No resolutions, not a to do, just aims, 25 for 2025

  • I follow Gretchen Rubin, writer of the Happiness Project, already for a while. A couple of years ago I discovered her 21 for 2021. Now it is 25 for 2025.
  • And she has a resolution for all of us in 2025 25 minutes of writing every day or 2 times 4 minutes of writing every day. Not sure perhaps I like the 23 minutes outside in 2023 better...?
  • The list of 25 things for 2025! Some things on her list and on my list to stimulate change and habits: eat something new, be more hygge, cook something new, learn something new, visit a museum a month, talk to strangers, etc etc. Make it personal, fun and do-able. It is a good thing to review your list the 24th of each month and make certain things your habit, when important enough to you. Make it as easy or as difficult, ambitious or non-ambitious as you like. Most important is that it all matters to you. Up to 26 for 2026.


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