Travel to Greenland to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Greenland: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Greenland?

  • The largest island in the world, a land of extremes. Greenland is not for every backpacker or traveler and a visit requires good preparation. In winter you can experience the snow and the northern lights, in summer you can hike, climb, kayak. In addition, it is not easy to travel around, there are hardly any roads, so if you want to go from one place to another you can take a boat. Otherwise, it is recommended to stay one or two weeks in one place.
  • Activity spotting: hiking, climbing, kayaking, nature spotting, learning about the local culture, wildlife tours.

Studying in Greenland?

  • With one university, there is not much to choose from in Greenland. The University of Greenland offers a small selection of English studies, especially related to local culture, society and nature.

Internship in Greenland?

  • There are few internship options in Greenland. If you are looking for an internship, opportunities include research institutions or tech companies.

Volunteering in Greenland?

  • For volunteering you can go to individuals through volunteer websites, or for example in the tourism industry and education.

Working in Greenland?

  • There are few jobs. As a foreigner, your best chance is in the tourism industry as a guide, or as an English teacher.

Working as a digital nomad in Greenland?

  • You can hardly find much more off-the-beaten-path. Few digital nomads travel to this part of the world, which is precisely why it is a very special experience. For example, visit Nuuk and experience how the Vikings used to live. Make sure you have money, because it is not cheap.

Living in Greenland?

  • The standard of living is quite high in Nuuk, the capital. In other parts of the country it can vary quite a bit. The people are friendly and hospitable, but be sure to familiarize yourself with the traditions and learn some Greenlandic.
  • It is also important to consider the extreme temperatures, daylight hours (both summer and winter) and the language.


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Greenland Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Greenland Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Content about Greenland on WorldSupporter

Greenland: Updates & Travel

Greenland: Updates & Travel

Travel in Greenland?

  • Rugged and imposing landscapes ranging from rocky mountain ranges and giant icebergs to deep fjords and dry tundra.
  • Other highlights in Greenland include: Kulusuk 'The world's most unusual day trippers dream', dog sledding trips, swimming in hot springs overlooking icebergs drifting by, traditional villages and Ilulissat, the world's most impressive glacier outside Antarctica.

Updates Greenland

  • More about Greenland, updates and contributions, see the link below.
How does healthcare work in Greenland, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Greenland, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Greenland?

What is the quality of healthcare in Greenland?

  • Greenland, the large piece of Denmark, far from Europe. The country is under Danish rule, but has it's own parliament and also its own health care system.
  • The health care is of a reasonable standard, but comes with a huge challenge. Which is not so strange, in a country where the average temperature never exceeds 10 degrees Celsius.
  • The country has higher mortality rates, lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates than other Nordic countries, but that is probably mainly due to the harsh conditions in the country.
  • Only in Nuuk, the capital, is there a hospital with all the complicated modern facilities. In the rest of the country, the options are thinned out.
  • The lack of transport in the country makes it difficult to receive good, and especially urgent, care.
  • For complex medical treatments, people are often referred to Denmark and due to the extreme weather conditions and limited infrastructure, evacuations by helicopter or plane may be necessary in the event of a medical emergency.
  • Pharmacies in Greenland are often connected to hospitals or health centers. There are also a few independent pharmacies in the capital. Some medicines can be in short supply, so if you are dependent on specific medicines, it may be useful to bring your own.
  • In the event of a medical emergency, call 112. In remote areas, helicopters and vulnerable areas are used to transport patients. Make sure you are well covered for these types of evacuations to avoid high costs!

How does the public healthcare system work in Greenland?

  • If you are registered as a resident of Greenland, you are entitled to free healthcare and medicines. Common services include GP visits, care in public hospitals, public dental care, medical specialists, mandatory medicines and home care. In some cases, your medical transport will also be reimbursed.
  • Most medical facilities are located in larger towns such as Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ilulissat.
  • In small settlements, there are health centres staffed by nurses or paramedics, with support from remote doctors via telemedicine.

How does the private healthcare system work in Greenland?

  • Unlike many other countries, private healthcare in Greenland is very limited. There are mainly private hospitals and clinics, which is not surprising since there is of course little money to be made with such a small population.
  • Most foreigners choose to go abroad for specialized treatments.
  • Special health insurance can help cover additional costs, especially when it comes to evacuations for these types of treatments outside of Greenland.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Greenland?

  • In Greenland, general practitioner care is an important part of the healthcare system. In the larger cities, general practitioners work from health centers or hospitals, but in the smaller steps, nurses or paramedics often take on this care.
  • Because doctors in Greenland often have to treat a range of conditions, they are often both specialists and general practitioners!

How is the dentist arranged in Greenland?

  • Dental care in Greenland is of good quality, but it can be limited outside the larger cities.
  • Residents are entitled to free or subsidized treatments in public healthcare. In remote areas, mobile clinics are used to provide basic care.
  • There are hardly any specialist dentists. Specialist care can be outsourced to Denmark.

How is pregnancy care arranged in Greenland?

  • Maternity care is good in Greenland, but limited. All pregnant women have access to the same tests, but the process can be different depending on where you live. You will receive a blood and urine test, a preventive test for hereditary diseases, a test for STDs and various checks by a woman. You are also entitled to ultrasound scans during pregnancy.
  • In Nuuk, you must contact the Dronning Ingrid Health Centre, after which you will be assigned a midwife. In coastal towns with a hospital, you must contact the local hospital. In villages without a hospital, care comes from the health station. From here, a nurse will contact the nearest hospital where you will receive 2-3 visits during pregnancy. Women with risk factors are referred to the hospital in Nuuk, the only place where this type of pregnancy can be properly monitored. This usually means that women travel to Nuuk a few weeks (at least 3) before the due date and stay there in the hospital of the patient hotel.
  • All deliveries in Nuuk take place in the Dronning Ingrid Hospital. A caesarean section can also occur here. Outside Nuuk, the birth takes place in the nearby hospital.
  • The transport costs for mothers who live in villages and have to travel to the city are covered by the government. As is the stay in Nuuk in case of complications. The partner must pay the costs themselves, except in the case of twins, in which case the costs are partly covered for both.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Greenland?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Greenland?

  • Climate and nature: Greenland has an extreme climate. The temperatures are low and the country is almost completely covered in ice. Bad and dangerous weather conditions can also often occur. Think of storms and heavy snowfall. So make sure you always have suitable clothing with you and inform others of your plans.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Greenland?

  • In Greenland, the danger lies mainly in the cold.
  • Due to the extreme cold, hypothermia and frostbite can be a major risk.
  • Reflection of the sun on snow and ice can lead to serious eye irritation and damage, such as snow blindness.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Greenland?

  • Road networks are limited to urban areas. Travel between settlements is mainly by boat, plane or snowmobile, depending on the season.
  • Which work and travel insurances are suitable for short and long stays in Greenland

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Greenland?

  • Is the trip to Greenland and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Greenland if you are going to live there for a while?

  • For a long-term stay where you register in Greenland, international insurance is not necessarily required because healthcare is free. However, it can be wise, because it offers the possibility of seeking healthcare abroad. If you do not register in Greenland, health insurance is an absolute must because of the high costs for evacuation, transport and healthcare.
  • Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on
Greenland: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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Boat in greenland ice

People fascinated by the Arctic, ice, snow, biology and climate change can join the The Greenland Climate Research Centre for a spring semester of interesting courses. Before you can start the different courses (up to 30 ECTS) you have to complete the mandatory course on Arctic Safety. You will get ...


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Activities abroad: home page

From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

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      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

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      • Travel in Greenland?

        • Rugged and imposing landscapes ranging from rocky mountain ranges and giant icebergs to deep fjords and dry tundra.
        • Other highlights in Greenland include: Kulusuk 'The world's most unusual da...

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      SIW is een Nederlandse vrijwilligersorganisatie die Nederlandse vrijwilligers naar projecten over heel de wereld zendt, en buitenlandse vrijwilligers op diverse projecten in Nederland ontvangt. Heb je een tussenjaar, wil je eens iets anders of wil je misschien ervaring opdoen en wil je voor korte of...


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      SIW is een Nederlandse vrijwilligersorganisatie die Nederlandse vrijwilligers naar projecten over heel de wereld zendt, en buitenlandse vrijwilligers op diverse projecten in Nederland ontvangt. Heb je een tussenjaar, wil je eens iets anders of wil je misschien ervaring opdoen en wil je voor korte of...

      Safety and insurances for Greenland

      How does healthcare work in Greenland, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

      How does healthcare work in Greenland, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

      How does the healthcare system work in Greenland?

      What is the quality of healthcare in Greenland?

      • Greenland, the large piece of Denmark, far from Europe. The country is under Danish rule, but has it's own parliament and also its own health care system.
      • The health care is of a reasonable standard, but comes with a huge challenge. Which is not so strange, in a country where the average temperature never exceeds 10 degrees Celsius.
      • The country has higher mortality rates, lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates than other Nordic countries, but that is probably mainly due to the harsh conditions in the country.
      • Only in Nuuk, the capital, is there a hospital with all the complicated modern facilities. In the rest of the country, the options are thinned out.
      • The lack of transport in the country makes it difficult to receive good, and especially urgent, care.
      • For complex medical treatments, people are often referred to Denmark and due to the extreme weather conditions and limited infrastructure, evacuations by helicopter or plane may be necessary in the event of a medical emergency.
      • Pharmacies in Greenland are often connected to hospitals or health centers. There are also a few independent pharmacies in the capital. Some medicines can be in short supply, so if you are dependent on specific medicines, it may be useful to bring your own.
      • In the event of a medical emergency, call 112. In remote areas, helicopters and vulnerable areas are used to transport patients. Make sure you are well covered for these types of evacuations to avoid high costs!

      How does the public healthcare system work in Greenland?

      • If you are registered as a resident of Greenland, you are entitled to free healthcare and medicines. Common services include GP visits, care in public hospitals, public dental care, medical specialists, mandatory medicines and home care. In some cases, your medical transport will also be reimbursed.
      • Most medical facilities are located in larger towns such as Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ilulissat.
      • In small settlements, there are health centres staffed by nurses or paramedics, with support from remote doctors via telemedicine.

      How does the private healthcare system work in Greenland?

      • Unlike many other countries, private healthcare in Greenland is very limited. There are mainly private hospitals and clinics, which is not surprising since there is of course little money to be made with such a small population.
      • Most foreigners choose to go abroad for specialized treatments.
      • Special health insurance can help cover additional costs, especially when it comes to evacuations for these types of treatments outside of Greenland.

      How is the general practitioner arranged in Greenland?

      • In Greenland, general practitioner care is an important part of the healthcare system. In the larger cities, general practitioners work from health centers or hospitals, but in the smaller steps, nurses or paramedics often take on this care.
      • Because doctors in Greenland often have to treat a range of conditions, they are often both specialists and general practitioners!

      How is the dentist arranged in Greenland?

      • Dental care in Greenland is of good quality, but it can be limited outside the larger cities.
      • Residents are entitled to free or subsidized treatments in public healthcare. In remote areas, mobile clinics are used to provide basic care.
      • There are hardly any specialist dentists. Specialist care can be outsourced to Denmark.

      How is pregnancy care arranged in Greenland?

      • Maternity care is good in Greenland, but limited. All pregnant women have access to the same tests, but the process can be different depending on where you live. You will receive a blood and urine test, a preventive test for hereditary diseases, a test for STDs and various checks by a woman. You are also entitled to ultrasound scans during pregnancy.
      • In Nuuk, you must contact the Dronning Ingrid Health Centre, after which you will be assigned a midwife. In coastal towns with a hospital, you must contact the local hospital. In villages without a hospital, care comes from the health station. From here, a nurse will contact the nearest hospital where you will receive 2-3 visits during pregnancy. Women with risk factors are referred to the hospital in Nuuk, the only place where this type of pregnancy can be properly monitored. This usually means that women travel to Nuuk a few weeks (at least 3) before the due date and stay there in the hospital of the patient hotel.
      • All deliveries in Nuuk take place in the Dronning Ingrid Hospital. A caesarean section can also occur here. Outside Nuuk, the birth takes place in the nearby hospital.
      • The transport costs for mothers who live in villages and have to travel to the city are covered by the government. As is the stay in Nuuk in case of complications. The partner must pay the costs themselves, except in the case of twins, in which case the costs are partly covered for both.

      How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Greenland?

      What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Greenland?

      • Climate and nature: Greenland has an extreme climate. The temperatures are low and the country is almost completely covered in ice. Bad and dangerous weather conditions can also often occur. Think of storms and heavy snowfall. So make sure you always have suitable clothing with you and inform others of your plans.

      What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Greenland?

      • In Greenland, the danger lies mainly in the cold.
      • Due to the extreme cold, hypothermia and frostbite can be a major risk.
      • Reflection of the sun on snow and ice can lead to serious eye irritation and damage, such as snow blindness.

      What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Greenland?

      • Road networks are limited to urban areas. Travel between settlements is mainly by boat, plane or snowmobile, depending on the season.
      • Which work and travel insurances are suitable for short and long stays in Greenland

      What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Greenland?

      • Is the trip to Greenland and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

      What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Greenland if you are going to live there for a while?

      • For a long-term stay where you register in Greenland, international insurance is not necessarily required because healthcare is free. However, it can be wise, because it offers the possibility of seeking healthcare abroad. If you do not register in Greenland, health insurance is an absolute must because of the high costs for evacuation, transport and healthcare.
      • Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on

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