Travel to Africa to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Africa: table of content



Backpacking in Africa?

  • Africa is perhaps the continent where backpackers face the greatest challenges and experience the most beautiful adventures. More than in the other continents, you are often pulled completely out of your comfort zone and you travel as journeys were once intended.
  • Characteristics: lots of adventure, lots of local contact, lots of music, lots of wildlife and sometimes some setbacks.

Travel in Africa?

  • Nothing or no one can prepare you for the wonderful world of Africa. From the pyramids of Giza in the Egyptian desert to the annual migration of wildebeest in search of water in the Serengeti National Park (Tanzania). The trips with a Spotting nature: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe, Zambia), the West African Sahara, the safari areas in East Africa, the surf spots of Guinea or South Africa.
  • Spotting animals: from lions to elephants and from rhinos to penguins.

Internship and study in Africa?

  • Studies: in principle, all subjects and forms of education can be found.
  • Study and internship cities: Cairo, Cape Town, Kigali, Mombasa, Zanzibar.
  • Internship competencies: patience, perseverance.

Volunteer work in Africa?

  • Volunteer projects: mainly in the social sectors, education, healthcare and animal care.
  • Animal projects: protection of monkeys, elephants, penguins, sea turtles, among others.
  • Features: volunteer work possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Africa?

  • Jobs: temporary work can mainly be found in tourism and healthcare.
  • Work competencies: involvement, empathy, patience, perseverance.

Working as a digital nomad in Africa?

  • Favorite cities and islands: Cairo, Dahab (Egypt), Cape Town, Kigali (Rwanda), Marrakesh, Nairobi, Port Louis (Mauritius), Zanzibar (Tanzania).

Living in Africa?

  • Language: English or French is spoken almost everywhere.
  • Living environment: varies enormously per location, but in general life in some African countries is a bit more adventurous than in most other regions.
  • Care in Africa: ask for advice about insurance policies that provide sufficient coverage for the right care and also repatriation in the event of an emergency.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
Happiness quotes & statements from Africa
Africa: typical African habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies
Africa Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  


Het Limbe Wildlife Centre heeft nu een geweldige promotie. Als je voor 28 februari boekt om vrijwilligerswerk te komen doen in het Limbe Wildlife Centre in Kameroen, ergens in 2019, dan krijg je nu 15% korting!  Voor meer informatie, kijk op


The book Entrepreneurship in Africa, edited by Akinyinka Akinyoade, Ton Dietz and Chibuike Uche, is published in the framework of the collaborative research group Governance, Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Development. It will officially be launched on Monday 14 Ma...


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Recipes from Africa or with a African twist by WorldSupporters - Bundle
Activities abroad: home bundle


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1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


Mensen kunnen je vertellen over de geuren en kleuren van Afrika, over de dankbaarheid en openhartigheid van haar mensen en over een manier van leven die hier bijna ondenkbaar is. Je kunt er over lezen in boeken en je ziet de beelden op tv. Maar het zal nooit hetzelfde zijn als wanneer je dit zelf me...


Wat is albino? Albino´s maken geen pigment aan. Omdat albino’s geen pigment hebben, hebben ze heel lichtblond haar, hele lichtblauwe ogen die rood oplichten als er licht invalt en een hele lichte huid die nooit bruin wordt. Gezonde mensen maken pigment aan onder invloed van UV-licht van ...


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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


Check sectors and organizations related to: 'Africa'

Matoke Tours

Matoke Tours raakt reizigers in het hart met de mooiste reizen door het oosten en zuiden van Afrika. Matoke Tours is een kleinschalige reisorganisatie die gespecialiseerd is in groeps- en individuele reizen in onder andere Oeganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagaskar en Rwanda.

African Travels

African Travels biedt verantwoorde en duurzame reizen aan naar Botswana, Congo, Kenia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius. Mozambique, Namibie, Oeganda Rwanda, Seychellen, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabawe, Zuid-Afrika. African Travels is een Social Enterprise en heeft als doel reizen aan te bie...

Let's Go Africa

Let's Go Africa is een Nederlandse bemiddelingsorganisatie voor stages en vrijwilligerswerk in Afrika. Het doel van de organisatie is om studenten, vrijwilligers en jonge professionals wereldwijd in contact te brengen met lokale projecten en organisaties in Afrika.


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle




1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


Mensen kunnen je vertellen over de geuren en kleuren van Afrika, over de dankbaarheid en openhartigheid van haar mensen en over een manier van leven die hier bijna ondenkbaar is. Je kunt er over lezen in boeken en je ziet de beelden op tv. Maar het zal nooit hetzelfde zijn als wanneer je dit zelf me...

Supporting Content:
Recipes from Africa or with a African twist by WorldSupporters - Bundle
Quotes & statements from around Africa by country and contention (the twelve elements of contentment) - Africa


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