Travel to Sint Maarten to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

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Sint Maarten: table of content

 Sint Maarten


Backpacking or traveling in Sint Maarten?

  • Two countries on one island, it is possible on St. Maarten. Move freely between the two parts and enjoy beautiful beaches, nature and, if you like it, many expensive resorts. 
  • Free movement exists between the two halves. So you can easily explore the island on your own and experience the differences between north and south firsthand. The official language on the island is English, although French and Dutch are also common. The Dutch part has been a separate country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands since 2010. Previously, it was part of the Netherlands Antilles. The national holiday is November 11, after the saint whose name the island bears. It is not an island with many attractions, but its location, language, weather, beach and the dead Flagstaff volcano (on the French part) provide enough reasons to spend a nice beach vacation on St. Maarten.

Studying in Sint Maarten?

  • There are two institutions to choose from, with several study options including the best Caribbean medical school. 

Internship in Sint Maarten?

  • You can intern in the medical field, at the airport or in conservation, for example. 

Volunteer in Sint Maarten?

  • There are several options for volunteering. For example, you can volunteer with animals, youth, nature conservation/research and education. 

Working in Sint Maarten?

  • You can find jobs here and there on St. Maarten, especially in Philipsburg and especially as a Dutch teacher! 

Working as a digital nomad in Sint Maarten?

  • Quite expensive, and depending on where you are not always good internet. Wonderful place if you can afford it though!

Living in Sint Maarten?

  • A small and friendly community (hard to remain anonymous) on a beautiful island.
  • Besides work, you can enjoy beautiful beaches, water sports and nature every day.
  • Do be aware of the pros and cons of island life: mosquitoes all year round though, and quite heavy traffic. 

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Sint Maarten Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Sint Maarten Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Sint Maarten: Updates & Travel
Sint Maarten: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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Kom naar dit te gekke feest van TMI en waan je in de Caribische sfeer! Iedereen die via TMI op Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao of Sint Maarten gewerkt heeft en graag collega’s terugziet kan langskomen. Maar ook als je geïnteresseerd bent om op één van deze eila...


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Activities abroad: home bundle


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Backpacken op de Kleine Antillen

  • The Windwards & The Leewards
  • Rum en Palmbomen
  • Where To Go
  • Alternatief Reizen

The Windwards & The Leewards De Kleine Antillen zijn in te delen in de Bovenwindse Eilanden en de Benedenwindse Eilanden. In het Engel...

Sint Maarten: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Sint Maarten?
  • Updates Sint Maarten
  • Travel in Sint Maarten?

    • St. Maarten is an island in the Caribbean divided into two parts, with a French part in the north and a Dutch part in the south. Free movement exists between the two halves. So you can easil...

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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


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Seaside Nature Park

Seaside Nature Park is een natuurpark op Sint Maarten waar activiteiten worden georganiseerd om de natuur, geschiedenis en cultuur van het eiland onder de aandacht te brengen. 

Healthz zorgprofessionals

Healthz zorgprofessionals is een detacherings- en bemiddelingsbureau in tijdelijke en vaste banen binnen de ziekenhuiszorg op de Caribbean, met name in Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Eustatius en Sint Maarten. Van specialist en verpleegkundige tot bestuurder of algemeen medewerker in een zorginstelling...


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Volunteer in a permaculture and self-sufficiency project on Sint Maarten

Immerse yourself in sustainable agriculture during your stay in this sustainable community on St. Maarten. You will learn about and participate in projects related to permaculture, sustainable fish farming, food security, self-sufficiency and ecological awareness. There are options for both sho...

Stories, tips and experiences from Sint Maarten


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