Which summaries can you use and expect in block 1 with VIP on JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

Which summaries for coming period can you use and expect with VIP on JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

  • Bachelor 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills
  • Bachelor 2: Test theory + Statistics II
  • Bachelor 3: Persoonlijke documentenen de constructie van de levensloop
  • Masters: various booksummaries, including: Applying social psychology + A conceptual introduction to psychometrics + Using multivariate statistics

Check the present and expected summaries and study services via worldsupporter.org/VIP


Tip category: 
Studies & Exams
VIP: summaries and study assistance

VIP: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance via VIP

  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.

VIP & JoHo WorldSupporter

  • VIP is JoHo WorldSupporter's partner for summaries and
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Products, Services & Travel
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