Travel to Sudan to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Sudan: table of content



Backpacking or travelling in Sudan?

  • Sudan is an adventure destination in Northeast Africa that is still relatively undiscovered, full of historical treasures and special hospitality. The country offers a mix of deserts, ancient pyramids, diving opportunities and a rich tradition. Good for those who want to discover the undiscovered and want to go on an adventure!
  • The country is still recovering from a long civil war, which means that there are not many varied options in terms of accommodation. For the backpacker it can therefore be a bit more difficult to find cheap options.
  • Activity spotting: explore the often forgotten pyramids of Meroë; discover the lively Khartoum and visit the national museum and the intense souks; visit Nubian villages and experience Nubian hospitality; dive in the Red Sea; experience the “sufi whirling”, a special form of active meditation; go on safari in Dinder National Park; visit the temple of Soleb; climb Jebel Barkal, a sacred mountain with beautiful views of the Nile; take a Nile cruise; shop in the Omdurman Souk, the largest market in Sudan.
  • Animal spotting: gazelles, hippos, Nile crocodiles, Abyssinian hornbills, desert foxes, ostriches, vervet monkeys.
  • Food spotting: ful medames, kisra, asida, gorraasa, tamia, molokhia, shai bil labal (a difficult word for tea), aseer asab, hilbeh.

Studying in Sudan?

  • Not of the highest quality, but education is growing and there are several higher education facilities. So you can choose from different studies and the expectation is that more and better options will become available.
  • Study cities: Khartoum, Omdurman.
  • Language: Arabic, and English is also widely used.

Internships in Sudan?

  • It is not overflowing with options, but internships are mainly found with NGOs and international aid organizations and can vary from health care and education to development work and environmental protection. The opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a country with so many challenges and opportunities is incredibly valuable.
  • Competencies: project management, cultural awareness, intercultural communication, Arabic language skills.

Volunteering in Sudan?

  • Think about teaching English, healthcare and helping in refugee camps.

Working in Sudan?

  • Foreigners often work for NGOs and international organizations that focus on humanitarian aid and development.

Working as a digital nomad in Sudan?

  • Certainly not the first choice for digital nomads. There are many challenges, such as internet and workplaces, but you can contribute to the country's economy and experience adventure without too many other tourists.
  • Favorite location: Khartoum.

Living in Sudan?

  • A unique and challenging experience. What we think you can enjoy most as an expat is the warm welcome by the locals and the chance to participate in a colorful life.
  • Why not? Discover the fascinating history and culture, experience the warmth and hospitality and if you are adventurous this is a spectacular country, but… the political and security situation remains worrying in some areas, the infrastructure is not always reliable and the summers can be extremely hot.
  • Education: there are some international schools in the capital.
  • Expat community: mainly in Khartoum.
  • Safety: it has improved in recent years, but it is still important to be cautious and aware of conflict zones.
  • Culture: Sudanese culture is rich and diverse, with strong traditions in music, dance and art. The country has a deep respect for hospitality and family ties.
  • Climate: hot summers and mild winters.
  • Health insurance: facilities are limited, so make sure you have your own comprehensive health insurance.

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  • Travel in Sudan
  • Updates Sudan
  • Travel in Sudan

    • Sudan is known for its Nubian hospitality. This is especially noticeable in the villages along the Nile. People enjoy greeting visitors and spontaneously show their beautifully painted houses. In addition to explor...

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Confluence International School

Confluence International School of Khartoum provides international curriculum for children of Sudanese and foreign nationals living in Khartoum, from the pre-school to the secondary level (2 -16 years old). Note: it seems that Confluence International School of Khartoum has moved its activities to E...


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Confluence International School

Confluence International School of Khartoum provides international curriculum for children of Sudanese and foreign nationals living in Khartoum, from the pre-school to the secondary level (2 -16 years old). Note: it seems that Confluence International School of Khartoum has moved its activities to E...

Safety and insurances in Sudan

How does healthcare work in Sudan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Sudan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Sudan?

  • Sudan has a healthcare system that is largely government-run, supplemented by private health care providers. However, general access to medical care is limited due to economic conditions and the conflict situation. 
  • It is estimated that in recent years some 90% of healthcare facilities have been attacked and destroyed.
  • The public system theoretically offered free care, but in practice additional charges are often demanded due to lack of resources.
  • International health insurance is essential to receive care. Do make sure it covers care or medical evacuation in Sudan. 

How does the public healthcare system work in Sudan?

  • Public healthcare in Sudan is poorly funded and often inadequate. Many hospitals are short of staff, equipment, and medicine.
  • Expats can use public healthcare, but due to low quality and long waiting times, it is usually not recommended.
  • In urban areas such as Khartoum, facilities are somewhat better, but in rural areas the situation is worrisome.

How does the private healthcare system work in Sudan?

  • There is also little private healthcare available in Sudan because of the conflict situation. 
  • Private clinics can be found especially in Khartoum, they are relatively expensive though and payment is in cash. Make sure you have insurance that covers this and always have cash in your pocket. 
  • For complex treatments, medical evacuation to a neighboring country such as Egypt or a more distant country is often necessary.

How is the GP arranged in Sudan?

  • If you are looking for a general practitioner, it is best to visit a private clinic. 

How is the dentist arranged in Sudan?

  • Dental care is not in good shape in Sudan. Like other healthcare, it is burdened by war, the economic situation and also the effects of Covid. 
  • There are major shortages in personnel, materials and supplies. 

How is pregnancy care arranged in Sudan?

  • There are many wonderful pregnancy traditions in Sudan. For example, there are many traditional herbs, such as fenugreek, that are used in pregnancies. 
  • Unfortunately, pregnancy care also suffers greatly in the current situation. The best care can be expected in Khartoum. 

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Sudan?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Sudan?

  • Sudan faces ongoing conflict and instability, which affects overall security in the country.
  • Although crime in urban areas is relatively low, there are security risks due to conflict and banditry in remote areas.
  • Avoid remote and border areas. Stay aware of travel advisories and avoid travel after sunset.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Sudan?

  • Tap water is not safe to drink. Use bottled water or boil the water before consuming it.
  • Malaria, dengue fever and several infectious diseases are present. Be prepared for these and discuss your trip with a vaccination doctor. 
  • There are frequent major disease outbreaks, amplified by the conflict situation.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Sudan?

  • Roads in urban areas are reasonable, but rural roads are often poorly maintained or impassable during the rainy season.
  • Driving can be dangerous due to poor roads, poor traffic control, and poorly maintained vehicles.
  • Driving after sunset is strongly discouraged due to poor lighting and safety hazards.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Sudan?

  • Is the trip to Sudan and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Sudan if you are going to live there for a while?

  • Health insurance is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on



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