray en Bjorklund
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens
  • Inleiding in de psychologie studeren:
    • Bij het vak Inleiding in de Psychologie word je ingeleid in de belangrijkste stromingen binnen de Psychologie, je maakt kennis met het empirisme en het nativisme, met Piaget en Pavlov en leert wie er vaker dromen: kinderen of volwassenen.
    • Zoals bij de meeste inleidende vakken worden bij veel onderwerpen slechts tipjes van de sluier opgelicht en houd je er waarschijnlijk een wazig gevoel aan over. Laat je niet afschrikken, naarmate de jaren vorderen krijg je meer en meer zicht op de relatie met je studie en groeit ook je waardering.

Vak: Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij Behavioral Research Methods van Leary – 6e druk
    • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij Statistical Methods for Psychology van Howell – 8e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens
  • Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek studeren:
    • Je leert tijdens dit vak omgaan met de kernbegrippen en basisprincipes van onderzoek en beschrijvende statistiek. Je maakt kennis met de begrippen correlationaliteit en validiteit en aan het einde van de cursus kun je berekenen hoe groot de kans is als dat je een voldoende voor het vak haalt als je naar alle hoorcolleges bent geweest en een IQ van 120 hebt.
    • Statistiek is voor de meeste studenten niet de reden geweest om Psychologie te gaan studeren. Voor sommigen zal het zelfs een reden zijn om er mee te stoppen. Echter, als je een klein beetje investeert tijdens dit vak, dan heb je daar gedurende je gehele studie profijt van.

Vak: Geschiedenis van de Psychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting + TentamenTests bij Chapters on History of Psychology van Van der Velde - 1e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens
  • Geschiedenis van de psychologie studeren:
    • Bij dit vak duik je de geschiedenis in. Je verkent de raakvlakken van de psychologie met filosofie en fysiologie. Je maakt kennis met Freud, Kant en Darwin en vele anderen die je de komende jaren zult blijven tegenkomen tijdens de opleiding.
    • Je leert bij dit vak zoveel verschillende namen van filosofen, waarvan je meestal tot voor kort nog maar vaag gehoord had, dat het vak soms wat weg heeft van de introductietijd op je nieuwe universiteit. Probeer net als bij het voorstelrondje bij je nieuwe groepje bij iedere persoon kort voor je zelf iets te bedenken waarmee je die persoon associeert en kunt onthouden.

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik more
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden: 2024-2025

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2 van jaar 1?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken: Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie + Toetsende Statistiek

Vak: Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Custom edition UL – 2e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie
  • PKG studeren: Bij het vak PKG word je ingeleid in de klinische psychologie, gezondheidspsychologie en persoonlijkheidspsychologie. Je maakt kennis met Aaron Beck, B.F. Skinner en Carl Jung, je leert abnormaal gedrag te beoordelen en je ontdekt wat goede voorspellers van geluk zijn: A) Een hoge score op openheid en vriendelijkheid, of B) Een hoge score op extraversie en een lage score op neuroticisme

Vak: Toetsende Statistiek

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij het boek Statistical Methods for Psychology van Howell – 8e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Toetsende Statistiek
  • Toetsende statistiek studeren: Dit vak bouwt voort op de kennis van het vak Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek en gaat dieper in op de praktische toepassing van veelgebruikte onderzoekmethoden.
    • Tentamentips: Als je een beetje logisch blijft nadenken, of je best doet om die vaardigheid te ontwikkelen, dan kunnen statistiekvakken makkelijke puntenpakkers blijken omdat de normering vaak is afgestemd op de struikelaars.
    • Het boek komt later in het jaar nog een keer terug, dus verkoop 'm nog even niet en bewaar je aantekeningen.

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
  2. Selecteer de samenvatting en studiehulp van het boek, artikel of vak dat je zoekt
  3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 3 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 3 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden 2024-2025

Blok 3 van jaar 1 (Bachelor 1)

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 3 van jaar 1?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken: Ontwikkelings- en onderwijspsychologie + Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie + Experimenteel en Correlationeel Onderzoek

Vak: Ontwikkelings- en onderwijspsychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij How Children Develop van Siegler e.a. – 6e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Ontwikkelings- en onderwijspsychologie

Vak: Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting bij Organizational Behavior van Neck e.a. – 3e druk
    • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij Social Psychology van Heinzen en Goodfriend – 2e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie

Vak: Experimenteel en Correlationeel Onderzoek

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij Statistical Methods for Psychology van Howell – 8e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Experimenteel en Correlationeel Onderzoek

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
  2. Selecteer de samenvatting en studiehulp van het boek, artikel of vak dat je zoekt
  3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 4 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 4 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden 2024-2025

Blok 4 van jaar 1 (Bachelor 1)

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 4 van jaar 1?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken: Bio- en Neuropsychologie + Cognitieve Psychologie + Psychologie en Wetenschap

Vak: Bio- en Neuropsychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij het boek Biological Psychology van Kalat – 14e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Bio- en Neuropsychologie

Vak: Cognitieve Psychologie

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting bij het boek Cognition van Chun en Most – 1e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Cognitieve Psychologie

Vak: Psychologie en Wetenschap

  • Assortiment:
    • Samenvatting bij het boek Philosophy of Science and Logic van Van der Velde – 1e druk
    • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Critical Thinking van Moore en Parker – 13e druk
    • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Psychologie en Wetenschap

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
  2. Selecteer de samenvatting en studiehulp van het boek, artikel of vak dat je zoekt
  3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden 2024-2025

Blok 1 van jaar 2 (Bachelor 2)

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1 van jaar 2?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie + Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte + Psychometrie

Vak: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie

  • Samenvatting + Tentamentests bij Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology van Israel e.a. – 9e druk
  •  Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie

Vak: Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte

  • Samenvatting bij Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions van Lovallo - 3e druk
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte

Vak: Psychometrie

  • Samenvatting bij Psychometrics: An introduction van Furr – 4e druk
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Psychometrie

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
  2. Selecteer de samenvatting en studiehulp van het boek, artikel of vak dat je zoekt
  3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!


Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2 - UL Leiden

Samenvattingen voor Psychologie in Leiden 2024-2025

Blok 2 van jaar 2 (Bachelor 2)

Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2 van jaar 2?

  • Samenvattingen en TentamenTests voor de vakken: Bewustzijn + Groepsdynamica + Psychodiagnostiek

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Bewustzijn

  • Samenvatting bij The Science of Consciousness van Harley – 1e druk

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Groepsdynamica

  • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij Group Dynamics van Forsyth – 7e druk
  • Samenvatting bij Lord of the Flies van Golding
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Groepsdynamica

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Psychodiagnostiek

  • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij Psychological Testing and Assessment van Van der Molen et al. - Custom edition Universiteit Leiden 2016
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Psychodiagnostiek

Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

  1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
  2. Selecteer de samenvatting en studiehulp van het boek, artikel of vak dat je zoekt
  3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 3 en 4 - UL Leiden

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 3 en 4 - UL Leiden

Meer informatie met betrekking tot het assortiment voor semester 2 van studiejaar 24/25 wordt in semester 1 verwacht


Blok 3: Interpersoonlijke Beroepsvaardigheden

Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Psychologische gespreksvoering

Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Groepsdynamica op

  • o.a. samenvattingen
  • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 2 aan de Universiteit Leiden

Blok 3: Perspectief op Carrièreplanning

Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Perspectief op Carrièreplanning

Overige Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Perspectief op Carriereplanning op

  • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 2 aan de Universiteit Leiden

Blok 4: Multivariate data-analyse

Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Multivariate data-analyse

    Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Multivariate data-analyse op

    • o.a. oefententamens, voorbeeldvragen en aantekeningen bij de colleges en werkgroepen
    • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 2 aan de Universiteit Leiden

    Blok 4: Interpersoonlijke Beroepsvaardigheden

    Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Psychologische gespreksvoering

    Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Interpersoonlijke Beroepsvaardigheden op

    • o.a. samenvattingen, tentamentests, aantekeningen
    • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 2 aan de Universiteit Leiden

    Keuzevakken, specialisatievakken en semester 1 vakken

    Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij de keuzevakken, specialisatievakken en vakken van semester 1

    Supporting content: betrokken samenvattingen more
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 1

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness + Psychology of Advertising

    Course: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Cultural Psychology by Heine

    Course: Psychology of Advertising

    • Summary with the book The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 2

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Artificial Intelligence + Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

    Course: Artificial Intelligence

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 2

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Emotion and Cognition + Culture and Diversity at Work + Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

    Course: Emotion and Cognition

    • Summary with the book Emotion Science by Fox

    Course: Culture and Diversity at Work

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

    • Summaries with the book Psychopharmacology by Ettinger

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 4

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 4?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice + The Adolescent Brain

    Course: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini
    • Summary with the book Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

    Course: The Adolescent Brain

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Specialisation courses in block 1 and 3

    What can you find for the specialisation courses in block 1 and 3?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: ACP + CCAP + Clinical Neuropsychology + Economic and Consumer

    Course: Applied Cognitive Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Clinical Neuropsychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels

    Course: Clinical Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Economic and Consumer Psychology

    • Summary with the book Thinking: fast and slow by Kahneman
    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 2 and 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 2 and 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Specialisation courses in block 2 and 4

    What can you find for the specialisation courses in block 2 and 4?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Cognitive Neuroscience + Health and Medical Psychology + School Psychology + Social Psychology in Organisations

    Course: Cognitive Neuroscience

    • Summary with the book Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Gazzaniga a.o.

    Course: Health and Medical Psychology

    • Summary with the book Introduction to Health Psychology van Morrison en Bennett

    Course: School Psychology

    • Summary with the book Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain van Goswami
    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Social Psychology in Organisations

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach by Scandura
    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters - LU Leiden


    Applied Cognitive Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries and bulletsummaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Clinical Neuropsychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Neuropsychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Clinical Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Economic and Consumer Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Economic and Consumer Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University more
    Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology LU Leiden

    Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology LU Leiden

    Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Leiden in 2024-2025

    For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

    • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
      • In semester 1: Introduction to Psychology; Introduction to Methodology and Statistics; History of Psychology; Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology; Inferential Statistics
      • In semester 2: Experimental and Correlational Research; Developmental and Educational Psychology; Social and Organisational Psychology; Biopsychology and Neuropsychology; Cognitive Psychology; Psychology and Science
    • Bachelor 2 (year 2):
      • In semester 1: Developmental Psychopathology; Psychometrics; Stress, Health, and Disease; Consciousness; Group Dynamics; Psychodiagnostics; Perspective on Career Planning (POCP)
      • In semester 2: Perspective on Career Planning (POCP); Interpersonal Professional Skills; Multivariate Data Analysis; Interpersonal Professional Skills
    • Elective and specialisation courses (year 2 and 3):
      • Various courses, a.o.: Applied Cognitive Psychology + CCAP + Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness + Psychology of Advertising +  Attention + Culture and Diversity at Work + Cognitive Neuroscience + School psychology + Emotion and Cognition + Sexology + Psychotherapy + The Adolescent Brain
    • Masters (year 4):
      • Various tracks, a.o.: Applied Cognitive Psychology; Child and Adolescent Psychology; Clinical Neuropsychology; Clinical Psychology; Economic and Consumer Psychology; Health and Medical Psychology; School Psychology

    How do you get to your summaries and study assistance?

    1. Go to your academic year or block:
      • Scroll to the assortmentpointer of your academic year or your study block. Select and open the assortmentpointer by clicking on it
    2. Go to your book or course:
      • Scroll to the study guide of your book or course. Select and open the study guide by clicking on it
    3. Go to your summary or exam test:
      • Scroll to the title of your summary or exam test. Select and open the summary or exam test by clicking on it
      • Click on the linked title to go to the page with the full summary or exam test
      • Start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 1 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

    What can you find for block 1 of year 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Introduction to Psychology + Introduction to Methodology and Statistics + History of Psychology

    Course: Introduction to Psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Psychology by Gray and Bjorklund

    Course: Introduction to Methodology and Statistics

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Behavioral Research Methods by Leary
    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

    Course: History of Psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Chapters on History of Psychology by Van der Velde

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 2 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

    What can you find for block 2 of year 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology + Inferential Statistics

    Course: Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Custom edition LU

    Course: Inferential Statistics

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 3 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

    What can you find for block 3 of year 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Experimental and Correlational Research + Developmental and Educational Psychology + Social and Organisational Psychology

    Course: Experimental and Correlational Research

    • Summary and ExamTests with Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

    Course: Developmental and Educational Psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with How Children Develop by Siegler a.o.

    Course: Social and Organisational Psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with Organizational Behavior by Neck a.o.

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 4 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

    What can you find for block 4 of year 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Biopsychology and Neuropsychology + Cognitive Psychology + Psychology and Science

    Course: Biopsychology and Neuropsychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with Biological Psychology by Kalat

    Course: Cognitive Psychology

    • Summary with Cognition by Chun and Most

    Course: Psychology and Science

    • Summary with Philosophy of Science and Logic by Van der Velde
    • Summary and ExamTests with Critical Thinking by Moore en Parker

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 1 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 1 of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Developmental Psychopathology + Stress, Health and Disease + Psychometrics + Perspective on Career Planning

    Course: Developmental Psychopathology

    • Summary and ExamTests with Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology by Wicks-Nelson and Israel

    Course: Stress, Health and Disease

    • Summary with Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo

    Course: Psychometrics

    • Summary with Psychometrics: An introduction by Furr

    Course: Perspective on Career Planning

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 2 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 2 of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Consciousness + Group Dynamics + Psychodiagnostics + Perspective on Career Planning

    Course: Consciousness

    • Summary with The science of Consciousness by Harley

    Course: Group Dynamics

    • Summary and ExamTests with Group Dynamics by Forsyth
    • Summary and ExamTests with Lord of the Flies by Golding

    Course: Psychodiagnostics

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Perspective on Career Planning

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!


    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 3 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 3 of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Interpersonal Professional Skills + Perspective on Career Planning

    Course: Interpersonal Professional Skills

    • Summary and ExamTests with Psychological communication by Van der Molen

    Course: Perspective on Career Planning

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Block 4 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 4 of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses:

    Course: Multivariate data-analyse

    • Summary and ExamTests with Multivariate Data Analysis Text Book by Leiden University

    Course: Interpersonal Professional Skills

    • Summary and ExamTests with Psychological communication by Van der Molen

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 1

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 1?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness + Psychology of Advertising

    Course: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Cultural Psychology by Heine

    Course: Psychology of Advertising

    • Summary with the book The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 2 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 2

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Artificial Intelligence + Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

    Course: Artificial Intelligence

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 2

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Emotion and Cognition + Culture and Diversity at Work + Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

    Course: Emotion and Cognition

    • Summary with the book Emotion Science by Fox

    Course: Culture and Diversity at Work

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

    • Summaries with the book Psychopharmacology by Ettinger

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Elective courses in block 4

    What can you find for the elective courses in block 4?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice + The Adolescent Brain

    Course: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini
    • Summary with the book Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

    Course: The Adolescent Brain

    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Specialisation courses in block 1 and 3

    What can you find for the specialisation courses in block 1 and 3?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: ACP + CCAP + Clinical Neuropsychology + Economic and Consumer

    Course: Applied Cognitive Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Clinical Neuropsychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels

    Course: Clinical Psychology

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    Course: Economic and Consumer Psychology

    • Summary with the book Thinking: fast and slow by Kahneman
    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 2 and 4 - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 2 and 4 - LU Leiden

    Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

    Specialisation courses in block 2 and 4

    What can you find for the specialisation courses in block 2 and 4?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Cognitive Neuroscience + Health and Medical Psychology + School Psychology + Social Psychology in Organisations

    Course: Cognitive Neuroscience

    • Summary with the book Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Gazzaniga a.o.

    Course: Health and Medical Psychology

    • Summary with the book Introduction to Health Psychology van Morrison en Bennett

    Course: School Psychology

    • Summary with the book Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain van Goswami
    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    Course: Social Psychology in Organisations

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach by Scandura
    • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters - LU Leiden

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters - LU Leiden


    Applied Cognitive Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries and bulletsummaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Clinical Neuropsychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Neuropsychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Clinical Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

    Economic and Consumer Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Economic and Consumer Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

    • Including summaries
    • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University more
    Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp

    Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp


    Samenvattingen en studiehulp via Labyrint?

    • De Leidse Psychologievereniging Labyrint is een vereniging voor alle psychologiestudenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
    • Labyrint is de partner van JoHo WorldSupporter voor samenvattingen en studiehulp voor studenten Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
    • Ben je lid van Labyrint, en ben je aangesloten bij JoHo, dan kan je jaarlijks ook een deel van het more on this page


    Check or search a course, internship, job, project, suggestion or tips within topic: 'Samenvattingen voor psychologie in Leiden via Labyrint en JoHo'

    TentamenTickets bij Psychologie en Wetenschap aan de Universiteit Leiden

    TentamenTickets Bij het vak Psychologie en Wetenschap leer je verschillende manieren van redeneren aan, de daarbij komende drogredenen en de verscheidene manieren om mensen te overtuigen. Daarnaast krijg je inzicht in fraudegevallen en ethische vraagstukken. Hierdoor leer je creatief te denken en te...


    JoHo kan jouw hulp goed gebruiken! Je competenties verbeteren, je cv versterken en een bijdrage leveren aan een mooiere wereld. Bijvoorbeeld als studiemanager van jouw studiefase, als administratief medewerkers internationale zaken of als schrijver van college-aantekeningen of samenvattingen   ...


    Het volgende kan aan bod komen tijdens het tentamen Toetsende Statistiek:  

    • Onderscheid maken tussen verschillende feiten en begrippen. Denk hierbij aan covariabelen, power, Type I en Type II fouten, betrouwbaarheid, validiteit etc.
    • Kennis van verschillende analyse toetse...


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    Activities abroad: home bundle

    Main content and contributions for activities abroad

    ,,,accommodations, adventure activities, courses, internships, jobs and volunteer projects help another, travel with care, work together , learn

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    Activities abroad: home page

    Activities abroad: home page

    From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

      What social activities can you do abroad?

      • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

      What work related activities can you do abroad?

      • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

      What sports activities to do abroad?

      • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
      • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

      Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

        Activities Abroad: for work and intern abroad

        Activities Abroad: for work and intern abroad

        Work Abroad, Work Experience Abroad & Intern Abroad



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        Samenvattingen en studiehulp via Labyrint?

        • De Leidse Psychologievereniging Labyrint is een vereniging voor alle psychologiestudenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
        • Labyrint is de partner van JoHo WorldSupporter voor samenvattingen en studiehulp voor studenten Psychologie aan de Univer...


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        Organizations & Services: home bundle

        Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about organizations and their products and services help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with

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        Organizations: home page


        check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Samenvattingen voor psychologie in Leiden via Labyrint en JoHo'

        Psychology LU Leiden: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

        Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Leiden in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

        • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
          • In semester 1: Introduction to Psychology; Introduction to Methodology and Statistics; History of Psychology; Personality, Clinical and Healt...


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        Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle

        Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about the study assistance and summaries help another, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experience

        Summaries: home page

        Summaries: home page


        Home page for the use of summaries on WorldSupporter

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information about using and finding summaries of study books, scientific articles, academic concepts and practice exams on WorldSupporter
        • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
        • Languages: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Summaries per study and study field
        • Summaries per type and form
          • How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?
          • How and why would you use summaries?
          • Finding summaries practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter
          • Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance
        • Main theme pages for learn and study
        • FAQ: questions and answers about summaries
        Summaries: per type and form

        Summaries: per type and form

        Home page for summaries by type and form

        • Summary sort: Study books, Scientific articles, Academic Concepts
        • Areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
        • Languages: English, Dutch
        • Access: This study guide contains exclusive and publicly available study materials
        Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

        Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

        Summaries for business organization and economics

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for business organization, economics and marketing on WorldSupporter
        • Study areas: Business, Communication, Economics, Leadership, Management, Marketing amongst others
        • Language: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
        Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

        Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

        Summaries for communication, information and marketing

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for communication, information and marketing on WorldSupporter
        • Study areas: Communication, Information management, Marketing, Media, Public Relations, Public Affairs amongst others
        • Language: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
        Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations

        Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations


        Summaries for international relations, international organizations and international politics

        What is this page about?

        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
        Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

        Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

        Summaries for IT, Logistics and Technology

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: summaries and study notes on WorldSupporter
        • Study area: IT, Logistics and Technology, Information management, Intellectual property
        • Language: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
        Summaries: home page for law and administration

        Summaries: home page for law and administration

        Summaries for law and administration

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        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
        Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

        Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

        Summaries for leisure, sports and tourism

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: summaries and study notes on WorldSupporter
        • Study area: leisure, sports, coaching, tourism
        • Language: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
        Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

        Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

        Notes, summaries, study assistance and exams for medicine and health care

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        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
        Summaries: home page for pedagogy and educational science

        Summaries: home page for pedagogy and educational science


        Summaries for educational science and pedagogy

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for Educational Science and Pedagogy on WorldSupporter
        • Study area: Education and educational sciences
        • Language: English
        • Access: public

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Highlighted studies and pages
        Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences

        Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences


        Summaries for psychology and behavioral sciences

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for Psychology and Behavioral Sciences on WorldSupporter
        • Study area: Psychology and behavioral sciences
        • Language: English
        • Access: public

        Where to go next?

        What to read below?

        • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
        Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

        Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

        Summaries for society, culture and arts

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
        • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
        • Language: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

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        • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
        Summaries: home page for statistics and research

        Summaries: home page for statistics and research


        Summaries for statics and research

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for statics and research on WorldSupporter
        • Study area: Statics, Research, Science and statics per study field (e.g. business, economics, psychology, pedagogy and social sciences)
        • Language: English
        • Access: public

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
        Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

        Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

        Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study

        What is this page about?

        • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
        • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
        • Languages: English, Dutch
        • Access: Public, Exclusive

        Where to go next?

        What to find below?

        • Highlighted content concerning exams, exam tips and study tips


        Spotlight: favorites

        Psychology LU Leiden: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

        Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Leiden in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

        • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
          • In semester 1: Introduction to Psychology; Introduction to Methodology and Statistics; History of Psychology; Personality, Clinical and Healt...

        Psychologie UL Leiden: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

        Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Leiden in 2024-2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

        • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1)
          • Semester 1: Inleiding in de Psychologie + Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek + Geschiedenis van de Psychologie + Pers...


        Samenvattingen en studiehulp via Labyrint?

        • De Leidse Psychologievereniging Labyrint is een vereniging voor alle psychologiestudenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
        • Labyrint is de partner van JoHo WorldSupporter voor samenvattingen en studiehulp voor studenten Psychologie aan de Univer...

        Favorite stories and suggestions related to Samenvattingen voor psychologie in Leiden via Labyrint en JoHo
        Psychology LU Leiden: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

        Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Leiden in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

        • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
          • In semester 1: Introduction to Psychology; Introduction to Methodology and Statistics; History of Psychology; Personality, Clinical and Healt...

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