Social psychology and social relations


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Social psychology and social relations


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What is social psychology?

  • Social psychology is the branch of psychology that seeks to scientifically explain the nature and causes of behavior and thoughts of individuals in social situations.
  • Social psychology applies scientific values and methods when investigating. This is because social behaviors and thoughts cannot be reliably explained by common sense or intuition. In fact, these are influenced by biases. Science refers to a set of values and multiple methods that can be used to investigate a wide range of topics. Four of the most important core values are:
    • Accuracy ("accuracy"). A commitment to gathering and evaluating information about the world (including social behavior and thinking) in a way that is as careful, accurate and error-free as possible.
    • Objectivity ('objectivity'). A commitment to acquire and evaluate such information in a way that is free of bias and as humane as possible.
    • Skepticism ('skepticism'). A commitment to accepting findings as accurate only if they have been repeatedly verified.
    • Open-mindedness ('open-mindedness'). A commitment to changing your view, even if it is strongly held, if existing evidence suggests that this view is inaccurate.
  • These values are important because humans are not perfect information processing machines. For example, a common fallacy or illusion is the planning fallacy, the strong tendency to believe that plans will take less time, than they actually do.

Social psychology focuses on the behavior of individuals

  • Social psychology focuses on the behavior of individuals, and how this behavior is influenced by a variety of factors. For example, it is important to look at to what extent individual behavior is influenced by the group, by culture, and by emotions and mood. There is increasing attention to how factors such as culture and ethnicity affect the formation of individual behavior.

Social psychology seeks to understand the causes of social behavior

  • Social psychologists - as also indicated above - are interested in the causes that influence the individual's social behavior and thinking in the social environment.
  • This involves the following characteristics: actions and characteristics of other individuals; cognitive processes such as memories and interpretations; environmental variables such as the weather or a particular smell; the cultural context with its associated norms and values; and finally biological and genetic factors.
  • Biological factors are particularly emphasized by psychologists engaged in evolutionary psychology, a branch of psychology that holds that species are subjects of biological evolution. Interesting here is the distinction between the effects evolution has on men and

The search for basic principles in a changing social world

  • A core purpose of science is to develop basic principles that are accurate no matter where or when they are tested or applied. Social psychologists do not develop mathematical formulas, but seek the basic principles that guide social life. While recognizing that cultures are very different and that the social world is constantly changing, they look for basic principles that will hold true over time and across cultures.



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Social psychology and social relations: The best textbooks summarized

Social psychology and social relations: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and Study Assistance with Social psychology and social relations

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: An Introduction to Social Psychology by Hewstone a.o. - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems by Steg a.o. - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions by Buunk a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Cultural Psychology by Heine - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Group Dynamics by Forsyth - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Lord of the Flies by Golding - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Sensation and Perception by Yantis and Abrams - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Self-determination theory and work motivation by Gagne
  • Summary with the book: Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Fiske and Taylor - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Baron and Branscombe - 14th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Heinzen and Goodfriend - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Hogg and Vaughan - 9th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Kassin - 11th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Smith a.o. - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology and Organizations by De Cremer a.o. - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology: People in Groups
  • Summary with the book: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie - 15th edition
  • Summary with the book: The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Values and how do people react to them by Latham
  • Summary with the book: Youth studies: An introduction by Furlong

About Social psychology and social relations

  • Social psychology delves into how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social contexts and interactions. Social relations encompass the dynamic connections and interactions between people, shaping relationships, group dynamics, and broader societal structures.
Summaries and supporting content: 
Social psychology: the best scientific articles summarized

Social psychology: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with articles for Social psychology

Summaries and study assistance with articles for Social psychology

  • for 100+ summaries with articles for Social psychology
    • Conflict management and mediation
    • Group behavior and cooperation
    • Leadership and power
    • Cultural diversity
    • Migration and integration
  • See the supporting content of this study guide

Related summaries and study assistance

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Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Social psychology and social relations

Article summary with Studying public policy through immigration policy: advances in theory and measurement by Filindra and Goodman - 2019 - Exclusive


Filindra and Goodman (2019) argue that studying immigration policy offers a unique lens to examine broader public policy dynamics. The article highlights advancements in theory and measurement within this field, focusing on three key areas:

  1. Conceptualizing the policy domain: Immigration policy encompasses diverse components, including entry, settlement, and citizenship regulations. By analyzing these intricacies, we gain a deeper understanding of policymaking processes and their impacts.
  2. Analyzing causal pathways: Immigration policy affects individuals, communities, and national economies in multifaceted ways. The article emphasizes the need for rigorous methods to disentangle these complex causal relationships.
  3. Multilevel analysis: Immigration policy involves interactions between national, regional, and local levels. The authors advocate for considering these multilevel dynamics to comprehensively understand policy implementation and outcomes.


The article primarily adopts a theoretical and methodological approach. It reviews existing scholarly contributions and critically analyzes various research strategies used in studying immigration policy.

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Article summary with Successive National Policy Models by Jennissen a.o. - 2023 - Exclusive


This article by Jennissen et al. (2023) examines the evolution of Dutch national policy models regarding immigration and integration from 1960 to 2020. The article highlights how successive models have attempted to manage the country's growing migrant population and foster social cohesion.


The analysis draws on historical policy documents, academic literature, and data on migration trends and integration outcomes. The authors employ a qualitative approach, tracing the development of various models through key legislative changes, political discourses, and implementation practices.


  • Four distinct policy models are identified:
    • Guest worker model (1960s-1970s): Focused on temporary labor migration with limited integration prospects.
    • Multiculturalism model (1980s-1990s): Recognized cultural diversity and aimed at mutual respect and tolerance.
    • Assimilation model (2000s): Emphasized language acquisition, civic participation, and cultural adaptation for successful integration.
    • Participation model (2010s onwards): Focuses on social and economic participation alongside cultural accommodation.
  • Each model reflects
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Article summary with The effectiveness of immigration policies by Czaika and De Haas - 2013 - Exclusive


This article, written by Michael Czaika and Hein de Haas, delves into the complexities of assessing the effectiveness of immigration policies. It argues that the often heated public and academic debates surrounding this issue stem from conflicting definitions of policy effectiveness. These conflicting definitions arise from confusing:

  • Policy discourses: Public pronouncements and rhetoric surrounding immigration policies.
  • Policies on paper: The official statutes and regulations outlining immigration controls.
  • Policy implementation: The actual practices and procedures used to enforce immigration controls.
  • Policy impacts: The intended and unintended consequences of immigration policies on migration flows and other factors.

The authors emphasize that while public discourses often equate policy effectiveness with reducing migration flows, a more nuanced approach is necessary. They identify three distinct "policy gaps" that contribute to confusion and misassessment:

  1. Discursive gap: The discrepancy between public discourses and actual policies.
  2. Implementation gap: The discrepancy between policies on
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Artikelsamenvatting bij Intergroup contact and prejudice reduction: Prospects and challenges in changing youth attitudes van Tropp e.a. - 2022 - Exclusive


Dit artikel belicht de vooruitzichten en uitdagingen van intergroepscontact als interventie om vooroordelen te verminderen en intergroepsattitudes te verbeteren bij jongeren.


Intergroepscontact, waarbij leden van verschillende groepen met elkaar omgaan, wordt al lang beschouwd als een sleutel tot het verminderen van vooroordelen en het bevorderen van tolerantie.

Belangrijkste bevindingen

  • Positieve effecten: Intergroepscontact kan leiden tot significante afnames in vooroordelen en stereotypen, en tot toenames in empathie, intergroepsvertrouwen en vriendschap.
  • Optimale condities: De effectiviteit van intergroepscontact hangt af van verschillende factoren, zoals de mate van gelijkheid, status en
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Welke soorten stress heb je en wat zijn de effecten op je lichaam en je geest?

Er bestaan verschillende soorten stress, elk met hun eigen kenmerken en effecten op lichaam en geest. Hieronder bespreken we enkele van de meest voorkomende types:

1. Acute stress:

  • Dit is een kortdurende, intense stressreactie die wordt veroorzaakt door een plotselinge gebeurtenis, zoals een ongeluk, een schrikmoment of een deadline.
  • De lichamelijke symptomen van acute stress zijn onder andere een verhoogde hartslag, transpiratie, spierverspanning more

Wat zijn voorwaarden waaraan een straf moet voldoen om effectief te zijn en hoe corrigeer je ongewenst gedrag?

Een effectieve straf is een straf die het gewenste gedrag bevordert of het ongewenste gedrag vermindert.


  • Proportionaliteit: De straf moet in verhouding staan tot de ernst van het misdrijf.
  • Consistentie: De straf moet consistent zijn met andere straffen voor vergelijkbare misdaden.
  • Nauwelijksheid: De straf moet snel na het misdrijf worden toegepast.
  • Onvermijdelijkheid: De kans op straf moet hoog zijn.
  • Rechtvaardigheid: De straf more

Studiegids voor begrippen en definities bij Sociale psychologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Flashcards en definities bij Sociale Psychologie

Online flashcards en definities bij sociale psychologie

  • Flashcards en begripsomschrijvingen bij de belangrijkste begrippen van positieve bekrachtiging tot social exclusion

Direct naar de gepubliceerde flashcards via de supporting content

  • Lees verder om direct naar de betrokken samenvattingen en studiehulp te gaan via de 'supporting content'



Study Guide with articles for Group behavior and cooperation

Study Guide with articles for Group behavior and cooperation

Summaries and study assistance with articles for Group behavior and cooperation

  • 20+ summaries with articles for Group behavior and cooperation
    • Group formation and influence
    • Group prejudice and stereotyping
    • Intergroup contact and conflict
  • See the supporting content of this study guide

Study Guide with articles for Conflict management and mediation

Study Guide with articles for Conflict management and mediation

Summaries and study assistance with articles for Conflict management and mediation

  • 10+ summaries with articles for Conflict management and mediation
    • Conflict management and mediation
    • Conflicts at work and labor mediation
    • Marital conflicts and divorce mediation
  • See the supporting content of this study guide



Check or search summaries, tests and tips within topic: Social psychology and social relations
Displaying 33 - 36 of 544
Social Psychology - Baron en Branscombe - 14e druk - BulletPoints
  • Wat houdt de wetenschap van sociale psychologie in? - BulletPoints 1
  • Hoe denken wij over de sociale wereld? - BulletPoints 2
  • Welke onderzoeksbevindingen van sociale perceptie zijn belangrijk? - BulletPoints 3
  • Wat beïnvloedt de zelf en hoe wordt de zelf be&iu...


Check or search within topic: Social psychology and social relations
Displaying 33 - 36 of 544
Social Psychology - Baron en Branscombe - 14e druk - BulletPoints
  • Wat houdt de wetenschap van sociale psychologie in? - BulletPoints 1
  • Hoe denken wij over de sociale wereld? - BulletPoints 2
  • Welke onderzoeksbevindingen van sociale perceptie zijn belangrijk? - BulletPoints 3
  • Wat beïnvloedt de zelf en hoe wordt de zelf be&iu...


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Selected spotlight content related to Social psychology and social relations
Samenvatting Consumentengedrag, de basis (Weber)
  • 1. Het belang van consumentengedrag
  • 2. Persoonlijke afstemming
  • 3. Motivatie
  • 4. Hoe wordt informatie opgevangen en verwerkt
  • 5. Leren
  • 6. Houding
  • 7. Beslissen
  • 8. Het gezin
  • 9. De verschillende groepen en hun referenties
Boeksamenvatting Social Psychology van Aronson 8e druk
  • Chapter 1 - Wat is sociale psychologie?
  • Chapter 2 - Hoe doen sociaal psychologen onderzoek? 
  • Chapter 3 - Sociale cognitie: hoe denken we over onze sociale wereld?
  • Chapter 4 - Sociale perceptie: hoe begrijpen we andere mensen?
  • Chapter 5 -&n...

People live in this world together. Social psychology is the study of how people behave in groups. How do we perceive them? And how does a group influence our behaviour?

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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Social psychology and social relations

This bundle contains everything you need to know for the second interim exam of Fundamentals of Psychology for the University of Amsterdam. It uses the book "Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology by M. Brysbaert and K. Rastle (second edition)". The bundle contains the following chapters: - ...


This bundle contains everything you need to know for the first interim exam of Fundamentals of Psychology for the University of Amsterdam. It uses the book "Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology by M. Brysbaert and K. Rastle (second edition)". The bundle contains the following chapters: - 1...


Een discussie is een uitwisseling van gedachten, meningen. Als je discussieert, verschil je van mening met een ander en wil je die persoon overtuigen van de juistheid van jouw standpunt. 25 Tips om zo zinvol mogelijk te discussiëren.

  1. goed naar elkaar luisteren (ook non-verbaal)

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