What is the Bayes factor?

The Bayes factor (B) compares the probability of an experimental theory to the probability of the null hypothesis.
It gives the means of adjusting your odds in a continuous way.

  • If B is greater than 1, your data support the experimental hypothesis over the null
  • If B is less than 1, your data support the null over the experimental hypothesis
  • If B is about 1, then your experiment was not sensitive

For more information, look at the (free) summary of 'Bayes and the probability of hypotheses' or 'Bayesian versus orthodox statistics: which side are you one?'


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Bayes and the probability of hypotheses - summary of Chapter 4 of Understanding Psychology as a science by Dienes
Bayesian Versus orthodox statistics: which side are you on? - summary of an article by Dienes, 2011
WSRt, critical thinking - a summary of all articles needed in the fourth block of second year psychology at the uva
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