What are therapeutic strategies for enhancing inhibitory learning?

Therapeutic strategies for enhancing inhibitory learning are:

  • Expectancy violation
    The more the expectancy can be violated by experience, the greater the inhibitory learning
  • Deepened extinction
    Either multiple fear CSs are first extinguished separately before being combined during extinction, or a previously extinguished cue is paried with a novel CS
  • Ocassional reinforced extinction
    Occasional CS-US pairings during extinction training, this enhances the expectancy violation
  • Removal of safety signals
  • Variability
    Exposure is conducted to items from the anxiety-hierarchy in random order
  • Retrieval cues
    Cues of the CS-noUS association
  • Multiple contexts
    Context renewal
  • Reconsolidation
    Extinction during a reconsolidation window


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Maximizing exposure therapy: An inhibitory learning approach - a summary of an article by Craske, Treanor, Conway, Zbozinek & Vervliet
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