The World of JoHo

JoHo is looking for reinforcement, so if you are looking for a job in combination with your study, maybe you would like to work as an 'Administrative assistant for international affairs'.
For more information, opportunities or to apply take a look here!
There are plenty of opportunities and part-time options, also if you are looking for a permanent job in combination with your studies, feel free to send an open application
JoHo is een ontwikkelingsorganisatie die mensen en organisaties in staat wil stellen zich te ontwikkelen en beter samen te werken, en daardoor bij te dragen aan een tolerante, verdraagzame en duurzame wereld. Via fysieke en online platforms wordt steun verleend aan persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en word...
JoHo is a development organization that aims to empower people and organizations to develop and work better together, thereby contributing to a tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, support is provided for personal development and international cooperation.
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