Travel to Iraq to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Iraq: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Iraq?

  • Traveling and backpacking in Iraq is a special experience, but it requires careful planning and attention to safety. The country has a rich history and culture, with many archaeological sites to visit. You will also find beautiful desert landscapes and mountainous areas and incredibly friendly and hospitable people.  You can travel around with a group tour, but you can also go on a nice backpacking trip on your own.
  • Some areas in Iraq are less safe and can be unregulated. It is important to avoid traveling to these areas and get up-to-date information from local authorities and embassy or consular services.
  • Activity spotting: explore the bazaars of Baghdad; tour the Arab Marshes in southern Iraq; witness one of the world's largest pilgrimages in Karbala, Najaf and Samsarra; learn about the first cities, agriculture and writing of 10,000-3,000 B.C. at one of the many archaeological sites; immerse yourself in the culture, food and language; make local friends over a cup of tea; take a desert tour; visit Mosul; climb the minaret of the Malwiya Mosque in Samsarra; hike through the ruins of Babylon; visit Sulaymaniyah and climb Amzar mountain; drink tea at one of Erbil's tea houses. 
  • Animal spotting: Arabian Oryx, Iraqi gazelle, wild boar, foxes, steppe eagle, tadpole, Iraqi eagle owl, chameleons, scorpions, tilapia, Arabian Lynx (very rare!). 
  • Food spotting: kebab, dolma, masgouf, biryani, hummus, tabouleh, kibbeh, pita bread, shorba, baklava, knafeh, chai, ayran. 

Studying in Iraq?

  • Iraq has many universities with many study options. The best university scores average in global rankings. 
  • Popular studies include engineering, law, IT, computer science, philology, medicine. 
  • Study cities: Baghdad, Erbil, As Sulaymaniyah, Basrah.
  • Language: Arabic, with some English options.  

Internship in Iraq?

  • Internships are available in a variety of sectors including education, healthcare, engineering and NGOs. 
  • Internship cities: Baghdad, Erbil and Basra.
  • Competencies: cultural sensitivity, problem solving, intercultural communication, project management, effective communication, etc. 

Volunteering in Iraq?

  • It's not easy to just volunteer. Connections come in handy. For volunteering, you can mainly go to international aid organizations and NGOs in the field of humanitarian aid, health care and education. It is also possible to volunteer in education. 
  • Remotely, you can also volunteer at local nature organizations, for example by helping with grant writing, translation, etc. 

Working in Iraq?

  • There are jobs for expats in engineering, oil & gas, health care and education. It is helpful/important to speak Arabic, Kurdish and English, though. 
  • Work culture: there can be tension in collaborations with foreigners. Therefore, it is extra important to respect the local culture. In the work culture, respect for seniors is important. Also, processes are often very formal and emotions are not shown much. 

Working as a digital nomad in Iraq?

  • Iraq is not a popular country for digital nomads. The country is not tremendously safe, the Internet is not too fast and also varies by location. Baghdad does have co-working spaces with good Internet and the people are friendly. 
  • Favorite locations: Baghdad, Kurdistan. 

Living in Iraq?

  • Living in Iraq as an expat offers a special experience with a rich culture and history, but also brings challenges such as security risks and varying living conditions. Most expats live in guarded compounds where you can live a comfortable life. Also, the cost of living is not that high and salaries are often good. 
  • The quality of housing and health care can vary, and learning Arabic can be useful for daily interactions.
  • If you speak the language and respect local norms and values, you can have a nice social life. International schools are available for expat families. 
  • It is important to be well prepared and follow local norms and safety advice.
  • Health insurance: the Iraqi health care system leaves much to be desired. So do make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance for emergencies and serious care.

Supporting content

Iraq: Updates & Travel

Iraq: Updates & Travel

Travel in Iraq?

  • Iraq is a largely unsettled country, torn between a glorious past and bloody recent events. While many areas are often unsettled, there are also parts where things are a bit quieter. Be aware that the security situation can change at any time. Despite the great unrest, Iraqis are known to be very hospitable, and there are several impressive archaeological treasures to be found in the country.

Updates Iraq

  • More about Iraq, updates and contributions, see the link below.




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Iraq Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

Iraq: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Iraq?
  • Updates Iraq
  • Travel in Iraq?

    • Iraq is a largely unsettled country, torn between a glorious past and bloody recent events. While many areas are often unsettled, there are also parts where things are a bit quieter. Be aware that the security ...

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  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...

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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

Iraq: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Iraq?
  • Updates Iraq
  • Travel in Iraq?

    • Iraq is a largely unsettled country, torn between a glorious past and bloody recent events. While many areas are often unsettled, there are also parts where things are a bit quieter. Be aware that the security ...

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