Travel to Europe to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Europe: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Europe?

  • Backpacking: Europe is the region where you can best get your first backpacking experience as a backpacker, island hopping, interraveling, hitchhiking or flixbusing.
  • Travel: perhaps the most versatile travel area with a wide variety of culture, impressive architecture, varied nature and diverse climates.
  • Checking: all the countries of Europe
  • Activity spotting: hiking in one of the many beautiful mountain ranges such as the Alps, Pyrenees, Dolomites, take pictures in tulip fields, discover Roman, Ottoman and Greek history, drink the most delicious wines and live the Burgundian life, relax on the Mediterranean beaches, visit pubs and listen to Celtic music, admire medieval castles, ski and climb in the wilderness of Scandinavia, behold the northern lights, discover Eastern European culture and hospitality etc...  
  • Animal spotting: brown bear, Iberian wolf, lynx, dolphins, flamingos, basking shark, wisents, wild cats, reindeer.... 

Studying in Europe?

  • In Europe you will find a huge choice of studies, with renowned universities and educational institutions scattered across the continent. Because of the Bologna system, it is easy to compare and transfer studies and qualifications.  
  • You can study anywhere in Europe. In general, the quality of education is better in the richer countries (Western Europe and Northern Europe). For example, if you want a good technical education, look in Germany. Studying here is also free in many cases. England has some of the most famous universities in the world. There is a big focus on research and humanities, law, medicine and business studies are particularly popular. Then again, the cost is incredibly high. 
  • The Netherlands is known for studies in water management, environmental sciences, international relations and design. The focus is on research and international programs. Costs are average (and relatively high for foreign students). 
  • In France, you can go for art, fashion, literature, philosophy, as well as business administration! The quality is good and there are many historical institutions, especially in Paris. Also, studying does not cost much. 
  • Sweden and Denmark are known for innovation, sustainable development and design. Universities have a progressive and innovative approach. Education for EU students is free! 
  • Italy, of course, is known for fashion, design, art history and architecture. Costs are reasonably low, as is living expenses. 
  • Eastern Europe has good universities with growing reputations. Often with international programs as well. Tuition and living costs are low, making it popular for budget-conscious students. 

Internship in Europe?

  • There are an awful lot of options. Some sector-specific options are: 
  • Germany for IT, engineering and the automotive industry, the UK for finance, marketing, media, consulting, the Netherlands for internships in water management, environmental and sustainability projects, France and Italy for fashion, art, culture and the culinary sector, Scandinavia for sustainable development, tech and design. 
  • Language: depends on the country - in the UK and Ireland it can of course be in English. In countries like Spain, Italy, and France, mastering the local language can increase the chances of getting an internship placement, especially in customer-facing sectors. In countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, internships may require you to speak multiple languages, depending on the region.
  • Formal Culture: In Germany and Switzerland, the work culture is often formal and structured, with clear expectations and procedures.
  • Informal Culture: Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands have a more informal work culture, with a focus on work-life balance and open communication.

Volunteering in Europe?

  • Volunteering in nature parks, forest management, and biodiversity projects is popular in countries such as Spain, Italy, and the Nordic countries. Projects can range from protecting endangered species to restoring natural areas.
  • In many European countries, you can volunteer to work with children and youth, for example by teaching English, organizing youth activities, or being a mentor in after-school programs.
  • In countries such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands, there are many opportunities to work with vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, refugees, or people with disabilities, often in cooperation with NGOs and local organizations.
  • Volunteering in museums, cultural festivals, or in restoration projects of historical heritage is an option in countries rich in history such as Greece and France.
  • Language: in tourist and international cities, such as Amsterdam, Berlin, or Barcelona, there are many volunteer opportunities that require only English. For volunteering in more remote or small-scale communities, it may be helpful to speak or be prepared to learn the local language, especially in social care or education projects.

Working in Europe?

  • You can find jobs all over Europe in all sectors. 
  • Countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and France have strong economies with diverse industries, including automotive, finance, technology, and engineering. 
  • Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark are known for their focus on technology, sustainability, and design, and offer many opportunities in these innovative sectors. 
  • In cities such as Paris, Milan, and Barcelona, there are numerous opportunities in the fashion, art, and cultural sectors. 
  • Southern European countries such as Spain, Italy, and Greece have large tourism sectors, with many employment opportunities in hospitality, recreation, and tourism. 
  • In Eastern Europe, it can be more difficult to find work because of the weaker economy. 
  • Work culture: Work cultures vary widely across Europe. Germany and Switzerland tend to have more formal work cultures with a strong emphasis on punctuality and efficiency. In contrast, countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden have a more informal and egalitarian work atmosphere, with a focus on work-life balance. Many Eastern European countries have a relatively hierarchical work culture, where respect for authority and clear structures are important. Employees are expected to follow the instructions of their superiors without much contradiction.
  • Working conditions: Europe generally has good labor laws that protect workers, such as legal vacation days, parental leave, and health insurance. Working conditions are often well regulated with clear rights and obligations for employees.

Working as a digital nomad in Europe?

  • Europe is an incredibly comfortable continent for digital nomads. You have all the comforts, the Internet is excellent, the climate wonderful (depending on the country, of course) and there are many travelers, expats and locals to make friends with. It can be quite pricey, though, depending on where you are. 
  • Favorite locations: Lisbon, Barcelona, Tallinn, Budapest, Prague, Amsterdam, Krakow, Tbilisi, Berlin, Valencia. 

Living in Europe?

  • Language: almost every country in Europe has its own language or accent. When you want to integrate you will have to learn about the local language and culture.
  • Living environment: countries that score high with expats and emigrants are (varying) in order: Spain, Portugal, Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Greece.
  • Healthcare: the quality of healthcare in most countries is good.
  • Health care costs: once you start working in another country, your local health insurance often expires, then you will have to insure locally. Seek advice on insurances that provide sufficient coverage for proper care and also repatriation in case of emergency.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
Europe: emigration, moving and living abroad: in countries in Europe
Europe: typical European habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies from Europe
Europe Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes

  1. Boil the potatoes in a large pan of salted water until very soft. Drain and set to one side to cool down and steam dry. Once cool, mash until smooth.
  2. Put the cold mashed potato into a large bowl. Add the flour, egg and a good pinch of sa...

placki - polish pancake

Using the coarse side of a box grater, grate the potatoes and place them into a sieve or colander over a bowl. Using the finer side of the grater, grate the onion and add it to the potato. Using the back of a spoon, or even your hands, squeeze out any excess water/juice from the potatoes and onion....


When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  


Liberation day is one of the biggest festival days in the Netherlands. On this day, the 5th of May, we celebrate our liberation from the German occupation during the second worldwar. This day has been a day of celebration ever since. Whereas before the celebrations took place every five years, now t...


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Recipes from Europe or with a local twist by WorldSupporters- Bundle
Activities abroad: home bundle


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1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


The world has embraced the concept of drones used for military purposes in the 21st century. It seemed like science fiction and how drones operated was shrouded in controversial secrecy. It did not take long before consumer drones were introduced in the market to replace the spy photography weapons ...

Corona uitje Panbos

Oh nee! Alle vakantieplannen in het water door Corona? Gelukkig zijn er genoeg plekjes in Nederland waar je heel dicht bij dat vakantiegevoel kunt komen. Zoals de Pan van Persijn, ook wel bekend als het Panbos tussen Wassenaar en Katwijk. In de Pan van Persijn kun je heerlijk wandelen door een heuve...


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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


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Become a ski instructor with Snowminds in Austria, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Japan or New Zealand At Snowminds the entire team shares the same passion: Snow

  • Everyone on the team has done winter seasons, ranging from one winter season to more than nine.
  • Snowminds guides its ski ...

Het Andere Reizen

Het Andere Reizen is een organisatie die duurzaam en verantwoord reizen promoot. Naast de reisprogramma's worden ook diverse sociale en duurzame stages en vrijwlligersprojecten aangeboden.


SIW is een Nederlandse vrijwilligersorganisatie die Nederlandse vrijwilligers naar projecten over heel de wereld zendt, en buitenlandse vrijwilligers op diverse projecten in Nederland ontvangt. Heb je een tussenjaar, wil je eens iets anders of wil je misschien ervaring opdoen en wil je voor korte of...

Ten Travel

Ten Travel is een specialist in het aanbieden van betaalde banen voor seizoenswerk in met name Zuid Europa en vrijwilligerswerk en taalcursussen wereldwijd.


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


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  • TRANSNACIONALIDAD de un PROYECTO Para un buen proceso de nuestro proyecto consideramos que es importante communicar con otros socios, otros organizaciones, cualquier trabajo suelen del nuestro y que pueden apoyar nos en el desarrollo del proyecto...

Samenvatting: European Union Politics

Deze samenvatting bij European Union Politics van Cini is geschreven bij de 4e druk in 2014 en gedoneerd aan JoHo WorldSupporter

  • Hoofdstuk 1: Inleiding tot de Europese Unie
  • Hoofdstuk 2: De Europese Gemeenschap van 1945 tot 1985
  • Hoofdstuk 3: De oprichting en ontwikkeling v...


Hoorcollege 1/ introductiecollege “De cursus biedt inzicht in de huidige stand van zaken op het gebied van motivatie en zelfsturend gedrag, in hoe deze zich ontwikkelen, en in hoe kennis met betrekking tot motivatie en zelfsturend gedrag wordt aangewend om gedrag te begrijpen, te voorkomen, of...

Hoorcollege 8 Psychopathologie 23 Universiteit Utrecht

Hoorcollege 8: Forensische psychologie Forensische settings

  • Voorhechtenis: Individu wacht op een uitspraak van de rechter
  • Gevangenis: Individu is al veroordeeld
  • Forensisch psychiatrische centra (open of gesloten): individu vormt een gevaar voor zichzelf en/of zijn omgeving...


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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle




1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

placki - polish pancake

Using the coarse side of a box grater, grate the potatoes and place them into a sieve or colander over a bowl. Using the finer side of the grater, grate the onion and add it to the potato. Using the back of a spoon, or even your hands, squeeze out any excess water/juice from the potatoes and onion....


Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes

  1. Boil the potatoes in a large pan of salted water until very soft. Drain and set to one side to cool down and steam dry. Once cool, mash until smooth.
  2. Put the cold mashed potato into a large bowl. Add the flour, egg and a good pinch of sa...


1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Supporting Content:
Happiness quotes & statements from Europe
Recipes from Europe or with a local twist by WorldSupporters- Bundle


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