Travel to Iran to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Iran: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Iran?

  • Iran is a very politically troubled country, which makes it more difficult to travel around safely. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful country with incredibly friendly residents. Iran is home to some impressive historical sites like Persepolis, the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, and the impressive mosques and palaces in cities like Isfahan and Shiraz. Iranian culture is also wonderful, with a strong emphasis on hospitality and tradition. Local festivals, markets and traditional music and dance offer a special travel experience.
  • The nature lover can also have a blast here. Iran offers a variety of natural beauty, from the deserts of Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut to the verdant mountains of the Alborz and Zagros chains.
  • The security situation can vary greatly, so it is important to follow current travel advisories and be aware of local conditions. There may be security checks and restrictions. It is helpful to always have your identity documents with you. There are also various rules, such as women must wear a headscarf from the moment they land, and your bank card may not work. 
  • Activity spotting: explore beautiful Tehran; hike in the Alborz Mountains; visit the semi-nomads with a tour group; visit Choga Zanbil; see the Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz; imagine yourself in the ancient Persian empire in Persepolis; walk the bazaar of Esfahan; visit Tehran's museums; taste delicious Iranian cuisine; celebrate the Iranian New Year (Nowruz); relax in a hammam; experience the desert. 
  • Animal spotting: Persian leopard, Iranian brown bear, mouflon, gazelles, Persian eagle, caracara, marble crane, Russian scorpion, Iranian wildcat. 
  • Food spotting: kebab, stews such as ghormeh sabzi, polow (Iranian rice), ash resteh (thick noodle soup), salad shirazi (salad), lavash (flatbread), saffron ice cream, baklava, doogh, chai. 

Studying in Iran?

  • Iran has several universities. These are best known for their programs in chemistry, medicine, engineering and physics. Many foreign students also come to Iran to study the culture and history of the region, learn the language or become better acquainted with diplomacy in the area.
  • It is important to note that women are not allowed to pursue certain studies. So research this carefully if you want to go to Iran to study. 
  • Cities of study: Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, among others. 
  • Language: Farsi. 

Internship in Iran?

  • Internships can range from local companies to international organizations and NGOs. Sectors such as technology, engineering, business, and humanitarian aid are popular. Some educational institutions also offer internships. 
  • Competencies: Persian language skills, cultural understanding and awareness, cross-cultural communication, relationship management, flexibility, patience. 

Doing volunteer work in Iran?

  • In particular, consider volunteering in the fields of education and humanitarian aid. 

Work in Iran?

  • With one of the largest economies in the Middle East, Iran can be an attractive place to look for work. The largest sector for jobs is IT, followed by the oil & gas sector. The latter particularly hires foreign specialists, such as engineers, chemist and and geologists. There are also jobs in agriculture, medicine, law and education. 
  • Just make sure you speak Farsi or Arabic. 

Working as a digital nomad in Iran?

  • A not so well known destination for digital nomads... Still, you can spend a fine time there, enjoying the food and splendor while working occasionally. But beware, the Internet is good, but is highly regulated so many websites are inaccessible and it can be difficult to access your money. 
  • It is also important to behave according to the strict religious and social rules, so not the same digital nomad atmosphere as in Thailand. 
  • Favorite locations: Tehran, Zanjan, Isfahan, Kish Island. 

Living in Iran?

  • Iran is a special place to live. It is a beautiful country, with incredibly friendly people. You will find a growing start-up culture and you can eat delicious food. The salary is quite high while the cost of living is lower than in many European countries, especially in housing, transportation and daily necessities.
  • You will find some international schools in Tehran, otherwise taught in Farsi. 
  • Iran is generally safe for foreigners, although you should keep an eye on the political situation and be careful about sensitive subjects.
  • But... There are strict religious and social rules, such as dress codes (headscarves for women) and separate areas for men and women in some public institutions.
  • Health insurance: Iran offers good health care, especially in urban areas. Hospitals and clinics are modern, with well-trained professionals. But make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.


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Iran Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Iran Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Iran: Updates & Travel
How does healthcare work in Iran, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
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Iran: Updates & Travel


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In Iran friends connect through Instagram, not Facebook

You want to stay in contact with the new friends you encountered during your trip through Iran? Facebook is blocked in Iran, so everyone is connected through Instagram instead. Create your Instagram account before you go to Iran.


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Iran: Updates & Travel
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Silk Road Hotel

Er worden in het Silk Road Hotel 9 sfeervolle kamers aangeboden, met privé badkamers. Voor backpackers is er ook een goedkope gedeelde kamer met 7 bedden en gedeelde badkamer. De algemene ruimtes zijn sfeervol ingericht met een binnenplaatsje met diverse loungebedden. Een voorbeeld van een aa...


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Arrest Sanctieregeling Iran incl. annotatie

HR 14 december 2012, NJB 2013, 64 (Sanctieregeling Iran) Kort De Hoge Raad heeft in dit arrest geoordeeld dat de Nederlandse toepassing van de sanctieregeling tegen Iraanse studenten en wetenschappers onnodig en ten onrechte onderscheid maakt tussen Iraanse en niet-Iraanse onderdanen. De regeling is...


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In Iran friends connect through Instagram, not Facebook

You want to stay in contact with the new friends you encountered during your trip through Iran? Facebook is blocked in Iran, so everyone is connected through Instagram instead. Create your Instagram account before you go to Iran.


Toeristenvisum Je kan online bij de Ambassade van Iran in Den Haag, je visum aanvragen voor Iran. Zoek van tevoren even op wanneer de ambassade precies geopend is, dit is maar een paar uur per dag. Met een toeristenvisum kan je maximaal 30 dagen verblijven, met de optie om te verlengen terwijl...


Join the most inspirational festival of the UK! World-renowned authors, poets, musicians and artists will show the audience their expertise and passionateness. At this festival you can enjoy "the written and spoken word in all its wonderful forms". This year, the main themes will be the Br...

Iran: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Iran?
  • Updates Iran
  • Travel in Iran?

    • A country that you can get to know well on your way to Asia. A country with much more natural beauty, more highlights and more friendly people than you would expect. You will probably be invited several times t...

Safety and insurances in Iran

How does healthcare work in Iran, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Iran, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Iran?

What is the quality of healthcare in Iran?

  • Iran is a country of contrasts, with cities with modern healthcare facilities and villages where mainly herbal remedies are used. The country has one of the most developed healthcare systems in the Middle East, with both public and private healthcare options as well as care from NGOs. The medical infrastructure is modern, and many doctors have been trained abroad.
  • Good healthcare can be found especially in the large cities of Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan.
  • Outside the large cities, healthcare is harder to find and many people depend on visiting a pharmacy.
  • Pharmacies can be found in all cities and villages and the medicines are generally in stock.
  • Call 115 for an ambulance in case of an emergency. Emergency medical care works reasonably well in the cities, but sometimes taking a taxi can be faster.

How does the public healthcare system work in Iran?

  • Healthcare is affordable in public hospitals and clinics, but the quality varies greatly. There are good public hospitals run by the government that provide good care, comparable to private institutions, but waiting times are often long.
  • Iranians are entitled to basic healthcare and often also to medicines and vaccinations. This does not apply to foreigners in Iran. Foreigners can use public institutions at relatively low costs.
  • Foreigners who have an Amayesh card (a temporary residence permit for foreigners, especially refugees) are entitled to public healthcare.

How does the private healthcare system work in Iran?

  • Private healthcare is popular among both locals and expats because of the good quality and shorter waiting times.
  • In general, the doctors are more experienced, because after a few years in public healthcare they switch to private healthcare.
  • The costs for private healthcare are generally much lower than in Western countries. The costs for a standard doctor's visit are around 50 USD. The costs for more complex procedures can run into thousands of USD.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Iran?

  • There are general practitioners in Iran. They must be officially registered with the IRIMC ( Unfortunately, many (family) doctors leave the country or find other jobs, which also results in a shortage of family doctors.
  • It can be useful to ask other expats for advice on a good family doctor. These can usually be found at private clinics.

How is the dentist arranged in Iran?

  • Iran is a popular destination for dental care in the region. The costs of dental care are relatively low.
  • Good clinics can be found in Tehran in particular. Many dentists have completed their training abroad and return with internationally recognized certifications and knowledge of the most modern techniques.
  • English can be a barrier for foreigners who need dental care, but there are several clinics in Tehran in particular where dentists speak fluent English.

How is pregnancy care arranged in Iran?

  • Iran has an extensive healthcare system for pregnant women, and the quality of care is good, especially in private clinics.
  • Prenatal care is good, with scheduled consultations, ultrasounds and various tests. Giving birth in a public hospital is reasonably affordable, but often less comfortable. In private clinics, the costs are higher, but you also get better care and more privacy.
  • Caesarean sections are popular in Iran. In various studies, the percentages range between 26% and 60%, with percentages as high as 87% in private institutions.
  • Expats often choose private hospitals in cities such as Tehran or Shiraz, where the facilities are comparable to Western standards.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Iran?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Iran?

  • The security situation in Iran is highly dependent on the political situation in the region. Although Iran can be relatively safe, with friendly and hospitable people, conflicts in the Middle East create more security risks in the country.
  • There is therefore a risk of terrorist attacks, even in places where many tourists come. It is best to avoid targets of terrorist attacks, such as: embassies, hotels, places of worship, tourist sites, government institutions, military performances and Western companies. You never know, but the situation in Iran can collapse at any moment, due to political tensions.
  • Women in particular can receive unwanted attention. So be careful when traveling alone and try to avoid traveling in the evening.
  • Protests occur regularly. These types of gatherings are dangerous and more and more foreigners are being arrested.
  • Kidnapping of foreigners to ask for ransom occurs.
  • Violent conflicts between gangs, smugglers and terrorists occur on the borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Iran?

  • Iran is not a very unsafe country for expats in terms of health risks, but there are things to keep in mind.
  • For example, air pollution, especially in Tehran, can cause respiratory problems. Sandstorms are also common.
  • There can also be outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria (especially outside the cities in the south and west of the country), but also tick-borne encephalitis (especially in spring, summer and autumn).
  • HIV/AIDS is a risk in the country.
  • There are diseases and parasites that are transmitted through water. It is therefore recommended not to drink tap water and to avoid raw food.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Iran?

  • Driving in Iran is an adventure in itself. It can be fun, but you should be prepared for traffic jams in Tehran and drivers who do not necessarily follow the rules.
  • The roads are reasonably good, except in very remote areas. You are allowed to drive 50 km/h in the cities, 70-110 km/h on the country roads and 120 km/h on the highways.
  • Outside the big cities there is fortunately less traffic, but you still have to be careful! It is important to pay attention at all times, because there are no real rules (or at least, they are not really followed). So it is mainly just a matter of keeping a close eye on what other cars are doing and reacting to it.
  • Honking generally means that someone is coming, or that you have to get out of the way. Do not assume that it means “you can go”.
  • Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in Iran. Driving after drinking is therefore severely punished.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Iran?

  • Is the trip to Iran and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Iran if you are going to live there for a while?

  • Regardless of whether insurance is mandatory for your specific visa application, international health insurance is strongly recommended for Iran. The healthcare in the country is generally excellent, but, especially given the security risks, the costs of private care can quickly add up. Medical evacuation or repatriation may also be necessary in serious cases and people prefer not to pay these costs out of their own pocket.
  • Make sure your insurance covers Iran, medical evacuation and coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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