Travel to Gambia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Gambia: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Gambia?

  • A small country on the west coast of Africa, popular among travelers and among birds. It is almost invisible on the map and yet there is much to experience. 
  • Activity spotting: spot the monkeys in Bijilo Forest Park, go on an animal trek in River Gambia National Park, visit Albert Market in Banjul, discover the colonial past on Fort James Island, Kunta Kinteh Island and at the Juffureh Slavery Museum, learn about Gambia at Tanjij Village Museum, visit the fish market, relax on the beautiful beaches and go on a bird watching tour.  
  • One or two weeks is enough to explore the country. 

Study in Gambia?

  • Gambia has a limited number of higher education institutions. The country is not known for good quality education, but there are a variety of courses available including law, architecture, medicine, IT and business administration. 
  • English is the main language, so that makes studying in Gambia a lot more accessible. 

Internship in Gambia?

  • There are some internship opportunities in Gambia, particularly with NGOs. Consider internships in child care and community development. 
  • Competencies: cultural sensitivity, language skills, working in constrained conditions, making decisions quickly and effectively, social awareness. 

Volunteering in Gambia?

  • There are volunteer opportunities in health care, elder care, child care, education, sports, women's empowerment, nature conservation. 

Working in Gambia?

  • It is not easy to find a job. The easiest thing is to create a network first. The best chances are with international organizations, such as NGOs or political/global institutions. There are also opportunities at international companies in the field of tourism and hospitality. It is also possible to work as an English teacher. 

Working as a digital nomad in Gambia?

  • Gambia is not very popular among digital nomads, mainly because of the often unreliable Internet and security.
  • Favorite locations: Banjul, Serekunda, Brikama. 

Living in Gambia?

  • Gambia is a small, predominantly Muslim country in West Africa. The people are friendly and the beaches beautiful. Most expats in Gambia work for the UN or an NGO, or have set up their own businesses in the tourism industry. 
  • Life is a lot slower, so nice to slow down and learn to deal with slow bureaucracy. Also, life is pretty cheap! 
  • Health care leaves much to be desired and Malaria is a big problem, so be aware of that. 
  • Arrange your health insurance well.

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Education in The Gambia – One step at a time

Onderstaande weblog schreef ik in het kader van het vak Children's Rights from an International Perspective, dat ik momenteel volg aan de VU Amsterdam. This month I had the chance to visit The Gambia. This country is one of the smallest, in size and in number, African countries situated in Western A...


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Toeristenvisum Als toerist heb je geen visum nodig als je minder dan 90 dagen in Gambia wil verblijven. Mocht je langer willen blijven dan is het mogelijk om tijdens deze 90 dagen in Gambia zelf een ander visum aan te vragen bij het immigratiebureau in Banjul (temporary residence permit). Hoe lang j...


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Community Development Fund

The Community Development Fund, voorheen School Development fund, is een fonds van de Britse reisorganisatie the Gambia Experience om gemeenschappen en scholen in Gambia te steunen.

Stichting Care for Natural

Stichting Care for Natural zet zich in voor lokale economische ontwikkeling in Gambia door middel van verschillende projecten.


Travel2Connect zet vrijwilligers van alle leeftijden, en studenten in op verschillende zorg- en welzijnsprojecten in Gambia. Travel2Connect is een kleine organisatie, met aandacht voor persoonlijke begeleiding. Het idee van Travel2Connect is ontstaan doordat oprichtster vanaf 2007 met veel passie, e...

Kameroen Werkt!

De stichting Kameroen Werkt bevordert duurzame economische en sociale ontwikkeling ten behoeve van mensen in Kameroen en Gambia, en initieert of ondersteunt creatief ondernemerschap van deelnemers aan projecten.


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Community Development Fund

The Community Development Fund, voorheen School Development fund, is een fonds van de Britse reisorganisatie the Gambia Experience om gemeenschappen en scholen in Gambia te steunen.

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