Travel to Burkina Faso to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

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 Burkina Faso


Backpacking or traveling in Burkina Faso?

  • The land of cultural diversity (more than 60 different ethnic groups), music, unprecedented handmade cultural art and also a fascinating interplay of savannas, lakes and rock formations. A highlight is the mix of traditional African villages with their unique architecture and festivals, offering travelers an authentic experience. Mass tourism is not yet a major phenomenon here, allowing you to discover the country in its purest form. It lends itself to both the traveler and backpacker, although it will take some effort to understand and discover the infrastructure. 
  • Although the political situation was quite stable for a long time, the country has been unsettled in recent years. So pay close attention to your own safety. 
  • Activity spotting: explore the lively markets and impressive mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso; hike through nature and swim in the refreshing Karfiguela waterfalls; admire the impressive rock formations near Banfora; spot wildlife in Nazinga Game Ranch; go on safari in W National park; visit the annual mask festival; watch hippos and relax at Lake Tengrela; visit the capital Ouagadougou and the National Museum of Burkina Faso; visit the ruins of Loropéni; explore the famous market of Gorom Gorom. 
  • Animal spotting: elephants, antelopes, hippos, lions, buffalo, African osprey, bee-eater, crocodiles, chimpanzee, pangolins etc. 
  • Food spotting: riz gras (rice dish with tomatoes and meat), toh (thick corn porridge), poulet bicyclette (roasted chicken), babenda (mix of rice and fish), sumbala sauce (spicy sauce of fermented beans), sagabo (porridge of sorghum with sauce, vega), fufu (cassava or cornmeal served with vegetables, also vega). 

Studying in Burkina Faso?

  • Education in Burkina Faso does not rank very high in world rankings. There are a limited number of universities you can attend. Popular studies are agriculture-related studies, engineering, natural sciences, business administration and management and education. 
  • Study cities: Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso. 
  • Language: French, with some opportunities in English. 

Internship in Burkina Faso?

  • There are many internship opportunities in Burkina Faso, especially in the areas of community development, education, and conservation. NGOs and international organizations in particular offer internships. 
  • Competencies: flexibility and adaptability, project management, collaboration in multicultural teams, language skills in French and local languages, problem-solving skills.

Volunteer in Burkina Faso?

  • Volunteer opportunities can be found mainly with international aid organizations or local NGOs. Due to the high levels of poverty, volunteering is particularly focused on poverty alleviation, health care, education and helping children. There are also opportunities in agriculture and reforestation projects. 

Working in Burkina Faso?

  • For foreigners, there are work opportunities in NGOs, international development organizations and educational institutions. Most job opportunities are in urban areas such as Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. Work in the development sector and English teaching are popular options for expats. You may also be able to find work in the mining industry. 

Working as a digital nomad in Burkina Faso?

  • Although Burkina Faso is not known as a popular destination for digital nomads, you can expect an authentic environment if you like remote work. However, Internet connections are not always reliable, especially outside the cities. 
  • Favorite location: Ouagadougou is the best location for nomads because of the availability of modern amenities.

Living in Burkina Faso?

  • Life in Burkina Faso is a mix of traditional and modern. The cities offer modern amenities, but the countryside remains strongly tied to ancient traditions. Expats live mainly in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso, where international schools and modern hospitals can be found. The climate is mostly hot and dry, especially in the Sahel region.
  • International schools are mainly located in Ouagadougou, where expatriate children have access to English-language education.
  • Although Burkina Faso is generally friendly, there are certain regions, particularly in the north and east, that have travel advisories due to security risks.
  • Note: It is important to speak French for most communications, and it is advisable to exercise caution in remote areas and always seek local advice on safety.
  • Climate: tropical climate with two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. 
  • Culture: people are incredibly friendly. Greet people you meet, otherwise you will be seen as very rude. Also, eating and offering things with the right hand is important. In addition, the culture revolves around dancing and the local masks, people are very proud of this. Also, Burkina Faso's film industry is very popular in Africa! 
  • Health insurance: health care is limited, especially in rural areas, but private clinics are available in the larger cities. Because medical evacuation is sometimes necessary, it is important to make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.

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Burkina Faso Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Burkina Faso Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van het straatarme land haalde Burkina Faso afgelopen woensdag de finale van de Africa Cup. In heel Afrika staat men versteld van deze prestatie. Burkina Faso gold vooraf zeker niet als een van de titelkandidaten. In de finale treft Burkina Faso Nigeria dat ongeveer...


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rondreis door Burkina Faso

Morgen vertrekken we weer naar Burkina Faso, voor de meer dan 30-ste keer denk ik.. ik ben opgehouden te tellen. Zaterdag a.s. volgt de groep waar we vervolgens een rondreis door dit nog vrij onbekende en weinig toeristische land gaan maken. Via Facebook houden we volgers op de hoogte en vanaf nu oo...


Toeristenvisum Je hebt een toeristenvisum nodig voor Burkina Faso. Deze kan je aanvragen bij het consulaat van Burkina Faso in Rotterdam, bij de ambassade in Brussel, of aanvragen via een online dienst die het werk voor je doet. Je paspoort moet minimaal drie maanden geldig zijn na terugkomst uit Bu...


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ED LOOGE! (Rondreizen)

ED LOOGE! betekent Let's Go! in Mooré de taal van de Mossi. ED LOOGE! is een reisorganisatie die sinds 2010 groepsreizen naar het West-Afrikaanse Burkina Faso organiseert. Ook is het mogelijk om naar Mali, Benin, Ghana en Togo te gaan met ED LOOGE!. In de bedrijfsfilosofie van ED LOOGE! past ...

IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

IRC is mostly run by citizens of the eight countries where they work: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda. IRC works directly with communities, experts, public servants and decision-makers. IRC initiates and supports local and regional project on WASH services = wa...


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IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

IRC is mostly run by citizens of the eight countries where they work: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda. IRC works directly with communities, experts, public servants and decision-makers. IRC initiates and supports local and regional project on WASH services = wa...

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