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VIP: summaries and study assistance

VIP: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance via VIP

  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.

VIP & JoHo WorldSupporter

  • VIP is JoHo WorldSupporter's partner for summaries and
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Rechten RUG Groningen: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp bij de Bachelor en Masters

Rechten RUG Groningen: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp bij de Bachelor en Masters

Assortiment van samenvattingen en studiehulp - Studiejaar 2024/2025

Welke samenvattingen en studiehulp kan je gebruiken en verwachten op JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Algemene Rechtswetenschap 1 + Rechtsgeschiedenis + Algemene Rechtswetenschap 2 + Staatsrecht 1
  • Semester 2: Bestuursrecht: Inleiding + Burgerlijk Recht 1 + Strafrecht 1

Bachelor 2:

  • Semester 1: Bedrijfseconomie voor Fiscalisten + Bedrijfseconomie voor Notariëlen + Bestuursrecht: Besluitvorming + Elementaire Bestuurskunde + Inleiding Belastingrecht + Personen-, Familie en Erfrecht + Strafrecht 2 + Burgerlijk Recht 2 + Formeel Belastingrecht + Public International Law + Romeins Recht
  • Semester 2: Beleidsanalyse + Rechtseconomie + Relatievermogensrecht + Staatsrecht 2 + Strafrecht 3 + Bestuursrecht: Rechtsbescherming + Handelsrecht + Methoden Sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek + Notariswet

Bekijk de huidige en verwachte samenvattingen en studiehulp via de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer

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Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UG Groningen

Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UG Groningen

Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Groningen in 2024-2025

For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

  • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
    • In semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + Biopsychology + Personality and individual differences + Statistics 1B
    • In semester 2: Social and cross-cultural psychology + Dialogue and group skills + Statistics 1B + Cognitive Psychology + History of Psychology
  • Bachelor 2 (year 2):
    • In semester 1: Test theory + Statistics II + Clinical psychology + Psychology in the workplace
    • In semester 2: Statistics III; Social environment and behaviour
  • Bachelor 3 (year 3):
    • Various courses, a.o.: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Human error + Sensation and perception + Social influence + Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology + Conflict Management + Intergroup Relations + Overview of Psychotherapy + Social Cognition and Affect + Cognitive Neuroscience + Developmental Neuropsychology + Interpersonal relations
  • Masters (year 4):
    • Various booksummaries, a.o.: Applying social psychology + A conceptual introduction to psychometrics + Using multivariate statistics

How do you get to your summaries and study assistance?

  1. Go to your academic year or block:
    • Scroll to the assortmentpointer of your academic year or your study block. Select and open the assortmentpointer by clicking on it
  2. Go to your book or course:
    • Scroll to the study guide of your book or course. Select and open the study guide by clicking on it
  3. Go to your summary or exam test:
    • Scroll to the title of your summary or exam test. Select and open the summary or exam test by clicking on it
    • Click on the linked title to go to the page with the full summary or exam test
    • Start studying, learning and passing your exams!
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1A - UG Groningen

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1A - UG Groningen

Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

Block 1A of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

What can you find for block 1A of year 1?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Developmental psychology + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Statistics 1A + Academic Skills

Course: Developmental psychology

  • Assortment: Summary with Life-Span Human Development by Sigelman and Rider
  • Studying Developmental psychology:
    • In developmental psychology you get a bird's eye view of human behavior and how it changes throughout the life course. You see what early childhood behavior says about later development, and discover whether adults and the elderly are still growing and developing. You will be introduced to Pavlov and Piaget and you will learn whether a child's first smile is usually caused by an automatism of the central nervous system - or by successful contact with the mother.
    • Like most introductory subjects, you will only be given a glimpse of the veil and you will probably be left with a vague feeling about it. Don't be discouraged, as the years progress you will gain more and more insight into the relationship with your studies and your appreciation will also grow.

Course: Introduction to psychological theories and research methods

  • Assortment: Summary and ExamTests with Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information by Morling
  • Studying Introduction to psychological theories and research methods: During this course you will learn to deal with the core concepts and basic principles of research and descriptive statistics. You will be introduced to the concepts of correlationality and validity, and you will learn to break down conspiracy theories.

Course: Statistics 1A

  • Assortment: Summary and ExamTests with Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe and Craig
  • Studying Statistics 1A:
    • This course builds on the knowledge of the course Introduction to psychological theories and research methods and delves deeper into the practical application of commonly used research methods.
    • Statistics has not been the reason for most students to study Psychology. For some, it will even be a reason to quit. However, if you regularly invest a little bit during this course, you will benefit from it throughout your entire study.

Course: Academic Skills

  • Assortment: Summary with Academic Writing Skills by Van der Molen a.o.
  • Studying Academic skills:
    • With this course, you take the first steps in conducting research and expressing yourself precisely and professionally.
    • You will use your academic skills throughout your studies and probably beyond. So keep your notes for a while and do not sell your book immediately after you have successfully completed this course.

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
  • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
  • Click on the summary and start studying,
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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B - UG Groningen

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B - UG Groningen

Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

Block 1B of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

What can you find for block 1B of year 1?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Biopsychology + Personality and individual differences + Statistics 1B + Academic Skills

Course: Biopsychology

  • Summary and ExamTests with Biological Psychology by Kalat

Course: Personality and individual differences

  • Summary and ExamTests with Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature by Larsen & Buss

Course: Statistics 1B

  • Summary and ExamTests with Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe and Craig

Course: Academic Skills

  • Summary with Academic Writing Skills by Van der Molen a.o.

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
  • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
  • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!


Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September

Assortment: 23/24


Block 2A: Developmental psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with Life-Span Human Development

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental psychology on worldsupporter.org

  • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

Block 2A: Social and cross-cultural psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Social Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Social and cross-cultural psychology on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

    Studying the course Social and cross-cultural psychology

    • About the course: This course provides a general introduction to social psychology and following this course will therefore regularly lead to recognizable situations.


    Block 2B: Biopsychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Biological Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Biopsychology on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries, bulletpoints and practice questions:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

    Block 2B: Personality and individual differences

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Personality Psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Personality and individual differences on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries and practice questions:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen


    Semester 1: Assortment of summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1

    Summaries and study assistance with Psychology semester 1

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    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A - UG Groningen

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A - UG Groningen

    Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

    Block 1A of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 1A of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Test theory + Statistics II

    Course: Test theory

    • Summary and ExamTests with Psychological testing: A practical introduction by Hogan

    Course: Statistics II

    • Summary and ExamTests with Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe and Craig
    • Summary and ExamTests with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Agresti

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B - UG Groningen

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B - UG Groningen

    Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

    Block 1B of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

    What can you find for block 1B of year 2?

    • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Clinical psychology + Psychology in the workplace + Statistics II

    Course: Clinical psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology by Wessel & Aan het Rot
    • Summary and ExamTests with Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey

    Course: Psychology in the workplace

    • Summary and ExamTests with Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology by Conte & Landy

    Course: Statistics II

    • Summary and ExamTests with Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe and Craig
    • Summary and ExamTests with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Agresti

    How can you get to your summaries?

    • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
    • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
    • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September



    Block 2A: Statistics III

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on worldsupporter.org

    • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
    • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

    Block 2A: Social environment and behaviour

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Social environment and behaviour on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries and notes with lectures
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


      Block 2B: Theory of science

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Theory of science on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries and notes with lectures
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

      Block 2B: Statistics III

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


      Semester 1: Assortment of summaries for Bachelor 2 blocks 1A and 1B

      Summaries and study assistance with semester 1


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      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen

      Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

      Block 1A of year 3 (Bachelor 3)

      What can you find for block 1A of year 3?

      • Summaries and study assistance for the course: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

      Vak: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

      • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Adult Personality Development Volume 1: Theories and Concepts van Wrightsman

      How can you get to your summaries?

      • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
      • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
      • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen

      Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

      Block 1B of year 3 (Bachelor 3)

      What can you find for block 1B of year 3?

      • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Human error + Sensation and perception + Social influence

      Course: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies

      • Summary with Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Farmer & Chapman
      • Summary with Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Basics and Beyond by Beck

      Course: Human error

      • Summary with Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Klein
      • Summary with A Life in Error, From Little Slips to Big Disasters by Reason

      Course: Sensation and perception

      • Summary with Sensation and Perception by Yantis and Abrams

      Course: Social influence

      • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

      How can you get to your summaries?

      • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
      • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
      • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September



      2A: Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensic psychology: crime, justice, law, interventions

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Conflict Management

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Essentials of Negotiation

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Conflict management

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Diagnostiek in de Ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Diagnostiek in de ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Forensische Psychologie

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensische Psychologie

        • see the supporting content of
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        Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen

        Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen


        Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See the supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Applied Social Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Social Psychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Environmental Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Environmental Psychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

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          Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Groningen in 2024-2025

          Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

          • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
            • In semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek 1A + Academische vaardigheden + Biopsychologie + Persoonlijkheid en individuele verschillen + Statistiek 1B
            • In semester 2: Sociale en cross-culturele psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden + Statistiek 1B + Geschiedenis van de psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden
          • Bachelor 2 (jaar 2):
            • In semester 1: Testtheorie en testgebruik + Statistiek II + Klinische psychologie + Psychologie op het werk
            • In semester 2: Sociale omgeving en gedrag + Statistiek III + Cognitieve psychologie + Wetenschapstheorie
          • Bachelor 3 (jaar 3):
            • Verschillende vakken, waaronder: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop + Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Sensation and perception + Social influence + Conflict Management + Forensische Psychologie + Intergroup Relations + Overview of Psychotherapy + Social Cognition and Affect + Cognitive Neuroscience + Developmental Neuropsychology + Interpersonal relations + Seksuologie
          • Masters (jaar 4):
            • Diverse boeksamenvattingen, waaronder: Applying social psychology + A conceptual introduction to psychometrics + Using multivariate statistics

          Hoe kom je bij de samenvattingen en tentamentests?

          • Ga naar je studiejaar of blok:
            • scroll naar de assortimentwijzer van je studiejaar of je studieblok. Selecteer en open de assortimentwijzer door er op te klikken
          • Ga naar je boek of vak:
            • scroll naar de studiegids van je boek of vak. Selecteer en open de studiegids door er op te klikken
          • Ga naar je samenvatting of tentamentest:
            • Scroll naar de samenvatting of tentamentest. Selecteer en open de samenvatting of tentamentest door er op te klikken
            • Klik op de gelinkte titel om naar de pagina met de volledige samenvatting of tentamentest te gaan
            • Start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1A van studiejaar 1?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek 1A + Academische vaardigheden

          Vak: Ontwikkelingspsychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Experience Human Development van Papalia & Martorell - 15e druk
          • Ontwikkelingspsychologie studeren:
            • Bij ontwikkelingspsychologie krijg je in vogelvlucht te maken met menselijk gedrag en hoe dat verandert tijdens de gehele levensloop. Je ziet wat vroegkinderlijk gedrag zegt over latere ontwikkeling, en ontdekt of volwassen en ouderen nog wel groeien en zich ontwikkelen. Je maakt kennis met Pavlov en Piaget en je leert of de eerste glimlach van een kind doorgaans wordt veroorzaakt door een automatisme van het centrale zenuwstelsel - of door succesvol contact met de moeder.
            • Zoals de meeste inleidende vakken krijg je slechts tipjes van de sluier opgelicht en hou je er waarschijnlijk een wazig gevoel aan over. Laat je niet afschrikken, naarmate de jaren vorderen krijg je meer en meer zicht op de relatie met je studie en groeit ook je waardering.

          Vak: Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information van Morling - 4e druk
          • Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden studeren: Je leert tijdens dit vak omgaan met de kernbegrippen en basisprincipes van onderzoek en beschrijvende statistiek. Je maakt kennis met de begrippen correlationaliteit en validiteit en je leert complottheorieën ontleden.

          Vak: Statistiek 1A

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig - 10e druk + Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Statistiek 1A en Statistiek 1B
          • Statistiek 1A studeren:
            • Dit vak bouwt voort op de kennis van het vak Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden en gaat dieper in op de praktische toepassing van veelgebruikte onderzoekmethoden.
            • Statistiek is voor de meeste studenten niet de reden geweest om Psychologie te gaan studeren. Voor sommigen zal het zelfs een reden zijn om er mee te stoppen. Echter, als je regelmatig een klein beetje investeert tijdens dit vak, dan heb je daar gedurende je gehele studie profijt van.

          Vak: Academische vaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Zelf leren schrijven van Van der Molen e.a. - 5e druk
          • Academische vaardigheden studeren:
            • Met dit vak zet je de eerste stappen in het onderzoek doen en jezelf precies en op professionele wijze te uiten.
            • Je zal je gehele studie gebruikmaken van je academische vaardigheden en waarschijnlijk ook daarna. Bewaar je aantekeningen dus nog even en verkoop je boek niet meteen nadat je dit vak succesvol hebt afgerond.

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de
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          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1B van studiejaar 1?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Biopsychologie + Persoonlijkheid en individuele verschillen + Statistiek 1B + Academische vaardigheden

          Vak: Biopsychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Biological Psychology van Kalat - 14e druk

          Vak: Persoonlijkheid en individuele verschillen

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature van Larsen & Buss - 5e druk

          Vak: Statistiek 1B

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig - 10e druk
          • Statistiek 1B Studeren:
            • Dit vak bouwt voort op de kennis van het vak Statistiek 1A en gaat dieper in op de praktische toepassing van veelgebruikte onderzoekmethoden.
            • Tentamentips: Als je een beetje logisch blijft nadenken, of je best doet om die vaardigheid te ontwikkelen, dan kunnen statistiekvakken makkelijke puntenpakkers blijken omdat de normering vaak is afgestemd op de struikelaars.

          Vak: Academische vaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Zelf leren schrijven van Van der Molen e.a. - 5e druk
          • Academische vaardigheden studeren:
            • Met dit vak zet je de eerste stappen in het onderzoek doen en jezelf precies en op professionele wijze te uiten.
            • Je zal je gehele studie gebruikmaken van je academische vaardigheden en waarschijnlijk ook daarna. Bewaar je aantekeningen dus nog even en verkoop je boek niet meteen nadat je dit vak succesvol hebt afgerond.

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen

           Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2A van studiejaar 1?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Sociale en cross-culturele psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden + Statistiek 1B + Academische vaardigheden

          Vak: Sociale en cross-culturele psychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Social Psychology van Hogg en Vaughan - 9e druk

          Vak: Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Psychologische gespreksvoering: Een basis voor hulpverlening van Lang & Van der Molen - 18e druk

          Vak: Statistiek 1B

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig - 10e druk

          Vak: Academische vaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Zelf leren schrijven van Van der Molen e.a. - 5e druk

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2B van studiejaar 1?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Geschiedenis van de psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden + Academische vaardigheden

          Vak: Geschiedenis van de psychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Pioneers of Psychology van Fancher en Rutherford - 5e druk

          Vak: Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Psychologische gespreksvoering: Een basis voor hulpverlening van Lang & Van der Molen - 18e druk

          Vak: Academische vaardigheden

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Zelf leren schrijven van Van der Molen e.a. - 5e druk

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen

           Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1A van studiejaar 2?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Testtheorie en testgebruik + Statistiek II

          Vak: Testtheorie en testgebruik

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Testtheorie: Inleiding in de theorie van de psychologische test en zijn toepassingen van Drenth & Sijtsma + Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Testtheorie en testgebruik

          Vak: Statistiek II

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig + Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Agresti + Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Statistiek II en het vak Statistiek III

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 1B van studiejaar 2?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Klinische psychologie + Psychologie op het werk + Statistiek II

          Vak: Klinische psychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology van Wessel en Aan het Rot + Samenvatting bij Psychopathology. Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology van Davey

          Vak: Psychologie op het werk

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology van Conte en Landy

          Vak: Statistiek II

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig + Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Agresti
          • Statistiek II studeren: Dit vak bouwt voort op de kennis van het vak Statistiek 1A en gaat dieper in op de praktische toepassing van veelgebruikte onderzoekmethoden.

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2A van studiejaar 2?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Sociale omgeving en gedrag + Statistiek III

          Vak: Sociale omgeving en gedrag

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems van Steg et al.

          Vak: Statistiek III

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig + Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Agresti

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen

          Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen

          Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Groningen: 2024-2025

          Wat kan je vinden voor blok 2B van studiejaar 2?

          • Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor de vakken: Cognitieve psychologie + Wetenschapstheorie + Statistiek III

          Vak: Cognitieve psychologie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind van Reisberg

          Vak: Wetenschapstheorie

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting bij Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction van Okasha

          Vak: Statistiek III

          • Assortiment: Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe en Craig + Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Agresti

          Hoe kan je verder naar je samenvattingen?

          1. Scroll naar een van de studiegidsen die je per boek of vak ziet aangegeven, en klik op de studiegids om deze te openen
          2. Selecteer de samenvatting van het boek dat je zoekt, of van de tentamentests die je wilt gebruiken
          3. Klik op de samenvatting en start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen

          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen

          Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

          Block 1A of year 3 (Bachelor 3)

          What can you find for block 1A of year 3?

          • Summaries and study assistance for the course: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

          Vak: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

          • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij Adult Personality Development Volume 1: Theories and Concepts van Wrightsman

          How can you get to your summaries?

          • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
          • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
          • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen

          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen

          Summaries for Psychology in Groningen 2024-2025

          Block 1B of year 3 (Bachelor 3)

          What can you find for block 1B of year 3?

          • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Human error + Sensation and perception + Social influence

          Course: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies

          • Summary with Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Farmer & Chapman
          • Summary with Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Basics and Beyond by Beck

          Course: Human error

          • Summary with Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Klein
          • Summary with A Life in Error, From Little Slips to Big Disasters by Reason

          Course: Sensation and perception

          • Summary with Sensation and Perception by Yantis and Abrams

          Course: Social influence

          • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

          How can you get to your summaries?

          • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
          • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
          • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

          Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

          More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September



          2A: Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensic psychology: crime, justice, law, interventions

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

            • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

            2A: Conflict Management

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Essentials of Negotiation

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Conflict management

            • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

            2A: Diagnostiek in de Ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Diagnostiek in de ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

            • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

            2A: Forensische Psychologie

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensische Psychologie

            • see the supporting content of
            .....read more
            Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen

            Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen


            Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

            Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

            • See the supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

            Applied Social Psychology

            Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Social Psychology

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

            • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

            Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

            Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

            • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

            Environmental Psychology

            Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Environmental Psychology

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

            • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

            Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

            Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

              .....read more
              Summaries and study notes: Startup pages for studying Statistics - Bundle

              Summaries and study notes: Startup pages for studying Statistics - Bundle

              Start pages for studying statistics

              Statistics Magazine: Understanding statistical samples
              Samenvattingen Universiteit Groningen: bedrijfskunde, economie, internationaal

              Samenvattingen Universiteit Groningen: bedrijfskunde, economie, internationaal

              Samenvattingen Universiteit Groningen: bedrijfskunde, economie, internationaal

              assortiment van de afgelopen jaren

              Economics & Business Economics B1 - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
              Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Bedrijfskunde Bachelor 2 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

              Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Bedrijfskunde Bachelor 2 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

              • In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, oefententamens en collegeaantekeningen gedeeld voor de opleiding Bedrijfskunde, jaar 2, aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
              • Voor een compleet overzicht van de meest recente, op JoHo WorldSupporter aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp maak je gebruik van de zoekfunctie, bv op boektitel.
              Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Bedrijfskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
              Summaries and study services for International Business (IB) at the University of Groningen

              Image ACTIVITIES

              Check or search a course, internship, job, project, suggestion or tips within topic: 'Universiteit Groningen en studieverenigingen'

              Hoe je moet leren - Organisatie en technologie BDK

              Bij de open vragen en Multiple Choice vragen wordt je begripkennis twee kanten op getoetst. Leer dus bijvoorbeeld wat 'contingentietheorie' betekent, maar ook 'hoe de theorie heet die beschrijft dat de meest passende organisatiestructuur en het meest passende organisatieontwerp afhankelijk zijn van ...

              WG en Arresten Algemene Rechtswetenschap

              In de werkgroepen (onderdeel rechtsvinding) heb je geoefend met het lezen van een arrest en het beantwoorden van vragen daarbij. Het is belangrijk om de tekst te kunnen begrijpen, een soort begrijpend lezen. Houd rekening met de kopjes binnen een arrest, zoals conclusie advocaat-generaal en noot, zo...


              Select any filter and click on Apply to see results

              Activities abroad: home bundle

              Main content and contributions for activities abroad

              ,,,accommodations, adventure activities, courses, internships, jobs and volunteer projects

              ...to help another, travel with care, work together , learn

              ........Read more
              Activities abroad: home page

              Activities abroad: home page

              From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

                What social activities can you do abroad?

                • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

                What work related activities can you do abroad?

                • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

                What sports activities to do abroad?

                • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
                • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

                Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

                  Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

                  Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

                  Work Abroad, Work Experience Abroad & Intern Abroad



                  Check or search a sector or organization related to topic: 'Universiteit Groningen en studieverenigingen'


                  Summaries and study assistance via VIP

                  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
                  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.<...>


                  Select any filter and click on Apply to see results

                  Organizations & Services: home bundle

                  Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about organizations and their products and services

                  ...to help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with

                  ........Read more
                  Organizations: home page


                  check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Universiteit Groningen en studieverenigingen'

                  Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

                  Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Groningen in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

                  • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
                    • In semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + ...

                  Psychologie RUG Groningen: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

                  Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Groningen in 2024-2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

                  • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
                    • In semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek...

                  CHECK MORE SUMMARIES

                  Select any filter and click on Apply to see results

                  Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle

                  Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about the study assistance and summaries

                  ...to help another, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experience

                  Summaries: home page

                  Summaries: home page


                  Home page for the use of summaries on WorldSupporter

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information about using and finding summaries of study books, scientific articles, academic concepts and practice exams on WorldSupporter
                  • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
                  • Languages: English, Dutch
                  • Access: Public

                  Where to go next?

                  What to find below?

                  • Summaries per study and study field
                  • Summaries per type and form
                    • How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?
                    • How and why would you use summaries?
                    • Finding summaries practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter
                    • Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance
                  • Main theme pages for learn and study
                  • FAQ: questions and answers about summaries
                  Summaries: per type and form

                  Summaries: per type and form

                  Home page for summaries by type and form

                  • Summary sort: Study books, Scientific articles, Academic Concepts
                  • Areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
                  • Languages: English, Dutch
                  • Access: This study guide contains exclusive and publicly available study materials
                  Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

                  Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

                  Summaries for business organization and economics

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
                  Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

                  Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

                  Summaries for communication, information and marketing

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
                  Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations

                  Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations


                  Summaries for international relations, international organizations and international politics

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
                  Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

                  Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

                  Summaries for IT, Logistics and Technology

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to find below?

                  • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
                  Summaries: home page for law and administration

                  Summaries: home page for law and administration

                  Summaries for law and administration

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
                  Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

                  Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

                  Summaries for leisure, sports and tourism

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: summaries and study notes on WorldSupporter
                  • Study area: leisure, sports, coaching, tourism
                  • Language: English, Dutch
                  • Access: Public, Exclusive

                  Where to go next?

                  What to find below?

                  • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
                  Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

                  Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

                  Notes, summaries, study assistance and exams for medicine and health care

                  What is this page about?

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
                  Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences

                  Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences


                  Summaries for psychology and behavioral sciences

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for Psychology and Behavioral Sciences on WorldSupporter
                  • Study area: Psychology and behavioral sciences
                  • Language: English
                  • Access: public

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted summaries, tools and pages
                  Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

                  Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

                  Summaries for society, culture and arts

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
                  • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
                  • Language: English, Dutch
                  • Access: Public, Exclusive

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
                  Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science

                  Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science


                  Summaries for research, science and statistics

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for research, statistics and science on WorldSupporter
                  • Study areas: Research methods and Research design, Statistics and Data analysis Methods, Theory of Science and Philosophy of science per study field (e.g. business, economics, psychology, pedagogy and social sciences)
                  • Language: English, Dutch
                  • Access: Public, Exclusive

                  Where to go next?

                  What to read below?

                  • Read on for the highlighted studies and pages
                  Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

                  Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

                  Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study

                  What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
                  • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
                  • Languages: English, Dutch
                  • Access: Public, Exclusive

                  Where to go next?

                  What to find below?

                  • Highlighted content concerning exams, exam tips and study tips


                  Spotlight: favorites


                  Summaries, study notes, tips and tools for study and know how For optimal and free use of summaries, study help, exam tickets, practice exams, bullet points notes

                  •     join JoHo WorldSupporter
                  •     then check the study and exam tips;
                  •  &nbsp...

                  Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

                  Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Groningen in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

                  • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
                    • In semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + ...

                  Psychologie RUG Groningen: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

                  Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Groningen in 2024-2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

                  • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
                    • In semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek...


                  Summaries and study assistance via VIP

                  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
                  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.<...>

                  Favorite stories and suggestions related to Universiteit Groningen en studieverenigingen
                  Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance

                  Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Groningen in 2024-2025 For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

                  • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
                    • In semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + ...

                  Psychologie RUG Groningen: Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp

                  Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Groningen in 2024-2025 Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

                  • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
                    • In semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek...

                  Image ALL CONTENT

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                  Crossroads: spotlight pages
                  Crossroads in the field of:
                  Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

                  Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study What is this page about?

                  • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
                  • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
                  • Languages: English, Dut...

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