What are VIP summaries and how can you use them?

This year, VIP and JoHo are working together again to help you through your exams!

JoHo's are summaries, exam questions, articles and notes for Psychology students at Groningen University

  • JoHo summaries and study assistance are intended to sustainably increase your chances of passing your exams in a sustainable way for minimal costs and to allow you to study in the way that suits you best
  • JoHo’s are summaries and study services that give you insight into the key and minor issues of the compulsory study material, allow you to study faster and more effectively, ensure better results, and can refresh your knowledge after your study.
  • If you use the different JoHo's, you will almost always pass your exam.
  • JoHo's can be used online on your laptop, phone or tablet or can be delivered to your home on paper
  • All English summaries are also available to students in countries with limited access to textbooks and study materials

You can join JoHo for only(!) ten euro a year, and you can do so via joho.org and worldsupporter.org or at the VIP summaries desk!


Supporting content or organization page:
VIP: summaries and study assistance

VIP: summaries and study assistance


How do you use summaries and study assistance through study association VIP?

  • Attention! On this page you will find how it works and how you can use the summaries and study assistance
  • Study association VIP will adjust its website and messages to the latest state of affairs in the near future. Until then, you will still encounter information
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Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance - Year 2024/2025

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with VIP on JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + Biopsychology + Personality and individual differences + Statistics 1B
  • Semester 2: Social and cross-cultural psychology + Dialogue and group skills + Statistics 1B + Cognitive Psychology + History of Psychology

Bachelor 2:

  • Semester 1: Test theory + Statistics II + Clinical psychology + Psychology in the workplace
  • Semester 2: Statistics III; Social environment and behaviour

Bachelor 3:

  • Semester 1: various courses, a.o.: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop + Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Human error + Sensation and perception + Social influence
  • Semester 2: various courses, a.o. Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology + Conflict Management + Diagnostiek in de Ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk + Forensische Psychologie + Intergroup Relations + Overview of Psychotherapy + Social Cognition and Affect + Theorieën over Ontwikkelingsgebieden + Cognitive Neuroscience + Developmental Neuropsychology + Interpersonal relations + Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs + Seksuologie


  • Various tracks, a.o.: Applied Cognitive Neuroscience; Applied Social Psychology; Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology; Environmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Clinical Neuropsychology; Theory and History of Psychology; Talent Development and Creativity; Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Check the present and expected summaries and study services via the supporting content of this assortmentpointer

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the assortment pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Block 1A - Summaries with the course: Developmental psychology


  • Summary with Life-Span Human Development by Sigelman and Rider - 9th edition

Studying Developmental psychology:

  • In developmental psychology you get a bird's eye view of human behavior and how it changes throughout the life course. You see what early childhood behavior says about later development, and discover whether adults and the elderly are still growing and developing. You will be introduced to Pavlov and Piaget and you will learn whether a child's first smile is usually caused by an automatism of the central nervous system - or by successful contact with the mother.
  • Like most introductory subjects, you will only be given a glimpse of the veil and you will probably be left with a vague feeling about it. Don't be discouraged, as the years progress you will gain more and more insight into the relationship with your studies and your appreciation will also grow.

Block 1A - Summaries with the course: Introduction to psychological theories and research methods


  • Summary and ExamTests with Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information by Morling - 4th edition

Studying Introduction to psychological theories and research methods:

  • During this course you will learn to deal with the core concepts and basic principles of research and descriptive statistics. You will be introduced to the concepts of correlationality and validity, and you will learn to break down conspiracy theories.

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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Biopsychology

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Biological Psychology by Kalat - 13rd edition

    • Expected November 12th: Summary with the 14th edition of Biological Psychology

Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Personality and individual differences

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature by Larsen & Buss - 3rd edition

Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Statistics 1B

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Introduction to the Practice of Statistics van Moore, McCabe and Craig - 10th edition

Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B via the supporting content

  • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September

Assortment: 23/24


Block 2A: Developmental psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with Life-Span Human Development

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental psychology on worldsupporter.org

  • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

Block 2A: Social and cross-cultural psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Social Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Social and cross-cultural psychology on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

    Studying the course Social and cross-cultural psychology

    • About the course: This course provides a general introduction to social psychology and following this course will therefore regularly lead to recognizable situations.


    Block 2B: Biopsychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Biological Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Biopsychology on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries, bulletpoints and practice questions:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

    Block 2B: Personality and individual differences

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Personality Psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Personality and individual differences on worldsupporter.org

    • a.o. summaries and practice questions:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen


    Semester 1: Assortment of summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1

    Summaries and study assistance with Psychology semester 1

    .....read more
    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Block 1A - Summaries with the course: Test theory

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Psychological testing: A practical introduction by Hogan - 3rd edition

    Block 1A - Summaries with the course: Statistics II

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe and Craig - 10th edition

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Agresti - 5th edition

    Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A via the supporting content

    • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

    Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Clinical psychology

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology by Wessel & Aan het Rot - 2nd edition

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey - 2nd edition

    Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Psychology in the workplace

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology by Conte & Landy - 6th edition

    Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Statistics II

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe and Craig - 10th edition

    • Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Agresti - 5th edition

    Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B via the supporting content

    • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

    Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

    More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September



    Block 2A: Statistics III

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on worldsupporter.org

    • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
    • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

    Block 2A: Social environment and behaviour

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Social environment and behaviour on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries and notes with lectures
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


      Block 2B: Theory of science

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Theory of science on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries and notes with lectures
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

      Block 2B: Statistics III

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on worldsupporter.org

      • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
      • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


      Semester 1: Assortment of summaries for Bachelor 2 blocks 1A and 1B

      Summaries and study assistance with semester 1


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      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

      • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
        1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
        2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
        3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
        4. For navigation to the range pointers of the other blocks
      • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

      Blok 1A - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

      • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Adult Personality Development Volume 1: Theories and Concepts van Wrightsman - 1e druk

      Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A via the supporting content

      • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

      Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies

      • Summary with the book Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Farmer & Chapman - 2nd edition

      • Summary with the book Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Basics and Beyond by Beck - 3rd edition

      Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Human error

      • Summary with the book Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Klein - 1st edition

      • Summary with the book A Life in Error, From Little Slips to Big Disasters by Reason - 1st edition

      Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Sensation and perception

      • Summary with the book Sensation and Perception by Yantis and Abrams - 2nd edition

      Block 1B - Summaries with the course: Social influence

      • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

      Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B via the supporting content

      • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

      Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A & 2B - UG Groningen 2024-2025

      More information about the summary assortment of semester 2 follows in September



      2A: Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensic psychology: crime, justice, law, interventions

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Conflict Management

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Essentials of Negotiation

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Conflict management

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Diagnostiek in de Ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Diagnostiek in de ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

        2A: Forensische Psychologie

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensische Psychologie

        • see the supporting content of
        .....read more
        Summaries and supporting content: 
        Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen

        Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen


        Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See the supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Applied Social Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Social Psychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Environmental Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Environmental Psychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

        • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

        Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

        Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

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